

Vain, a new otome game pushed into the public, marketed a new type of experience. A self changing game with all decisions made by the player. Quests are unlocked by actions of the player, and the actions of the player, itself, are unlimited. Players are to type their own speech, dictate their own actions. Which in turn leaves the effect of the players actions unlimited. No endings are alike. No heroine are alike. All characters can change.

milordd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs


The first person that caught Kira's eyes when she entered the library was the elegant and calm girl that she had once seen a month ago. She had remembered her so vividly since there was something to her that was so unique and even without knowing her or her name. She really admired the girl, but the girl was only someone that she could idolize. She wanted to have such a commanding aura, even if it was just to keep people away from her. But her aura as it was now was nonexistent, even if she had a temper, it wouldn't be able to imitate anyone, no matter how hard she wished it to.