

Vain, a new otome game pushed into the public, marketed a new type of experience. A self changing game with all decisions made by the player. Quests are unlocked by actions of the player, and the actions of the player, itself, are unlimited. Players are to type their own speech, dictate their own actions. Which in turn leaves the effect of the players actions unlimited. No endings are alike. No heroine are alike. All characters can change.

milordd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Despairing Thoughts

After her interaction with Kira, Aileene was rather happy with that kind of conclusion, she was able to talk to Kira and get closer to her whilst at the same time she was also able to help in an academy event. Which she looked forward to, in the few days that had already passed, she continued on with her life. But she was surprised she finds that so many little things could make her satisfied with her life. The soft snow, the music room in the academy, Lucian's smile, her letters from Alastair and so so much more.