

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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Secret to be revealed

Grandma!!!!…Good Bye said the Valerie.

The family of Marvin's were quite and stayed calm and took the Valerie into the house. Everything was good in Valerie's life until that moment of saying goodbye to her beloved one. Valerie was 14 when her grandma left everything went upside down after that day.

Valerie was born to A billionaire family she got everything she want except her granny. She is sad and tears were lingering in her eyes yet no one bothered. She became normal after many months that happened because of her best friends Fia and Omar. After that Valerie is quite good, enjoying with her friends, helping all the people and far mostly she is acting quite courageous.

Months passed Even years passed but no sign of Her grandmother Mrs.Oliver… Valerie is 21 Now enjoying by doing parties with her friends and doing her job Everything is Good until the Comeback of Quinn the biggest Rival of Valerie who constantly feels jealous of her fame , kindness and moreover beauty.

Valerie,Fia and Omar was on the dancing floor in a party. Valerie was dancing with someone who worn a mask

Suddenly The Music stopped There is Quinn on the stage and speaking like this "Mr.Lucas it's enough of you now come let's go to another place, oh! Wait is that Valerie " "yes,Mam" said Lyra the secretary. Quinn came to Valerie and said "oh Valerie it's been so long since I do met you, Anyway I am even searching for you because I have something special gift that I want to give you " " what is that" said Valerie

"Let's go to other place said the one with the mask" all of them went to a park….

Oh!my god Valerie its been 1year 2months 3 weeks since you done a public arrival. What a surprise said Quinn. Yes that's true but my fame is more than you even though your on social media but I am not said the Valerie

THUD...….!!!!!!!!!....!!!!!!!!there is a sound suddenly many men came running towards those 6 members.shhh! Said the stranger and sprayed some kind of spray on the friends everyone were unconscious.24 Hours passed

Where am I said Fia slowly everyone woke up and started noticing that they were in a place that was not known to them.oh god what is happening am I in a place where there were monsters ohh I am gonna die said secretary Lyra weeping. You stop Lyra are you mad we don't be in such a place stop thinking all imaginary. Ok fine said Lyra

The doors were opened in the room in which there are. Everyone shocked as they saw the man in black widened coat covering his face with mask.

Good morning angels how are you ?? wait don't answer let me complete my valuable words so firstly you are kidnapped and secondly you need to do me a favour said the masked man. Firstly who are you?? Secondly why you kidnapped us?? Thirdly what help do you need?? Said Omar. The masked man introduced himself as Michael . Wait a minute you worn a mask and even Lucas worn a mask is that mean you both are related said Valerie then immediately Quinn said how dare you to say it to my brother you girl. Brother!!! Lucas is your brother what a!! Said Fia. Yes said Lyra.

Stop this nonsense your kidnapped your not allowed to speak. If you do me a favour your saved if you don't your thrown out of this space ship! Said Michael. Space ship are we in space said all of them In a shock. Yes your in a space and Michael started saying like this you all are trapped don't feel that I am way too funny I am a little bit funny but there is one who is way more and more dangerous than me my boss who is a scientist. Stop saying that all ,Valerie there is a task for you, there is no option but to do as I say ,said a man on a screen. I am not gonna do anything sir just leave us said Valerie. We will leave as soon as possible but just do us a favour I had created a Time Machine.to get the most powerful diamond in the world it is found in the planet of magix. You should go back in time and get me that said that stranger. What you want to use me like a paper that's not fair and why only me?? Because that magix planet queen is your grandmother so you can only get that from her. What is happening my grandmother is not a queen she is normal one and even if she a queen I am not gonna get that diamond from her said Valerie. You need your grandma Back right if soo you should she is under my control now you just go and get it ok we don't have time the correct time for that is in 5 minutes said the stranger. Valerie don't know what to do she is thinking suddenly Lucas and other friends came towards Valerie and said Valerie don't get tense we know how important is your grandma to you so we should take a step forward in it by going in that Time Machine to magix. Yes I too think so ok fine mister stranger we will go to magix to get you that diamond said Valerie. Good choice said Michael. Yes it is you don't know I think so that is your the grand daughter of mrs.Oliver so you too have that power of dragon flame you should know how to use it not only you even your friends also belongs the planet magix so you all need to know it in advance said stranger. What is this a kind of drama I am out of it what kind of things your saying I belonging to Magix oh god I think you lost your mind said Quinn. Stop it just listen you should first go to that planet and next you all should develop your skills and need to get more close to mrs.Oliver make sure you don't say her truth and slowly know about the diamond and get it said stranger. Then Lucas said how come we believe you suppose we will get that diamond and you don't say about Valerie grandma means what then. Believe and trust me and get into the machine said stranger


wait a second what about our cloths I need all of them said Fia and Lyra. Stop the nonsense said Quinn.



oh god what an place full of greenery and even we are able to see the magical and historical creatures dragons said Omar. Ahhhh said Lyra and Quinn. What happened?? Asked Lucas

Our phone is not working there is no signal in here what a terrible situation we are facing Said Quinn. What is this Quinn you are like a small cry cry baby we are not on earth now remember said Valerie. Guys I have a news for you we are surrounded by a group of dragons and some kind of men said Omar. How dare you to enter in our land without any permission your are finished said those men.