
Chapter 12

1 Year Later

During the year he's been away, Naruto has been trying and failing to find something to center himself so that he could pull himself back from the edge, he's used thoughts of the girls but it was starting to lose its edge, he really needed to figure out what in the hell Asura did to him, and reverse it, but until then he would continue to rip his victims apart like now

North Fortress, Land of Rivers

North Fortress was a stronghold for Kusagakure, it was filled with Shinobi who were holding off the assault of the remnants of the Kaguya clan, unfortunately Naruto had decided to pay it a visit

Screams of pain, and the sound of flesh being ripped could be heard as people were ripped apart in the hallways, as a shirtless Naruto was now in the medical wing and dropped the nurse, breathing deeply before his attention went to a closer where he heard a heart beat racing, wiping his mouth as he walked to the closet he punched through it causing a scream to sound off as he dragged the girl around his age out of her hiding spot,

"Please, dont!"

Naruto was looking at the girl, his face relaxing as he found himself calming down to his slight shock, as his true face receded he looked the girl over but his main focus was her red hair, and her large chakra reserves that felt a bit similar to his own

"What's your name?" Naruto asked after a moment of silence

"K-karin." Karin said

"Last name." Naruto said

"U-Uzumaki!" Karin shouted before Naruto released her as if he had been burned watching as she collapsed to her knees clutching her neck

"I finally found another." Naruto thought clenching his fist tightly before he got down on his knees in front of her "My name is Naruto...Naruto Uzumaki."

Karin looked at Naruto in shock as she sensed out his chakra to see if he was lying, before she shivered at the death like feeling she caught immediately from his chakra but under that it was bright and warm, surrounded by pain, and anguish

Naruto then did something he's never done before bowed till his forehead was on the floor "I'm sorry for hurting and scaring you." he said truthfully

"What are you?" Karin asked causing Naruto to sit up

"My mother was Kushina Uzumaki." Naruto started as Karin's eyes widened as she remembered her mother telling her about her best friend who had been forced to go to Konoha "The day I was born, she was attacked by an Uchiha who ripped the Kyuubi no Kitsune from her, before she died my father Minato Namikaze sealed the fox into me, and my mother sacrificed her soul so that the Shinigami could grant me a power to protect myself. He turned me into a vampire."

"S-so, your.." Karin trailed off as Naruto nodded

Naruto watched as she began to back away from him "I won't hurt you." Naruto said causing her to stop "My mom always wanted to find more Uzumaki clan members, I will never hurt you."

Karin nodded a bit warily before she saw Naruto's eyes glance to her bite covered arm causing her to try to cover the marks

"What happened to you?" Naruto asked causing Karin to look to the side

"My mom, and I were taken in by Kusa, they used her to heal there wounded, and after a attack outside the village she was overworked, and she died. I was chosen to immediately take up her responsibilities."

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he watched her look down to her knees and cry, before he reached forward and grabbed her Kusa headband

Karin looked up to see Naruto glaring at her headband before he crushed it when he clenched his fist "They used you." he said looking up at her and when she nodded he asked "Do you want them to suffer?"

Karin eyes widened, before she looked down and nodded ashamed of herself

"There is no reason to be ashamed that you want to pay them back, for their unjustified cruelty to you, they caused you to lose your mother and forced you to take her place when her use ran out." Naruto said in disgust before he extended his arm to her watching as she glanced between him and said arm "Time to stop being a victim, Karin Uzumaki. Uzumaki's are fighters our clan killed 90% of the invasion forces of 3 ninja villages before they fail. We are not victims, we are predators and anyone dumb enough to cross us is and always will be are prey.

I can't force you to become like me, but I can protect you, and make sure your never alone. The choice is yours." Naruto said his wrist still held out to her with his other arm indicating that if she were to leave he wouldn't stop her, and after a moment of contemplation Karin grabbed Naruto's wrist and bit him causing Naruto to smile, before he noticed her bite marks healing, and maneuvered himself behind her petting her hair, with a smile and as she kept drinking a quick snap of her neck stopped her, before he picked her up bridle style


After burning the North Fortress to the ground, Naruto flew to Kusagakure, and landed secretly in the hospital in the morgue waiting for Karin to wake up as she was on a slab, with one of the nurses on her knees beside him bleeding from the neck

Karin shot up with a gasp before she looked around and noticed Naruto "We are in Kusa. They are all yours." Naruto said before Karin saw the nurse, the same nurse who would force her to heal the wounded but he main target was still in the village she'd never forget his Chakra signature so without a second thought she jumped on the nurse and began to feed from him till he died before she got up growling taking off her glasses and putting them away before she turned to Naruto who opened up the door allowing her to take note of the bustling hospital before she vamped out and with a snarl sped out

One village wide massacre later, Naruto looked to Karin who was holding the head of Zosui the tormenter of her childhood while his precious village burned with black flames in the background as she smiled having took a scalpel and cut his head off as he begged for mercy

Naruto watched as Karin, dropped the head, before she kicked it into the burning village, she did have a mean streak, but she was still good having spared the women, and children who had nothing to do with her torment

"So where to now Naruto-kun?" Karin asked turning to Naruto with a blush on her cheeks

"Uzushiogakure. We'll set up there before going to Konoha in 2 years." Naruto said before he turned around and began to walk away with Karin walking alongside him

"So, are we mates now?" Karin asked causing Naruto to pause and turn to her

"What makes you say that?" Naruto asked hoping she wasn't a fan girl

"Well you turned me into a vampire, and we killed together. That means something in the vampire world right?" Karin asked

"Well there aren't a lot of us hanging around, I mean counting us, there's only 6, and those 4 are my mates, but I guess if you want to be my mate, we can get to know each other better, and see what happens." Naruto said causing Karin to smile brightly before they began to walk again

1 Year Later


A year has passed since Naruto turned Karin, and the two have been training, and getting to know each other better during which time they'd hunt together, and have rebuilt Uzu, Naruto had also met all of the jinchuriki and had given them a vial of his blood as well as warned them if the Akatsuki. Also he had gotten some Chakra from each of the Biju, and sealed it into himself, and was waiting for the Chakras to grow to match what he got from the Kyuubi. Tsunade had got in touch with him telling him that Jiraiya was looking for him, and how she compelled Sakura and Kakashi so that when he came back agreeable, and less annoying in Sakura's case. Also Naruto had introduced Karin to Mei and the two became the best of friends so much that Karin agreed to stay in Kiri and work as Mei's righthand, when the time came for Naruto to return to Konoha.

Currently Naruto was meditating while Karin was asleep in their room


Naruto opened his eyes to see that he was in a forest, however his attention was caught by Asura who was looking at a waterfall

"You've come." Asura said turning to face him with a smile

"Whatever you did to me, reverse it and get out of my head." Naruto ordered

"Not until you hear us out." Asura said getting a raised eyebrow from Naruto


'Yes, young one." a deep voice said causing Naruto to turn and look into the Rinnegan eyes of the Rikudo Sennin "We have much to talk about."

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he sat through a history lesson in which Hagoromo told the story of his mother Kaguya Ootsutsuki, the Juubi, his sons and his legacy

"So why have you come to me?" Naruto asked

"You plan on killing Indra's transmigrant, you'll need him if Kaguya ever returns." Asura said

"Me need an Uchiha, as if, I can careless about stopping your mother, because from what I know she was right. Humans shouldn't have ever been given chakra. Look at what they've done with it. So no I'm not going to spare the Uchiha besides he's a missing nin. Now get out of my head and fix my bloodlust."

"Not until you agree to forgive the Uchiha clan, and work with Sasuke to stop the Akatsuki!" Asura yelled causing Naruto to glare at him

"Fine." Naruto said causing the two to smile before their eyes widened when Chakra chains burst from the ground and bound them "I gave you a chance. This is my head, I'm god here!" he said before he blurred through hand seals and called upon the Shinigami to the horror Hagoromo and Asura

"Don't do this." Asura pleaded

"Shinigami-sensei they are all yours."

"Hagoromo, and Asura Ootsutsuki, I've been waiting for you." Shinigami said before he took his blade and sliced them in half before they were drawn into his mouth "Thank you, Naruto. Now all I need is Indra."

"I'll give him to you." Naruto bowed getting a smirk from the Shinigami who nodded his head before he vanished

Real World

Naruto opened his eyes and sighed feeling refreshed as his bloodlust was back to normal, before he noticed a whiite sun on his right palm, while a black crescent sat on his left palm

"Naruto-kun, come back to bed." Karin said causing Naruto to look up to see her in the doorway still naked as he rubbed the sleep out of her eyes,

"Coming." Naruto said standing up and walking to Karin and kissing her, before smiling at her before the two retreated to bed and cuddled

1 Year Later


It was a beautiful day within Konohagakure as three long years passed since the departure of one Naruto, and things were by far more different then they were previously when the vampire left. Tsunade relaxed into her recliner chair and looked around her office with a small smile on her face, as she nursed a cup of blood, to think she used to freeze up at the sight of blood now she can't get enough of the stuff.

As she looked at the clouds through her window it only seemed like yesterday that the fourteen-year-old powerhouse had left the village and could return home at anytime now. She couldn't help but feel anxious to see him, she knew that it would only be a matter of hours before he returned but still she'd missed him dearly.

She then began to reminisce over what's happened in the last three years since her mate left. The first thing that changed in the village was her removing the civilian council of the main council seats as well removing them from anything to do with shinobi or military plans. She felt that if anyone was to blame for the way Konoha ran their genin program, it was the civilians as they constantly made appeals to the council about how their children would return worn out from the days training and like idiots, they all lowered the standards in the academy.

As such in a month's time, the entire Konoha academy had been refined and redesigned to match the things that were supposed to be done in the first place when it was started. The first thing she changed was the placement of teams, as while it was designed that the teams would be paired dependent upon their score level in order to balance them. She now had it where instead of a chunin instructor heading the academy it would be a Jonin handling the position instead, with the chunin acting as sensei to a group of Genin when they do shinobi training simulations. What also was changed was that all D-rank missions were now performed in the academy, so that way the teamwork setting would already be evident before they left.

With this change in function, their genin showed better results in their teamwork and academy standing since the chunin would act as evaluators to access their level of skill in each department. It also helped with the Jonin instructors being involved, as they held more experience then the chunin would and as an extra precaution, she had the tree and water walking exercises added into their graduation requirement, thus giving their would be Jonin teachers a better feel of their students.

What also changed to a great degree was their kunoichi program, as she completely wiped out the old ways of teaching the girls how to pick flowers or conduct tea ceremonies. The kunoichi of this village was now a serious division amongst the shinobi forces, as well as the hospital and the fields themselves. In the last three years, she finally had gotten what she wished in adding a medic to every Genin team to lighten the amount of Genin deaths. She made it a requirement that all future kunoichi must partake in lessons on being a medic and after a year of taking it and you wished to continue in the field then you may do so. It was thanks to that that the number of Genin deaths drastically decreased and it was now a rarity that a Genin would die on a C-rank mission, something she was happy to see happen.

Upon that year's chunin exam, the three teams that became genin walked in and completely dominated the whole exam with an iron fist, and the same results came every time the chunin exams were held. In addition, it was thanks to this new regimen that the genin already held enough experience in teamwork that they could easily take a C-rank mission without a problem.

Another thing that changed in the village was the marking of Sasuke Uchiha as a C-rank missing nin, Sakura Haruno and Kakashi had tried to change her mind but it didn't happen, she also compelled them to suit her needs and took Sakura, and Ino Yamanaka as her students, the two were brilliant no doubt about that, but she took a liking to Ino more as the girl had stopped being a fangirl after the Chunin Exams and started taking her career more seriously her attachment to Ino eventually lead to Tsunade turning her into a vampire.

Koharu, and Homoru also came and threw a fit, they had thought with Naruto out of the Village they would get there positions back and after weeks of kissing ass, they snapped when they heard her decision. Also she had took in the Nanabi jinchuriki Fu in secretly and immediately had inducted her into the Anbu, and the only person who knew she was in the village was Naruto, who sent her in the first place.

She suddenly smiled when she felt a familiar presence in her office, before the person began to massage her shoulders "That feels good." Tsunade moaned

"Well, I aim to please." Naruto said looking down at Tsunade with a soft smile, before she tilted her head up and looked at him

Naruto now standing at 5'9, with wild spiky hair which was in its natural Uzumaki red, with yellow flakes in a style similar to his fathers, while tied in a pony tail that came down to the middle of his back wearing a long sleeved black shirt with the Uzumaki crest in the center, Anbu pants, and Shinobi sandals, felt his heart flutter seeing the love in Tsunade's eyes before she pulled him down into a kiss

"You seem stressed out," Naruto commented as leaned up and continued to massage her shoulders

"The rigors of this job could get to one after a while," Tsunade said in the most honest voice as she felt Naruto's hand on her shoulder and it moved up towards her cheek for a second.

"And from what I've seen since I've been back, you've been doing a great job at it, which makes it even better," Naruto commented to her as his hand reached down and slowly brushed against her shoulders as he started to slip her robes off

"Your not waiting any time are you?" Tsunade asked smirking

"I haven't had the joy of being in your presence for 3 years." Naruto said before in a flash of vamp speed, Naruto grabbed her and sat her on her desk with her legs wrapped around him

"I've spent many nights thinking about what I would do to you, when we reunited." Naruto commented as he ran his hand down the side of her face and lightly skimmed her breasts

"Even when you had Mei, that Koyuki girl, and Karin?" Tsunade asked

Naruto smiled before he leaned towards her. "I told you, I love all my mates equally."

Tsunade smiled as Naruto began to undo her sash "Right…I forgot about that."

"I hope that's all you forgotten." Naruto commented as he held her sash, causing her shirt to open which allowed her her bust encased in a black bra to be revealed. Naruto smiled as he saw more of her cleavage revealed for him,

"Naruto…" Tsunami stated as she felt her blouse completely give away and her panties soaked to her skin.

Naruto watched her, her large tits jiggled mesmerizingly in her bra, before he looked up to her eyes "Tell me you want me."

Tsunade's eyes flickered shut as she bit down on her lip and quickly nodded her head as her heart hammered within her chest, as she felt the sensations of pleasure coursing through her pussy

"Say it." Naruto ordered as he reached down between her thighs for a second before touching the heated mound "This says of course but I want to hear it from you."

"Yes," Tsunade stated before she was standing up in front of him their lips inches from each other as she looked up into his eyes with unrestrained lust. "I want you now!"

Tsunade vamped out before she grabbed Naruto around the waist before spinning him around and placing him against the desk, but Tsunade was slammed back down and wrapped her legs around him as she kissed him.

"You have to try better than that, Tsuna." Naruto said as her bra gave way


Tsunade 's large breasts were out for him, so he reached forward and grabbed her G-cup tit around his hand, squeezing her delicious melon

"Take me Naruto," Tsunade breathed as she reached forward and grabbed his buckle and the boxers and removed them in one yank

Tsunade's eyes shined, as she saw his cock out, throbbing and it grew even bigger before her eyes; she could not believe that she didn't go insane missing such a hunk of meat, but now it was before her very eyes and this caused her to drool, in more ways than one.

Naruto grabbed her around the hips before he aimed his throbbing member for her and shoved it inside her dripping wet pussy. He was not going to waste time messing around, she was wet, horny, and needed him now.

"That's it, Naruto," Tsunade breathed as he worked into her tight center and his pulsing penis worked into her. She felt his hands on her breast and this caused her pussy to clench around him.

"You've needed a good hard fucking like this for a long time, haven't you?" Naruto asked her as he pounded Tsunade on her desk.

She shook underneath his throbbing cock as he jammed it into her dripping wet cunt. The honey rolled down her thighs as he continued to hammer himself into her, working into her. His hands worked all over her body, feeling the smoothness. The physically 22 year old woman was blessed with good genetics and a heightened sex drive thanks to her vampirism

Her powerful pussy took his tool in eagerly as he kept working into her. Tsunade wrapped her legs around him and she subconsciously pulled his head into her massive breasts. Naruto took the breasts of the Senju woman in his mouth and lavished them with the hunger and attention they deserved

"Tastes great like always." Naruto told her as he kept working his throbbing cock into her tight pussy. Each thrust brought her to new heights of passion.

"Oh, kami," Tsunade breathed as she felt his throbbing tool work a path into her really tight and hot cunt.

She dreamed of this moment although it playing out as it was, his hands kept roaming over her, with amazing intensity. Tsunade's eyes closed tighter as his stiff prick buried itself into her tight walls and she lifted her hips to meet his intrusions, feeling the orgasmic glee wash through her body. It was even more amazing than she thought and she dug her nails into his back.

Naruto smiled as he continued to give it to her. Her tight walls enveloped around him as Naruto kept working into her tight center. Her walls caressed him with and he wanted to give this sexy woman everything that she wanted and everything that she had coming to her, just like he promised himself when he first fell for her.

"Naruto, deeper, deeper," Tsunade breathed as he pushed into her and his mouth found hers in a searing kiss.

Their tongues tried to invade each other's mouths for dominance. The desk rocked underneath her as she squeezed his waist and kept his cock firmly wrapped into her pussy. Another orgasm rocked her body and she felt even more as he rolled his thumbs over large nipples that coat hangers could get hung from.

Tsunade missed being fucked so hard for the last three years she's only laid with kunoichi, and now she being giving what she missed as she actively manipulated his throbbing cock with her cunt muscles. He worked his hands over her body and continued to squeeze her tits hard. This action caused her to clench him and he buried more of his penis between her wet walls.

"Damn, you are so great, Naruto?" Tsunade asked him as his cock buried itself into her tight quim and Naruto smiled as he kept burying himself inside her center

"Your my mate, my best is what you deserve." Naruto told her as he kept slamming into her and her walls got tighter around him

More thrusts continued to drive her to the land of passion as Tsunade panted lustfully, before she snapped forward in a snarl latching onto Naruto's neck, and drinking his blood

Naruto used his hands on every single inch of her body; he worked around her, squeezing her breasts, roaming down her body and feeling every inch of her supple flesh. He squeezed her ass and that caused her to squeal into his neck. This pattern continued as his throbbing cock drove Tsunade to even more orgasms and she was about ready to lose her mind

After a time, Naruto knew that he would burn her out, it was only inevitable with many of the women and he was just getting warmed up. However, Naruto had an ace up his sleeve and he continued to hammer her.

"Are you still there, Tsuna?" Naruto breathed as he molded her breasts in his hand and she shook her head, although blood slowly dripped out of the side of her mouth as his cock continued to hammer her.

Tsunade used her lovely legs, rolling him over onto his back and her tight center wrapped around his throbbing prick. The woman pushed herself up and slammed back down onto his throbbing cock. He gave a grunt of pleasure as she rode him, her hips clashing with his as he rose himself up into her tight center.

Her tightness wrapped around him and Tsunade closed her eyes, fresh determination flooding through her eyes as the monster of a cock beat a steady path into her. She rode him, her breasts bouncing enticingly next to his face. His thrusts buried into her dripping wet snatch, and she rode him up and sprang down onto his member. The woman panted as he grabbed onto her tit and gave her a long squeeze, forcing her to tighten herself around his cock like a vice grip.

"More, give me more, give me everything," Tsunade demanded as Naruto hammered into her tight pussy and the woman was losing herself to the deep sensations of his throbbing cock working into her. Her tightness enveloped him as Naruto rammed himself up into her, working his length deeper into her tight dripping wet cunt.

Tsunade continued to work her full hips around him and gyrated her form over the top of him, and continued to ride.

Faster and harder, she rode him and her luscious tits sprang up. Naruto buried his face between them as she worked herself around him.

"Time to cum for me, beloved," Tsunade breathed as she hammered her pussy around him. "Do it for me, it'd make me feel so good."

Naruto grunted and licked her tits which caused her to be mentally rocked with more orgasms. His throbbing length hammered her tightness and the woman moaned heavily as he hammered away, going deeper into her.

One, Two, Three, Four, and Naruto's balls tightened. Her body was sticky with her own fluids and his own cock added to the fluids as he pumped several lengthy ropes of cum straight into her quivering cunt.

Tsunade tightened around him, she was determined not to waste a single drop of his seed as she wrapped herself around him.

The orgasm ended with Tsunade dropping down onto his chest and her panting continued to heighten, before she looked up to him and they met in a loving kiss

Lemon End

Peeking through the closed door was a blushing Ino who had been watching for a while, as her juices flowed between her legs, she was one of Tsunade's lovers, and had came to see if the woman was in the mood, apparently she was but she was to late, maybe she could get into Naruto's good graces, after all she was a vampire now, and she wasn't allowed to turn anyone without permission so might as well get close to the first ever vampire.

Next Day

After Tsunade's, and his reunion Naruto had took her home, and the two would continue getting reacquainted, while Anko, and Tsume were out on missions. Currently Naruto was in front of Sakura, and Kakashi he could see what was done whereas before Kakashi would be reading his book now it was like he finally acknowledged the fact that Naruto was his sensei's son, and wanted to try to be the best mentor he could, while Sakura had asked him did he think she'd matured as woman and seemed to carry herself as a serious kunoichi. He could work with this.

Making to answer Sakura's question, everyone's attention was given to the door as a chunin rushed in "Hokage-sama, the Kazekage has been abducted by the Akatsuki!" he yelled

"So it begins." Naruto thought.

Next chapter