
v's Adventure

a man reincarnated in the undertale Multiverse watch as kicks ass while dabing in 2022

cool_kid_9188 · Video Games
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7 Chs

2 you're not going to win this

"raaaaaAAAAA" was that was heard in the save screen well if you ignore the big letters thet spell game over and the small words that say " can I put my balls in your Jaws"

it had been frisk 1,805 try to beat V on try 1,804 frisk was able to wound V wanting to hear him monalong frisk stayed only to get a bone to the skull now they had to do all over again wait they. had. to. do. it. all. over. again. no No No "damn it" frisk cursed their curiosity. over the time they fought V 1,804 times they figured out it was both gonna be fun and a pain in the ass because once you figured out one attack you die to a new one

at one point V gets aim bot.

took them 5 trys to figure out that they had to flirt for him to lose Focus and not have aim bot but instead get something worse. random attacks that can one shot them and oh boy they don't even stay the same. "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk"

meanwhile with V


is all I hear guss they just figured out that they had to start from the beginning of my fight I made sure thet they had a bad time for the 1,805 time we fought each time they died I hacked the save screen to make inappropriate quotes every thing starts to go white here we go again.

"that face" I said "that the face of some one who's heard what I've got to say, question is have you seen what I can do"i ask already knowing the answer."mmmm probably not" our battle begins


"heh le-t me tell you a story on ho-" frisk starts to walk away "H-hey don't you want to here this" i say which frisk replies "I'm not falling for that" that say as a bone landed in front of me " O-oh so we have fought before just one more thing remember what funny bone man said I drag you there."I say

before 'passing out' little dud frisk know that button can only take them so far.=)

meanwhile with frisk

frisk was talking with chara about there new encounter his name was unknown.

"so when are you gonna stop your game partner because sooner or later there's ganna consequences" chara asked frisk Karma is real thing sans had proved that. frisk seem to freeze before they laugh then saying "oh please no one can remember well except sans buut he isn't ganna do anything they say before taping the reset button. ... they taped it again. nothing happed " wha what is this " they say in a panic voice before some one said-

"you should listen to Chara"




judgement Hall

to say sans was confused would be an understatement but now was not the time for that

he glared at frisk with hate in his eyes this damn toddler came back just to kill him. they just won't let him rest but no they had to bring him back to life.

"is this all a sick joke to you" when frisk heard sans voice there eyes shot open which was strange to sense whenever they load there eyes where still open but he just brushed it off but then he saw there face "that look that's the look of someone we didn't get what they where excepting" and it was true the shock,confusion and anger was all on their face.

"no I reset how why" then all the emotions turned into rage" he did this I dont know how he did it but reason I can't reset all the way."

he who's he oh well sans didn't care as long as his brother didn't have to die again sans was happy "welli don't know how this he but never mind him you have to deal with me" which frisk replies "I'll make this quick"

a couple resets later

"I've got it" frisk says it had been 20 resets and for some reason they could only go back to judgement Hall. they also found out that V(found out his name in one of the resets) resets to because on the first reset (the on with 1,805) V only looked at them every time they came back but on reset 2 he was facing the barrier and said all his lines but enough about that" what if I only injure him just so he can't us magic" frisk says to no one in particular chara who had been there the whole time said nothing... frisk taking there silence as a yes press reset not knowing of deal chara made with V.


*gasping* "I-i guss that it *cough* huh why not finish M-me of kid *cough*" I ask i mean don't get wrong frisk did absolutely nothing but this hurt like hell.

"who are you and how did you get here" I hear frisk ask me I respond by saying " does it matter, I failed all of them sans,paps,asgore,tori Mk in the end I lost" I say still frisk doing nothing meanwhile behind me Phantoms of the people I mentioned pass by when it gets to mk I start to shake as misc starts to play (solunary- grasping awareness [wiki sans megalo]SoundCloud) "No not yet I must keep going no matter what I must stop you *stands up* after all this isn't your first time doing this what to say you stop after this one yes now I see *starts glwitching* you killed them so many times before well time to put an end to your madness, after all * sans and chara appear behind V* where grasping awareness." at this point I'm in my true form I look like virus404 but human and my smile looks like soul less ink but enough of that I look at frisk only to see they're freaking out because 1 when they die they can't come back 2 sans and chara have already started the fight a i chuckle guss they want to end the genocides to.


it had been 45 minutes frisk is still not dead, damn it I didn't want to do this but I've got no choice" it's time to end this" frisk snorted before saying" with what can't even kill me with all those fancy Powers you have" oh this poor fool "I don't need powers *puts left hand up* to do this" the RESET button appears in my hand and before frisk can even react I press it,and as every thing goes up in a White flash I say " you won't win this".



nightmare didn't say any thing as he stared at phone.

it was strange they kind of just showed up on the screen

he looked back down at his phone on it showed [undertale: viral breakdown phase 1-2]

he could only laugh like a manic.


man this took so long by the I dont own virus404 or the songs 20 power stones and I upload 2 chapters