

The return of humanity's worst nightmare after 1000 years. If you want to help with the translation just write.

luevin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Episode 3

On the wooded side away from the Loredan mansion, 3 people could be seen on a tree.

The eyes of these 3 people with red, green and blue hair were completely still. Even his heartbeats were beating in the same rhythm.

It would be easy to ignore them if their presence was not so obvious.

All three of them disappeared at the same time after doubts about their existence.

Duke Loredan was sitting on an old chair in a dark and utterly silent room.

He was in such a state of thinking that he could feel and hear the blood flow in his veins with the silence of the room.

While he was so immersed in nothingness, this sacred silence around was broken.

His strong perception was that foreigners had infiltrated the mansion.

Confidently, she stood up and let her feelings rule her.

He wasn't in a good mood right now, and further deterioration was perhaps the last thing he wanted.

His steps quickened when he noticed the room the intruders were headed for. Whoever these people were, they were stepping on their biggest wounds.


"Let's get the kid and let's get out of here, I don't like very rich places"

"Haha I think you're scared, what happened, weren't you the one who wanted to experience the Duke's power first hand?"


''We know''

With the warning of the red-haired person, the other two people stopped their idle talk and focused on one point.

A tall and muscular man was walking towards them.

His bluish hair from the depths of the night was messy, but he had not lost any of his aristocratic, noble impression.


One of the three looked at this charisma with disgust.

His eyes were perhaps the most striking part of his being. While his right eye is completely dark, almost like a representation of nothingness. In his other eye, he could see a red halo formed out of that darkness. Maybe that red was a drop of the blood of every enemy he killed.

No matter how strong you were in the face of the duke, you felt a sense of submission against those vicious eyes.

And the trio couldn't get rid of that feeling, even for a moment.

They suddenly wanted to abandon their aims and ideologies and surrender. After all, there was nothing they could do against the omnipotent.

"Collect yourself."

The red-haired person regained consciousness and immediately warned the other two.

With their recovery, the war had officially begun, and there was no point in talking too much for people at this level.

The Duke activated his totally overbearing raiding power, quickening his steps, and a dark blue mana appeared around him.

After mana manifested, he revealed himself, looking like a terrifying beast, perhaps the kind of beast that would be your worst nightmare.

With the duke taking the lead, the mana of the others began to emerge, but unlike Loredan's singularity, the powers of the opponents were fully adapted to each other.

Red, green and blue color mana came together with each other.

The duke drew his sword and sent a horizontal slash with his sword, which was equipped with mana.

His blow was really fast and powerful, but the people in front of him didn't seem to be inferior.

They all dodge the Duke's blow by jumping in different directions,

They stepped forward to approach the great beast.

And a short struggle ensued.

The duke was taking sword blows from 3 sides and trying to stop them all.

Noticing that cuts were starting to pile up on his body, the duke took a step back.

A grin spread across his mouth as the others began to follow him.

After all, these people were fighting him in their own dump.

Alarms began to sound throughout the mansion after the duke slapped something with his sword.

Knowing they were open, the trio wanted to get the job done in less time.

"You take the child, we two are enough for the big man."


The red-haired one left to continue his duties.

''It is not that easy.''

The moment they realized that they were attempting to leave, the Duke approached the red with extraordinary speed and struck a solid blow.


He was knocked to the ground by the impact, perhaps not dead, but all his breathing stopped for a moment. It was a force that shook his body so much.