
V for Vampire

A human reborn as a vampire in the Marvel Universe. No harem — I don’t write harem stories. I aim to create a compelling narrative.... All original characters and the story itself are my own creations. --- Upcoming: ###VFV: Mutant War - I ###VFV: Mutant War - II ###D for Draculonium ###Draculonium: Rebirth ###V:1999 Universe ###V: Extinction ###VFV: DM ###R for Rebirth: Do or Die ###R for Rebirth: SFS ###E for Eternal Shadows ###Eternal Shadows: Darkness ###M for Multiverse ###Dark Vs Evil ###Dark Vs Evil: Retribution ###????:??? ?? ??? --- Title: "Eternal Shadows" In the heart of the Marvel universe, a once-human soul awakens to an existence forever changed. Reborn as a vampire, Dr. Evelyn Hartmann grapples with newfound immortality, thirst for blood, and the weight of her past. As she navigates this shadowed existence, she discovers a hidden society of supernatural beings, each with their own secrets and agendas. Haunted by memories of her former life, Evelyn seeks answers about her transformation. Alongside enigmatic allies—a brooding werewolf detective and a centuries-old sorceress—she unravels a web of ancient prophecies, forbidden alliances, and cosmic threats. Their quest leads them from the neon-lit streets of New York City to mystical realms beyond imagination. But darkness looms. A malevolent force, hungry for dominion over both mortal and supernatural realms, threatens to plunge the universe into eternal night. As Evelyn grapples with her dual nature, she must confront her deepest fears and forge alliances that defy tradition. In "Eternal Shadows," loyalty, sacrifice, and forbidden love collide. Can Evelyn find redemption in her cursed existence? Or will she become the very darkness she fights against? --- Please read only up to "Daily Life - 4" if you're an existing reader. New readers, you may also want to stop there if you prefer not to develop any negative feelings toward the author: V.

valient_vicky · Anime & Comics
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The carriage was travelling for 10-15 minutes through the forest after entering the main gate of the Williams land. Finally, a big gate for entering the mansion can be seen.

Carriage Anna and Victor entered the gates of the newly finished mansion but it looked like a castle than a mansion like the Dracula castle. Anna was surprised to see the massive white mansion and gardens.

Anna wanted to ask if it a mansion or castle. Victor knowing what she is going to ask said "This building plan is like a castle. So, it is a castle. The forest we travelled to for 15 minutes after entering the gate is also the land of William. He just bought as much he could. You will get used to it. We have another castle like this in Meng nation also. William is known for spending money lavishly like that. So, you will get used to it after some time.

The carriage stopped in front of the main door of the castle. Victor and Anna came out of the carriages. Servants of the castle are waiting for the arrival of Victor, William and Meng Tian. But when Anna with Victor in a wedding dress they were shocked. Because Victor went to attend a wedding but returned with a wife.

Victor bluntly said "I got married today to Anna today. William and Tian will come within another 5 or 6 minutes. Also, move her luggage's to my room and I help her in arranging its closet. Hearing this Anna can only blush."

Head maid replied, "Yes, young master". Then to Anna "Young lady please come with us."

Anna can only go with the head maid according to Victor's arrangement. When Anna entered the castle she saw a massive living room, and it new to her who lived in the old-fashioned house. The living rooms have massive glass window with white curtains that allows natural light to enter. Furniture, coffee table, rug, curtains, candles, throws, artwork in the living room made it look modern and spacious. Without standing there she moved towards Victor room while the head maid explained all the rooms and facilities on the way to Victor's bedroom. When they reached Victor's bedroom only Anna stayed in the room while the maids left the luggage's in the room. Then left the room of Victor and maids waited outside the room.

Anna asked why they seem reluctant to enter Victor's bedroom. Head maid replied "Young master Victor don't allow anyone to enter his room even for cleaning except Master William and Master Meng Tian. YM Victor usually cleans his own room and all other things on his own."

Anna replied "Oh, thanks for saying that. You can leave for now." Head maid said, "Please excuse us madam we will come if you just sound this bell."

After the maids left Anna started exploring Victor bedroom. The window is of glasses and metals. The room was very big as her old living room is her house. The bedroom has an attached modern bathroom and a long white closet.

After exploring for sometimes Anna started opening her luggage on her own, it took some time to place them in the empty spaces in the long closet. She also changed from the wedding gown to her new clothes. When she finished arranging her clothes, she heard the sound of the door opening. When looked, Anna saw Victor with a bare body wearing only pants coming into the room eating peach fruit. Victor went swimming in the swimming pool in the backyard of the castle. Anna can only blush to see this.

Victor saw Anna's luggage and her in the closet. He moved to the closet and started wearing a white shirt. He looked towards Anna and spoke.

Victor – You should have waited for me to help you move this.

Anna – It's okay. I was bored and start doing this.

Victor – Oh, then I will help you move the luggage to the closet.

Victor moved the luggage to the closet within a second. Then, helped her to move things out of the bags to the closet. It took them an hour to finish arranging all of it. Then they walked to the dining hall to have dinner with William and Meng Tian. To celebrate the wedding today they had a lot of varieties of food and Desserts. The four had a good talk for an hour in the living room before returning to their rooms. Anna after entering the bedroom had to remove all the accessories. Victor changed into pyjama while bringing another one of his not used pyjamas for Anna. She changed into it but it was a little bigger in size. Victor can only laugh seeing that oversized pyjamas and Anna. Anna went into bed, while went to turn off the oil lamp before returning to bed. Victor hugged Anna and both of them went to sleep.

Victor forgot about the system notification on his busy day. But some changes happening while he is sleeping.

Blood Titan system notification: Ceremony will initialize in 10 sec, 9, 8, …., 1, 0.

Blood Titan system notification: Ceremony will be initializing. Host wife will attain evolution.

Golden and green coloured light started to flow into Anna who was sleeping. But Victor got out of sleep and saw this wonder. He looked at the system notification.

Blood Titan system notification: Ceremony completed.

Blood Titan system notification: Host wife – Anna attained divinity – Goddess of life and creation of shadow galaxy.

Blood Titan system notification: Host Wife - Anna will become part of the host. Shadow galaxy is evolving.

Blood Titan system notification: Shadow galaxy evolved into Shadow universe.

New changes came to the shadow universe shadow galaxy which was death itself started dividing. Shadow world and its moon evolved from a planet to a new realm. Now the Shadow galaxy has three realms: Heaven, hell and the mortal world. The planets in the shadow universe which was barren started to grow new lives and new planets, galaxies started to appear. The two statues in the planets of the shadow galaxy started to change with a new statue of Anna appearing near the Victors statue. An entire civilization which was also transported to the future when Victor was punished and transported to the future started to get alert because of the announcement of the system they heard after the years.

Blood Titan system notification: The host and his wife have successfully evolved to a celestial level of this universe.

Blood Titan system notification: Host will be a supreme being in Shadow universe, Host wife – Supreme mother of Shadow universe.

Blood Titan system notification: System evolving from Blood Titan system to System of Shadow Universe.

Shadow Universe system: Evolution complete.



A/N: I gave the hint in an earlier chapter that his wife will be his equal, not his subordinate. You should have guessed it. See you later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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