
V for Vampire

A human reborn as a vampire in the Marvel universe. No Harem (I don't do Harem) I will try to write a somewhat okay story... . The characters I created on my own are the only characters I own. The story was also owned by me. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/draculonium_20239710605368105 https://www.webnovel.com/book/author-v_20239635805367705

valient_vicky · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Daily life - 19

*Meng Yi (POV)*

Then, my grandmother introduced Li Xiaoye to me as my fiancé and me to her. I saw the red blush Li Xiaoye near the grandmother, it was so embarrassing for me. At least I was not rude to her when I saw her last time. Not the best first impression for my fiancé and future wife.

Unknown to him Li Xiaoye had a good impression of Meng Tian. But she was shy to tell this.

*Empress dowager – Zhao Liying (POV)*

My grandson Yi has a good character, but I don't know how whether he will get along with Li Xiaoye. While Li Xiaoye also seems to be a little shy child. Any Yi is a good talker and Li Xiaoye is a good match for him. He will be taking Li Xiaoye as his consort and later he has to accept concubines into an imperial harem. Maybe I should teach Li Xiaoye to be a queen. I don't Li Xiaoye to suffer anything like what I did do to my innocence.

Recently, I see Meng Yi seems to be around Victor and with the emperor mostly. It is good for father and son to develop a good relationship and it will avoid a lot of troubles. Victor seems to be a child who only speaks only when needed and he is a silent child. He also seems to more intelligent than the children of his age from the maturity he showed until now.

Victor almost never talks but when he is with Meng Yi, he talks more than he usually does. Maybe because Meng Yi is younger than him. They are like blood brothers like Meng Tian and William.

I think Meng Yi has an aura that makes others talks to him more friendly. Meng Yi is so pure in the heart compared to other prince and princess who taught to fight and survive by their mothers.

I supported the first prince and queen because to avoid Meng Yi from conflict with them and for his safety after my death. But when the emperor killed them for their corruption, I was relieved for Meng Tian for regaining his power. I don't take any part in the imperial court and power struggle because who want unnecessary trouble and to anger the emperor?

Li Xiaoye wanted to talk to her fiancé, but she was so embarrassed to speak. But I will try hard to speak with her fiancé was her goal for now.

Author note: Children are so simple right.

Time Skip (~ 2 years)

Victors Age: 7

*Victor (POV)*

These two years went like a spring breeze. But many things have changed. William started a new business with glass products as the source and he developing with the bamboo village as a place of production. He is now known as one of the wealthier people in the Meng dynasty. He is also planning to establish new carriage manufacturing and selling business for different class of people in the Meng dynasty.

Author note: You may ask are their carriages in 1500 BC. Yes, but not good models and not sturdy enough.

Emperor Meng Tian completes all the projects he had in mind like new bathrooms, paved roads across the dynasty with his efforts. He also plans to build many bridges with stone and cement as base materials to increase the trading. The construction of new walls and check post on the border with the help of slaves are still going on for the safety of the dynasty. New water conservation projects are also established last year. He is planned to build at least one artificial lakes in each village and towns to avoid water scarcity problems in the future.

The bamboo village also developing well for the last two years. And their hot spring hotel became famous for its services and tasty foods. The government also will not allow any outsiders to buy any land in the bamboo village to maintain the heritage of the bamboo village.

The safety and life of the people in the Meng dynasty has been improving every day along with their happiness. You can see it in people face.

Meng Yi also has good relation with his fiancé now. Li Xiaoye first seemed shy, but later she started talking to Meng Yi about her own initiatives. Now they are able to have friendly talks without any embarrassments.

Oh! Me. I am also okay. For my convenience, I create or plan to do something which will found by William to later introduce these new methods to the bamboo village and to emperor Meng Tian.

Although William calls me a genius, I don't think so. I got it from online searches which I have in my system. The system also has limitations so I will not make a great change in history. In Silver, I have stored all my previous life memories as a video file so I don't forget my previous world family. I also camera function that I haven't mentioned until now. I used it to take pictures of my mother Victoria after my rebirth. I started to store files and videos to have memories. Because the memories slowly disappear with time so I started doing this. I will save these memories in folders named in their respective years.

I also found out that if do a blood ceremony a second time on the person I had made into a shadow vampire they will attain the anti-ageing capability of a normal vampire but nothing more. So, I planned to do it to the emperor after 10 years during his retirement from his throne and shadow vampire guards have already completed that last year when found out. Only the emperor can do the second ceremony for his 1000 shadow vampire soldiers after I unlock his anti-ageing ability. So, they have to wait for 10 years.

Why 10 years because Meng Yi will reach the age of 16, age suitable for the new emperor. He already started his sword training from one of the 1000 shadow vampires of emperor Meng Tian.

Meng Yi will be a monster when he reaches the age of 16 to be trained hardly from a young age. First, he wanted to beg his father to avoid the harsh training but later got used to it after all that beating.

The main reason the emperor Meng Tian bought him for hunting and showed his capability to Meng Yi, which surprised. So, he asked regarding this, the emperor said he trained hard to get that level of power.

This became the inspiration for Meng Yi and he wanted to surpass his father in strength. So, he started taking training seriously and trained hard to surpass his father in strength.

Once he wanted to show his strength to me, but he fought against a soldier and won. I encouraged him but never revealing that his father is a shadow vampire. He will be definitely strong but Meng Yi reaching that stage will very difficult and it is possible only if he unlocked his mutant X-genes or became a vampire.

But one unexpected thing happened last month that Meng Yi accidentally became a mutant during the fight. Including me, William, the emperor and his guards got shocked because of this as a vampire.

But it was kept secret to others because it may cause fear among the humans. Humans always feared the unknown and it will later change to hatred. That's why there is a war between humans and mutants in future.

The mutant gene allows the Meng Yi to make water from the air and control water in surrounding areas like well, pond, etc, according to his thought. When he was fighting Meng, Yi lost his anger and suddenly water started floating in the surroundings. But he feels asleep because of his sudden awakening. When Meng Tian woke up William explained about the mutant and their capabilities. He also said every human has mutant genes but only some rare number of people will awaken it and Meng Yi was lucky to awaken at a young age. Emperor was happy because he thought of making the Meng Yi a shadow vampire at a later stage but this awakening of the ability of mutant made him change his mind. He has water controlling ability and with additional sword training, he will be invisible in the dynasty.

But later it was verified he can control a max of 500 litres of water around 1 km. He doesn't have the capability to control it for a long time and the max is 10 minutes. It may increase in the future. He also has poison resistance due to the water ability good for the future emperor.

Meng Yi was also happy because he has the hope to surpass his father in strength. So, he does his sword training in open and water controlling ability secretly. It was not even told to his fiancé.


Authors Note: See you later.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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