
V for Vampire

A human reborn as a vampire in the Marvel Universe. No harem — I don’t write harem stories. I aim to create a compelling narrative.... All original characters and the story itself are my own creations. --- Upcoming: ###VFV: Mutant War - I ###VFV: Mutant War - II ###D for Draculonium ###Draculonium: Rebirth ###V:1999 Universe ###V: Extinction ###VFV: DM ###R for Rebirth: Do or Die ###R for Rebirth: SFS ###E for Eternal Shadows ###Eternal Shadows: Darkness ###M for Multiverse ###Dark Vs Evil ###Dark Vs Evil: Retribution ###????:??? ?? ??? --- Title: "Eternal Shadows" In the heart of the Marvel universe, a once-human soul awakens to an existence forever changed. Reborn as a vampire, Dr. Evelyn Hartmann grapples with newfound immortality, thirst for blood, and the weight of her past. As she navigates this shadowed existence, she discovers a hidden society of supernatural beings, each with their own secrets and agendas. Haunted by memories of her former life, Evelyn seeks answers about her transformation. Alongside enigmatic allies—a brooding werewolf detective and a centuries-old sorceress—she unravels a web of ancient prophecies, forbidden alliances, and cosmic threats. Their quest leads them from the neon-lit streets of New York City to mystical realms beyond imagination. But darkness looms. A malevolent force, hungry for dominion over both mortal and supernatural realms, threatens to plunge the universe into eternal night. As Evelyn grapples with her dual nature, she must confront her deepest fears and forge alliances that defy tradition. In "Eternal Shadows," loyalty, sacrifice, and forbidden love collide. Can Evelyn find redemption in her cursed existence? Or will she become the very darkness she fights against? --- Please read only up to "Daily Life - 4" if you're an existing reader. New readers, you may also want to stop there if you prefer not to develop any negative feelings toward the author: V.

valient_vicky · Anime & Comics
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Daily life - 8

Emperor – Meng Tian (POV)

I clenched my fists, my knuckles whitening as I paced back and forth in the imperial study. The insolence of those lowly ministers! How dare they question my authority, my decisions? My bond with William and Victor, two of the few people who truly understand the burdens of leadership, has been a source of strength during this trying time. For a week, I've had the rare pleasure of companionship, free from the constraints of my title. But in the royal court, those vultures dared to suggest that my friendship with William made me forget my duties as emperor.

For three days, I held my tongue, letting their venomous words wash over me, biting back the urge to unleash the new power coursing through my veins. How ironic that they should chastise me for something as human as friendship. I, the Emperor, may sit upon the Dragon Throne, but I am no stone. I feel. I hurt. And now, with the gift of Victor's bloodline, I am more than human. I am Dracula, a name that Victor explained with a gravity that resonated deep within me.

I can barely contain the fury simmering beneath my skin. My senses, sharpened beyond what I ever thought possible, pick up the slightest tremor in their voices, the accelerated beats of their traitorous hearts. Before, I had only suspicions; now, I have certainty. These men, who once swore fealty, have been plotting behind my back. I could have killed them all where they stood, ripped their throats out with my bare hands, and reveled in the blood, but I refrained. Not for their sake, but for the few loyal ministers who still believe in me and the dynasty.

Instead, I sent my shadow soldiers to gather evidence of their corruption. My loyal captain of the shadow guard, a man whose devotion humbles me, insisted on staying by my side, even though I no longer need protection. Still, I allowed it, touched by his unwavering loyalty. When I compare him to those treacherous ministers, I almost weep. His sincerity is a rare jewel in a court full of snakes.

But the more I think about it, the more I realize that this power, as intoxicating as it is, must be wielded with caution. My sons—those immature, power-hungry brats—would never understand the delicate balance required to rule effectively. They would misuse the strength of the shadow vampires, plunging the dynasty into chaos. I have decided that the shadow guards must remain human in the future, loyal only to the emperor, never to be passed down as a tool for political games.

William has been invaluable during this time. He and Victor have brought a measure of stability to my rule that I could never have achieved alone. William's relentless eradication of the bandits that plagued my lands is something I can never repay. My own army, fractured by the influence of corrupt generals and noble families, was unable to deal with the bandit problem effectively. But William, with his formidable abilities and the backing of Victor's shadow army, swept them away as if they were nothing.

I was stunned when William revealed the extent of Victor's power—100,000 soldiers hidden in his shadow, commanded by a child of only four years. The thought is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. With such strength, Victor could easily conquer nations, but his desires lie elsewhere. He seeks peace, a quiet life away from the chaos of empires and wars. This is evident in his actions and his words, which, though few, carry the weight of an eternal ruler.

As I sit here, reflecting on the past year, I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all. My father, a man consumed by greed and pride, would have never imagined that his son would one day rule with such power. He would have been terrified, I think, to see the monster I've become—or the monster he would have called me, if he had lived to see it. My rebellion against him was not only a fight for the throne but a fight to rebuild this dynasty from the ground up. Yet, despite all my efforts, I lost control over my empire in a single week, poisoned by a mere maid under the orders of Queen Lu Zhi.

That woman—Lu Zhi—is the root of much of my misery. With her father, General Lu Su, and the support of the Imperial Mother, she handed control of the entire army to the Lu family while I lay dying. She is a viper, as is her son, the First Prince, that demon who was once the crown prince. It's no wonder the other princes and princesses have divided into factions, each vying for the throne.

I used to think that I would die without ever regaining control of my dynasty. That was before I met William, before I knew of Victor. When I first heard of the foreigner who had built a grand mansion in Bamboo Village, I was intrigued. The stories of his wealth and the development he brought to the village piqued my interest. I invited him to the palace, and what I found was a man of nobility and wisdom, someone who understood the weight of leadership.

Now, with the strength gifted to me by Victor's bloodline, I am no longer afraid. I can crush Lu Su and his ilk with a single blow. My senses are so heightened that I can detect the slightest deceit in a person's voice, see the smallest flicker of fear in their eyes. I have become something more than human, something that my enemies will come to fear. I will use this power to cleanse the court, to eliminate the corruption that has festered for far too long. And when the time comes, I will step down, not in defeat, but in victory. I will leave a dynasty stronger than ever before, ruled by a king worthy of the throne. And then, I will live the life of a man, not an emperor, enjoying the peace that I have fought so hard to create.

William is content to stay in the capital, his affairs in Bamboo Village well managed by his subordinates. He frequently visits the village with Victor, thanks to Victor's incredible ability to teleport vast distances. I have accompanied them once, along with my shadow guard captain, who, despite his devotion, was eager to see the famed mansion and the hot springs of the village. The transformation of Bamboo Village was astounding, a testament to William's vision and Victor's power.

As I look out over the capital from the window of my study, I feel a sense of calm that I have not known in years. The storm is coming, but I am ready. With William and Victor by my side, I will face whatever challenges lie ahead and emerge victorious. For I am no longer just an emperor—I am a ruler of shadows, a king of the night, and my reign has only just begun.


Author's Note: The 2nd prince tragically passed away at the age of two.


1. Queen Lu Zhi's Faction: Queen Lu Zhi supports her son, the 1st prince and crown prince. Her faction includes her father, the imperial mother, the 4th, 7th, and 8th princes, the 1st and 3rd princesses, and various allied ministers.

2. Concubine Li Bingbing's Faction: Concubine Li Bingbing advocates for her son, the 3rd prince, with the backing of Prime Minister Li Qi, the 5th and 9th princes, the 2nd and 4th princesses, and other supportive ministers.

3. Concubine Zhou Xuan's Faction: Concubine Zhou Xuan supports her son, the 6th prince, along with her father, Prime Minister Zhou Qi, and their loyal ministers.

4. Neutral Faction: This faction remains neutral and includes the 2nd, 5th, and 6th princesses, Lu Qian, the 10th prince, and ministers loyal to the emperor.


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