
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantasy
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55 Chs

First Hunt

With every movement, I exuded an aura of ferocity and anticipation, a wyrmling of eagerness. My presence in the cave spoke of independence and readiness, having absorbed crucial knowledge and instincts from my mother even before hatching. I was solitary by nature, though I will certainly obtain many servants who listen to all my whims and desires, but that was all in the future, first I had to survive and grow stronger.

As I took my first steps outside the abandoned nest, the forest beckoned with its promise of challenges and prey. I was ready, my senses alert and my instincts sharp. Each hunt would bring me closer to fulfilling my destiny—to become the most powerful existence the world had ever known..

I stretched for the first time, catching the air and filling my lungs with the scents of the world. I had been born into an existence that promised power and conquest, a life destined to be carved from the essence of others.

My mother was nowhere to be seen. She had abandoned me, as I knew she would. It was the best way for me to grow strong and into my own person. Her absence was a part of my training, a lesson in self-reliance. I was a predator from birth, and I would need to learn to survive on my own.

With the knowledge she had given me, I knew what to do. I needed to find my first meal, something to satiate my hunger and fuel my growth. A deer would do, for now. Their scent was unmistakable, a mix of earth and life that called to my predatory instincts.

And so, with wings unfurled and eyes gleaming with determination, I, Valdrakar Nemesis, ventured forth into the world, a newborn wyrmling devouring dragon poised to carve my name into the annals of history with tooth, claw, and the consuming hunger that defined my breed

As I emerged from the abandoned nest cave, the brightness of the outside world greeted me with a stark contrast to the darkness I had known. The cave, once a sanctuary of warmth and protection, now felt empty and devoid of life, its walls slick with moisture and the remnants of my shattered eggshell scattered across the floor. There was no trace of my mother's scent, as if she had never been there at all. She had left me long ago, or perhaps possessed abilities to conceal her presence from me.

Stepping cautiously into the sunlight, I felt a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. My wings twitched nervously against my sides, eager to spread and test the skies above. The forest stretched out before me, a mosaic of sunlight filtering through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

My first task loomed ahead—hunting. I knew from my mother's teachings that I needed to feed and grow stronger. Soon I found a deer which grazed in a sunlit clearing not far ahead, its head occasionally lifting to sniff the air. I moved stealthily through the underbrush, my scales blending with the shadows. My keen eyes locked onto the deer, calculating the distance and planning my approach.

But in my eagerness to prove myself, I made a mistake. A twig snapped loudly under my clawed foot as I stepped forward, the sound echoing through the quiet forest. The deer's head jerked up, its ears twitching in alarm as it caught a glimpse of my form.

With a startled snort, the deer bolted, its powerful legs carrying it swiftly away before I could even spread my wings to give chase. Frustration welled up within me as I watched the deer disappear into the dense foliage. My first hunt had ended in failure.

"Grr!" I couldn't help but growl at myself.

Disappointment mingled with determination as I realized the gravity of my mistake. I needed to be more patient, more cautious in my approach. The forest was not just a playground but a realm of survival where mistakes could cost me dearly. If I don't find a meal soon enough I will not be long for this World. Time was not on my side.

Regaining my composure, I refocused my attention to find easier and smaller prey—which I soon managed to do, my eyes were observing a rabbit darting among the ferns nearby. I crouched low, my muscles coiled with precision, and I waited. This time, I moved slowly and and in absolute silence, my scales seeming to absorb the dappled sunlight, rendering me almost invisible among the foliage.

The rabbit continued to nibble on tender shoots, unaware of the predator closing in. I anticipated its movements, ready to strike at the right moment. With a sudden burst of speed, I pounced. My claws sank into the rabbit's soft fur, and I swiftly snapped its neck with a quick, decisive bite.

The rabbit went limp in my grasp, a small victory but a crucial one. I examined my catch with a sense of pride swelling within me. The taste of success was sweet, even in the form of a weak prey. I knew this was just the beginning, a good lesson learned in humility and perseverance.

As I devoured the rabbit, I felt the surge of strength that came with feeding. Each bite fueled my growth, bringing me closer to my ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful being in existence. The forest echoed with the sounds of life around me, a reminder that I was now a part of this intricate web of predator and prey.

With the lessons of my first hunt etched into my mind, I knew that my journey was only beginning. The world awaited me with its challenges and dangers, but I was determined to conquer them all. I spread my wings and took flight for the first time, the wind beneath my scales carrying me higher into the sky.

I was Valdrakar Nemesis, armed with the knowledge of my lineage and the instincts of a predator. My journey had just begun. For now, I needed to be cautious. The world was filled with dangers, and I was still a wyrmling, small and vulnerable. I would need to grow, to become stronger before I could challenge dragons. They were my prime prey, the source of my greatest power, but they were also my greatest threat.

I moved through the forest, my senses alert for any sign of danger. I knew to avoid humanoid settlements for now. They were unpredictable and often dangerous. My mother's knowledge had taught me that they would not hesitate to attack a young dragon if given the chance. I would need to grow stronger before I could confront them.

For now, my path was clear. I would hunt, I would grow, and I would learn. Each kill would make me stronger, each battle would hone my skills. I would become the predator my mother had prepared me to be. 

The forest was my home for now, a place filled with prey and danger. I would need to be vigilant, to avoid the traps and the hunters that roamed these lands. But I was not afraid. I was Valdrakar Nemesis, a devouring dragon, and I would carve my path with fangs and claws.


[Author: the novel begins with a dozen or so chapters of MC growing stronger, exploring the area, his abilities and the way the world works. After the initial chapters the world starts opening up, a lot more character interactions happen and soon the good stuff as well... All that is to say, don't drop the novel just because it initially it seems like some power leveling story. It's a lot more than that.]