


I slowly reach for the last bread that was left in this bakery.

Once I got it I took my leave quickly, hoping to not get caught.

Looking around the city, everything, or so may I say the whole town has been a ghost town.

The monsters in my dream appeared, And I don't even know where they came from..

I've been hiding for weeks maybe 2 or 3, and luckily many goods were left for me to eat.

When I heard that familiar eerie sound again, I immediately hid in the smallest corner of the street I was roaming in, I am the only human left here in this town and no, I think they were looking for me..

I hang my head closing my eyes, trying to calm myself from having a nervous breakdown. I applied the usual gas I'm applying, that way they can never smell my blood.

I held my head peeping from the slightly tall board that covered me when I catch a glimpse of these things, I instantly gripped the bread I am holding, they were all scary as hell. For the past weeks I learned that these demons can't see, but heck their senses are awfully strong. Especially their sense of smell..

Somehow it's scary to think that I roam around this haunted town along with these monsters. I was even surprised to see them multiply, I haven't been in contact with Marian since this tragedy started and I don't know what happened to her. But I hope she's fine.

When I sensed that they were already away from my spot, I freely get out of there and was calm again, but it was replaced by a sudden fear when I accidentally kicked an empty can under my feet, it created a deafening sound. Shit! I didn't saw it..

In an instant the monsters were in my face, they were scary and creepy, and my heart nearly jumped out of my ribcage. They're growling like shit and smelling me, there were two of them. I was on the verge of crying when big arms embrace my waist and pulled me behind.

The man was standing in front of me. His bare back was facing my face, they were toned muscles and scars and tattoos everywhere. His

Hair was brown like shiny and tanned skin..

In short, it was utterly gorgeous. (•ω•)

" Stand back I'll handle this.." it was a few words but I definitely understand what he wants me to do. I slowly step backwards and let him do the honor.

I carefully watched him fight the two monsters effortlessly, but what I am shocked is, he has something in his hands, no the light from his hand..

His reflexes were super fast, my eyes couldn't even follow his movements. That is not how a human should move. He is so strong..

The monster tries to get a hold of him with its bare hands but he is so fast that I thought he was flash. Heck..

When he got his stance the light from his hands appeared again and it was bigger this time, I thought that light came from the sun, but I was wrong it was from his freaking hands!

My breath nearly went away when the monster screamed in agony, the man's hand was placed on the monster's forehead..

And in an instant, the monster vanished into thin air leaving the man unharmed. He didn't even sweat it. The other monster seemed to be frightened, so it ran away in a flash. Leaving the both of us in silence.

I am confused and freaking scared at the same time, what is he?.. I knew he helped me but, I felt danger if ever I cooperate with him. So I ran away too. He is danger. Yeah, a danger.

" hey wait up!! " I halted when I heard him shout.

" Are you-

" don't! Don't come near me! " I didn't let him finish his sentence as I cut him off. I was trembling in fear, the light from his eyes was still visible and it gives me chills.

He stopped walking and stared at me.

" Hey, you can trust me! I came to help you escape. I know it's too complicated for you to understand, but let me help you.." His words were clear. But I don't seem to understand what he's talking bout..

" how can I trust you? You with that freaking light from your hands.. You're not a human...What are you? " My hands were trembling, as I nervously pulled my small katana from my pocket. I've been keeping this for a long time, my mum gave it to me before she left this world.

" I'll tell you, but first you have to put down your guard Avena. I promise I won't hurt you." My eyes widened in fear..

" You! you even know my name." I hiss.

" Of course, I knew you, look if you really wanna know why I am here and why I saved your ass put your weapon down. Or I'll put it down myself. " he spat in anger..

Without a second thought, I slowly put the katana down. I took a deep breath before looking straight into his eyes.

" OK, but you need to explain everything to me.. " I told him my conditions, and finally agreed to his words.

" Follow me.." He turned away and walked without waiting for me. I hope I made the right choice..


He slowly thrust the wet brush into the stained canvass. It's psychotic, and fresh blood from a human slave. A smile slowly crept from his lips, he was glad that a new painting is about to be born.

It's the latest painting he has ever finished, the 900,000th piece to be exact.

When he was finished he stared at it, and admired it, the woman on the canvas was the masterpiece, and anyone who would lay a finger on it shall surely die.

Not long he heard a soft knock from the doorway, he immediately calmed


" come in.. " the man said still facing his masterpiece..

" Your majesty, the King of Harlem joined the hunt. " his butler spat. He halted his pace and smirked.

Semyon again..

" Let him, I just want the girl, I just want my bride.." it was a few words but the servant knew what he wants.

If that bastard hinds his plans again, he will give him no mercy this time.

When the servant left with his words he finished his work, he was swaying his brush slowly, back and forth, yeah that metallic smell of the paint soothes his soul and makes a way to make him smile.

This is his happiness..

Once he is finished he left his activity room to visit his navigators, they all gave a bow when he entered the room.

" how's it going? " he asks one of them.

" It's getting complicated your highness, now that the king of Harlem has interfered. " the gnome speaks.

" make sure to get through his guards, and get the girl. " he stared at the hologram, the girl appears to be scared and about to cry. He may not say it out loud but somewhere in his heart, something brushed his heart to soften when he saw her, all alone out there.

"I know that you are confused and lost this time, but I'll be sure to get you home, with me, with my palace, love..

Just a little patience.."

He scanned the girl's beauty, starting off with her face, proud brows, small pointed nose, cherry-like lips, and long black hair cascading down to her back, and indeed it was an indescribable thing to describe. He can't wait to hold her, and kiss her, he waited for her for ages, centuries, and millennia now he won't waste another chance and grab it this time.

Even if it's Harlem again.

"Don't fail me, people.. You all know what will happen to you if you do," he warned making the people in that room still in fear.

He glared at them before he walked away.

He gracefully glided the corridors and hallways as he makes his way to his chamber, when he reached his abode, he faced the mirror and slowly took off his clothes, he stared at every part of it and closed his eyes, seeing his woman from that damn hologram gives him an undesirable heat. He needs to cool down. He has a tanned complexion and a well-toned body, he knows he is sexy and gorgeous, whipping scars are visible on his chest, and bladed chains left scars in his abdomen too.

He is thankful to that hag who tortured him, who made him feel the pain, the suffering, and hell, now he is addicted to pain, his happiness is seeing someone else suffer, cry in agony, kill and kill.

But when he saw that woman suffer, he felt the pain, she doesn't deserve any of these shits,

So he must get her in no time.

Just wait, my Love..


" so you're telling me that I am the missing elemental goddess in your world, Why? Why me? Why now? I mean I'm just an ordinary woman, I have no supernatural powers." I just shrugged with a confused tone.

" I told you what I know. " (the man lied, there was still more, but he just couldn't tell it for now.)

" yeah you told me but I still don't get it. Why are these freaking monsters trying to kill me? Did I do something wrong to make them so savage? " I mumbled..

" Yes! because they want you dead!! And when you're dead they will rule our world and win the battle, we can't let that happen. Avena listen to me!.." he gripped my shoulders and bore into my eyes, I felt my chest racing when I made a contact with that hazel eyes.

" I may sound bizarre to you but believe me We have to stick together, I'll protect you, I won't let those monsters kill you, so no matter what happens be with me. When we reach Andromeda you will understand everything that I told you is real. You can trust me, Avena.. You can.." I felt the sincerity in his voice.

So I took a deep breath and slowly trust his words. " OK." after that I sat on the ground and hugged my knees. I didn't even notice the night approaching, we'll stay in this abandoned building just for tonight,

" take your rest, tomorrow we start our journey to find the portal to Andromeda.." he stated and close his eyes while facing the starry night outside.

I covered myself with the fabric, good enough to warm me in my sleep. We didn't make a fire because those monsters are fire enthusiasts, hell kiddos, what can I expect? You know demons.

" so you're really not from earth? " I Ask out of the blue.

" no.. I'm from dimension Andromeda so I am an alien here.. I guess. "

" It's really confusing to see a handsome alien..dang. " I murmured, coz I can never deny that he has nice and pleasing features.

After that he didn't say anything so might as well shut my mouth too. My eyes became drowsy, and slowly drifted off to sleep afterward, and everything went black.

I just hope this is only a nightmare that I could wake up..

But reality hit me when a ray of sunshine pierced into my eyes, I don't wanna open my eyes, because when I open these, I hope to wake up in my room, and there's no problem... Just work..

" hey wake up sleepy head.. " I heard a baritone whisper, so I immediately opened my eyes...

I look around it was daylight, still the same town I roam. So this is not a dream, it's a pure nightmare.

" here.. " the man gave me a weapon, it was a bow and arrow, it has a round gold ring on it.

" use that to protect yourself from danger. " I felt butterflies in my stomach, I just.. He's so thoughtful.. But the thing is how do you even use these? I looked at the bow and arrows. Well, I'll just figure out something else..

" OK, I'll try.. " I hung it on my shoulders and followed him to the building's opening..

We went through the staircase, it was silent but deadly, we will never know where those monsters will appear...

We started off the journey, just the two of us figuring out how to get out of Evergreen City.

He helps me a lot, never makes me hungry, and protects me..

Weeks passed and we still stick together, and little by little my feelings started to grow too.. I just don't know how to confess it to him.

The man angrily threw the luxury sofa and gold cabinets into the marble floor, leaving the poor and frightened maids and butlers. Anger was eating him like shit.

" your majesty please forgive me! " the servant cried in agony. But still, everyone around him is silent.

" You know what I said! " marahas na hinugot nito Ang espada at itinutok yun sa leeg ng nakadapang alipin.

" I gave you a week to find the girl and get her but you can't!, haven't you remembered that I hate a f*cking delay, especially in this mission?" the King's deep voice echoed inside the navigating room. He was so mad.

" please please your majesty give me ano-" He didn't let the man say another word and slit his throat instantly, letting a plenty amount of blood spill on the floor.

Huh, a second chance? Your asking for a second chance when I haven't experienced one?

Every people in that room was scared, frightened that they may be the next one to die.

Knowing the king of Valentine is heartless, brutal, and ruthless, in the eyes of many he is the villain, a villain that should be exterminated.

He scanned the people.

"Roman," he called for his best warrior. the man came as fast as he can to the standing king.

" your majesty. "

" I'm giving you the mission. Don't fail me this time, I'm trusting you.. Bring the best of the best huntsman we have.." the king ordered.

" my pleasure your highness. " after speaking those words the man left the room.

"Bury this filthy body.." he is now sitting on his throne and his palms resting on his face, he mustn't face his bride in that place, he can't leave Valentine for a while, the reasoning behind the enemies attack inside and out.

He was sure that it wasn't from the Kingdom of Harlem, but something he is not familiar with. Maybe from another kingdom.

The dead body was tucked out from the throne room where he rests, and was buried in the cemetery..

He doesn't mind if his sword is filled with innocent blood, he likes it though. He didn't stay there for too long..

Soon as he cleared his mind, he went to the bay to check the ships that were newly made.

Warships to be exact. He is preparing for the battle with pirates and many more..

He remembered his wife's homeland.

"Rendo..how is Elementa? " he asked his acquaintance..

"No problem so far my Lord.. " the man said, and the King only gave him a nod.

Since his Avena has disappeared in Andromeda and was born human in the human world.. The magical balance of Andromeda has been long gone. He notices bit by bit that every element that roamed this world is slowly becoming selfish, greedy, and deceitful. And it is starting in him, he can't help but thirst for more power, and blood. Without her, everything in this world will fall into chaos and war. Somehow he wants peace, because going through countless fights and wars is kinda tiring, and his people can never cope with the trauma and damage.

All elements will clash and fight until the last one stands. Somewhere deep in his heart, he doesn't really want this, what he wants is to live and love normally, but maybe destiny has tricked his path, and given him this one.

Whenever he passes through the village roads and markets, everyone recognizes his frightening aura, so they bow their heads low facing the grounds.

His mind wandered back to where his bride was, he is now doubting his servants, he can't let Simyon win this time, and If Ramon fails this time again he has no choice but to get his wife himself and face the King of Harlem, Semyon.

The ships were marvelous, the designs were made from gold and silver, and fine strong woods that only Valentine produce..

His kingdom is known as the Dark Haven, and the place of suffering and grimace to many fools. Still, they have the most high-quality weapons, the most durable, the biggest warships, the biggest canyons, and the best warriors in history. Their land was chosen to be the dark element inhabitants, him, so they were to grieve on grimace just like him, that was how Valentine live through generations, unlike Harlem, it was a kingdom where many people dreamed of going, but only the blessed were allowed. It stands in the sky and is full of bright and wonderful things. Unlike his place, even his bride wouldn't choose him.

He just hopes that the woman his waiting for is the one to break this curse in him and seal it until it doesn't bother Andromeda anymore.

His destined wife is the only one who can break his curse and everything, and keep his dark heart in her hands, but it's making him more impatience, now that Harlem has intervened in his business. What does he what this time? It must've been his wife, like what happened in the past.


" here.. " he speaks as he hands me the water bottle, I reached for it and cracked a small smile to express my gratitude

"Thank you.. "

We're in the middle of Evergreen forest and it's been almost a week since I met him, his name is Ralph. And I must say I like him. He is caring and protective and all of the rest. He told me, that behind all of these events are doings of the King of Valentine.

"Ralph.. What do you do for a living?... Aside from being an assassin?" I asked.

He paused for a moment. "hmm I am the king's right hand I do his errands.." he shortly replied and smiled ..

" oh.. So he ordered you to get me out of here? " after asking that question he quietly looked at me, my heart thumping as our eyes met, the fvck!!!

What's going on.?

" I told you, you will know everything about you when we get to Andromeda.." he spoke in a serious tone, making a little alarmed. Why? Did I say something wrong? His mood suddenly changed when I asked about his life, Is he hiding something from me? He doesn't seem to like my question. Is something wrong with it?

Well of course he does, I mean we only met for a week and we're not that close with each other yet, but I just wanna ask..

" Sorry.." my words

"you're not sorry I'm just moody, don't apologize.." he apologized...

Afterward, I didn't speak anymore, I just gave him a nod. We continued to walk until we reached the heart of the forest. I knew it because I have been toured here before. I'm not surprised if the people here had disappeared, demons roamed everywhere..

After walking for some time, a big ole tree stood in front of us.

" what are we going to do here? " I slowly asked.

" This is where we cross the borders of Milkyway and Andromeda, don't make a sound it's just quick.. " even though I am confused as hell at nodded at Ralph's voice and let him do his job.

I watched him circle his both hands forming a bright light, that almost blinded my sight.. Not long a liquid-like door appeared in front of us.

I was In awe and appreciated its crystal-like color...

I almost jumped when someone grabbed my hand, and I freaked out at what I saw.!! My heart started to race as crazy as it can go. Soon my body can't move anymore..

It was not .. It was not Ralph that was holding my wrist, but a demon. And a man was standing beside the creature intently looking at me. I can hear the sound of my heart beating, I am losing the air in my lungs, unable to speak.

I heard Ralph shouting my name then afterward the sound of clashing swords, grunts, and demons growl, but my eyes are slowly shutting down even if I don't want to, and next was pitched black...

Ralph.....save me..

Hoaaaaaaaaaoooooooyyyyyyy so much for chapter 1 Hihi

What do you think will happen next, will Ralph save Avena?
