
Uzumaki powerhouse

Warning! This is my first time attempting to write a fan fics story. Just so you know before you use valuable time reading this story. I want to create a story that follow the logic of the original work, so the MC will not be OP from the start, and has to work up to it. ======================================================================================== Story synopsis A guy from our current world gets send to the Naruto world. He will use his knowledge of the world, and events to happen in this world, to live the life he wants. He will meet several characters from the story, but there will also be included several original characters. There are several surprises for him in the Naruto world, the first is that he finds himself born as a girl in this new life. ======================================================================================== English is not my first language, and spelling was never my strong suit. You have been warned.

Morgoral · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 15: Chunin exam second stage

The female Uchiha examiner leaped out of the window of the class room, and all of the examinees followed her. I jumped out of the same window, as everyone else, no need to destroy more windows to follow her.

The examiner took us for a high speed trip through Konoha rooftops, and even some of the training grounds. I am uncertain if this is part of the exam, or if she is just messing around with us. In any case it seems like everyone was able to keep up with her, so if this was part of a test, it was not very effective.

During the travel, I look around at the other participants. If this is anything like the anime, next part of the exam will include engaging some or all of the other examinees here. I do take note of a few ninja, that have no trouble following along. The 3 teams that Yugao mention before are part of this group. However about half of the ninja following along, seem to be breathing hard, or show other sign of having trouble following. I take note of this, and don't expect this part to have any significant impact on the next exam.

Suddenly the Uchiha examiner stops up, and we all stop as well. We have arrived at a clearing. Behind us is a small wooded area, that acts as a barrier between the houses of the village, and this clearing. In front of us is a long metal fence, that is about 4 meters tall. The fence stretches as far as anyone can see in both directions. Along the fence, posted at about every 100 meters or so, is a sign that states several warnings. The warnings all boil down to stay out of the fenced area, upon risk of death. Through the fence we can see a very wild forest area, several tall trees, and plenty of strange plants. As I am observing the area, the Uchiha examiner starts to talk:

"Welcome to training ground 44, also called the forest of death" She says, and then continues to try and psych us out: "It is called thus, because a multitude of ninja during the ages, have lost their life to the environment behind the fence. This will be the site for the second exam, and your environment for the next several days."

She takes a pause to look us over, to see if her scares had any effect. I think she looked a bit disappointed, before she continued:

"Because this area is so dangerous, we will have each of you signing a waiver, that states Konoha will bear no responsibility whe... erhm... if you die during the exam" She says, clearly trying to scare anyone more, while trying to make the threat more reals, with a piece of paper. She then make a few hand seals, and sends a kunai, with a single page attached, to each of our feet. She then motions for us to sign the paper.

While most of us has not visible reaction to this, there are a few of the weaker willed ninja present that start to mumble and hesitate to sign. I observe the Uchiha examiner, and I can she her smiling at this reaction. Oh great, is another one of those sadistic ninja examiners, just going to stay clear of her for now, and in the future.

After everyone has signed the paper, the Uchiha examiner starts to explain the objective of the second stage of the exam.

"The objective of the second stage of the exam, is to reach the tower in the center of the forest, within 5 days from now." She says, and makes a motion, before two objects are in her left hand. She then nods her head toward the objects and continues: "These are a heaven and earth scroll. Each team will be handed one of these scroll at random. To gain entry to the tower in the center of the forest, your team needs to have one of each scroll."

She makes a pause in her speech here, to make the reality of the situation sink in. She then continues:

"As we have 20 teams here, there will be 10 sets of scrolls handed out in total. So that means, at most 10 teams can pass through to the next stage of testing." She stops once again, and after a few moments, she continues with the final piece of information we need: "There are several entry point to the forest, and each team will enter from a different place, to keep things fair. Each team will also have a different time, when they are allowed to enter. So I suggest you head to the designated entry point, and prepare as much as you can, before entering the second stage".

With this she motions for us to get going, and she herself disappeared into a bunch of leaves.

Yugao, Itach and myself ninja leaped over to the designated entry point. Were designated at team 13 to enter the forest, so we have some time kill before the 12 teams in front of us has entered. We use this time to talk over what the second exam involves, and what our strategy is going to be.

"I think we should split up, when we enter the forest" Itachi says.

"Why? Would it not be faster if we take out a team together for the scroll?" Yugao asked Itachi.

"Hey, before that, what scroll did we get?" I asked Yugao, as she was handed the scroll from the examiner.

"Oh, we have an earth scroll." Yugao mentioned to me, like it didn't really matter, before looking back a Itachi again.

I nodded at her, and also look at Itach, expecting an answer.

"I just think that will be most efficient. Were clearly stronger than most other teams here, and I know that each of us should be able to take out a team of 3 genin each. So instead of moving as a group, we should just move individually, and increase the chance of getting hold of a heaven scroll." Itachi said.

We took a moment, to mull over his strategy, before I said:

"While you are not wrong, I think the objective of the exam is also to defend our own scroll from getting taken." I said, before continuing: "Thus I suggest that we enter the forest, find a place to use as a gathering point, were Yugao can defend our scroll, and Itachi and myself will go hunting for the scroll were missing."

Itachi liked that idea, however Yugao seemed angry and said:

"So only you and Itachi will get to have any fun with this? Why don't you protect the scroll, and I go hunting for the Heaven scroll instead" Yugao said, while puffing up her cheeks to indicate her growing anger.

"Because neither Itachi or myself are sensors. In the case someone comes for the scroll, you are the only one that will have any advance notice, and can plan a defense ahead of time. Also you already have the scroll." I said, while taking my index finger and poking at Yugao puffed up cheek. I then had to dodge a sword swing from Yugao, due to my cheek poking action. Luckily she was not swinging the sword seriously, so it was easy to avoid. Itachi was just standing aside and smirking at our antics.

While Yugao did still not seem to happy, she understood the logic behind the strategy, and eventually also agreed.

We waited for a further 5 minutes, before we were finally able to enter the forest, at our designated spot and time.


We entered the forest, and quite quickly we moved further into it. Yugao was constantly keeping us informed about what she was sensing. According to her, there were about 3 teams, in somewhat close proximity to us. Because of the distance, she could not identify who the teams were, but from their movements, she could speculate that at least two of the teams had a sensory ninja as well.

After about 10 minutes, we had found a suitable place for at temporary base. It was a small clearing, with a cave in one side. The cave could provide shelter, or a trap for enemy ninja. Yugao would be staying here, to defend the scroll. So we hold up, and got the latest intel from Yugao.

"Hmm, there are 3 teams relatively close by. While I can sense who they are, one team is about 5 kilometers that way, another is 4 kilometers that way" Yugao said, while indication 2 direction almost opposite of each other. She then continued: "The last team, is about 3 kilometer that way, but they seem to be moving towards us. I think they have a sensor, and plan to attack us."

Both Itachi and myself nodded at this. I mulled it over, before suggestion:

"Itach, you are faster than me, so take the team furthest away. I will take the other team, and Yugao will stay here to receive the last team. To make it safer, I will also leave a shadow clone here, and hide it in the cave over there. If the enemy is to much for you, go there, and my clone will be able to help out" I suggested to the team.

They both agreed to this, and I hid a shadow clone in the cave. Both me and Itachi then took off after or respective targets.


*POV 3rd person*

Yugao was waiting for the enemy to arrive. It had been about 5 minutes since the team had split up, and she could feel they enemy approaching.

Yugao was using a hiding jutsu, to try and blend in with the tree trunk, she was standing on. The jutsu was very good to hide, when not moving, however when one moved, the jutsu would not work as well. There would be clear errors in the camouflage, as the jutsu adjustment could no catch up with the movement of the ninja.

So Yugao was hiding, and sensing the approaching enemy. She was more than ever convinced that the enemy had a sensor as well, but she was unclear about how good the sensor was, so she kept hidden to test the enemy sensor out.

After waiting for 5 more minutes, there was a commotion, and three ninja burst into the the clearing. Stealthy they were not. After a moment of looking around, the biggest of the three figures yelled at one of the smaller figures:

"Bunta you no good excuse for a sensor ninja, there is no one here!" The larger figure said, while indication the "empty" clearing to the smallest ninja behind the large figure. The small figure looked scared back at the large figure, and cowered back a bit.

The medium figure held up his hand, and said:

"Calm down Gerry, they might just be hiding somewhere here. Bunta do you fell a presence here? Or have they moved on?" The medium figure said.

"Th.. they are still here" The small figure named Bunta said.

"Ok, good, then we just need to find them." The medium figure said.

While the 3 ninja were talking and making a lot of noise, Yugao was observing them.

All three ninja were from the village hidden in sand, judging by their forehead protectors. The large figure at the front, seem like your typical brawler. He was the largest, and probably also the oldest among the group. The only think about him to note, was that he was wearing a couple of leather and metal gloves on his hands. The gloves were formed in such a way that the end of each finger was sharp and could function as a cutting tool. The gloves were probably chakra metal, so he could use chakra to infuse different effect in close combat.

The medium guy, was mostly hidden behind baggy cloths, and he moved around in a very strange way. On his back he had a large contraption covered behind bandages and cloth. His voice also seemed somewhat distorted when he talked, like there was an echo. Most people would probably be surprised by this, but Yugao knew that he was most likely a puppeteer, and the body was a puppet, while the contraption on his back was his real body.

The small guy, at the back seem like the sensor of the group. He was probably mostly there for intel and long range support. He was wearing standard ninja gear. Since he was from the village hidden in the sand, he was most likely a wind style user.

The 3 ninja kept looking around, and throwing kunai and shuriken around the clearing, hoping to hit something they couldn't seem. After a few minutes of this, Yugao had had enough. She had gotten the information she needed, and was planning to start the fun.

With an exhaling, she ended her camouflage jutsu and yelled at the three ninja:

"I can already tell your strength and weaknesses, so I will give you one chance to leave behind your scroll, and walk away with your life" Yugao yelled at the guys, while fully visible to them. As she finished her sentence she dropped from the three, and landed on the ground, with only 100 meter between the guys and her. She had her sword drawn.

"Ha, you must be joking" The large guy in front answered her, before he continued: "We have you completely outclassed 3 to 1 here." He then didn't wait for his teammates, and charged ahead.

"Wait you big idiot" The medium guy yelled at him, without any luck of stopping him.

The big guy started engaging Yugao in close combat, attacking wildly and with no thought of defense, he yelled back at his teammates: "Just support me from a distance, like we use to. This will not take long."

He then proceeded to attack even fiercer with his claw gloves. Unaware to him though, Yugao was not paying him any attention. Defending against his strikes was basically an automatic response for her. She only used one hand on the sword, and defended against both claws at the same time. Yugao had a somewhat bored look on her face, while saying:

"Is this all you got? I was expecting at least having to use my focus when defending, but you are not even capable of that" Yugao said, and yawned for added effect.

The big guy was a bit shocked by this, but after a moment it just infuriated him even more: "You bitch, I will show you what I can really do. Lets see if you can defend against my special technique.

Wind style: Wind claw" The big guy yelled. Wind started swirling around his claws, and they seemed to extend further than before.

This seemed like a trigger for the other two guys as well, and they started to bombard Yugao with kunai, senbon needle and shuriken at this point.

The big guy had taken a distance to cast his jutsu, and engaged Yugao again together with the projectiles. It seemed like this was something they had trained, as all projectiles avoided hitting the big guy, and even avoided the space he had to move next, while still aiming at Yugao.

"That's more like it" Yugao said, while smiling.

Yugao blocked both claws of the big guy, with her sword, while moving in such a way to avoid several projectiles with her body. She even had to use her foot to kick a shuriken away, that came to close. The projectiles were getting closer and closer to hitting her.

This exchange continued for a few minutes, while Yugao was focusing on the engagement, while also being aware of the surroundings. To her disappointment, the guys were not doing anything else. Maybe this was just the limit of what they could do. Either way it was time to kick things up another notch.

With a slash of her sword, that the big guy had to avoid if he didn't want to loose his head, Yugao created a little distance between him and herself.

"Alright, I think it is time to get to the next level" Yugao said, while still blocking projectiles. She then extended her sword in one hand behind her, and made a swinging motion vertically in front of herself, while she yelled out:

"Moon beam"

As she swung her sword, it glowed, and a massive burst purple energy was ejected from the tip of her sword, creating a sword beam targeting all three guys at the same time.

The big guy closest to the beam took up a defensive posture, clearly wanting to toughen out the beam, but the 2 guy behind him, dodged out of the way.

As the sword beam passed away, the medium guy called out to small guy: "Where is she? She vanished after the attack".

The small guy responded: "Give me a moment to locate her chakra again"

The big guy had withstood the sword beam, but was badly hurt all over his body. He looked to find Yugao again, to engage, but with not luck. He yelled "Bunta, where is that bitch. I want her head. She ruined my gloves with that attack."

While the small guy was trying to locate Yugao again, she suddenly appeared in front of the medium guy and said:

"Lightning style: Lightning bird"

A lightning strike, in the form and size of an eagle, launched out from Yugao's left hand, traveling from her towards the medium size guy.

In response the guy threw up his hands, to defend against the strike. It was made from such a close distance, that he had no time for anything more than that.

Seeing this, Yugao smile and said to they guy:

"Rule number one, when fighting as a team. Always be aware of your surroundings. Rule number two. Always protect the support. Your team failed in both"

With this, the lightning bird suddenly swerved around the medium size guy, and targeted the small guy instead.

"My lightning bird does not have to target anyone in a straight line, and can change target as I see fit" Yugao said smiling.

The lightning bird hit the small guy, and threw him several meters back, while ravaging his body with lightning. Even before he hit the ground hard.

"And now that you no longer have a sensor present. I can just take you out whenever I want to, as you will no be able to see or feel me anymore." Yugao said, while vanishing from the remaining guys sight once more.

After 4 minutes, that is exactly what Yugao did. She hid, and ambushed both guys, knocking them out. To show them just how outclassed they were, she used one attack to knock them out.

She bound the guys, and searched their possessions. She found a heaven scroll on the medium size guy.

"Sweet, now we have both scrolls" Yugao though. "I just have to wait here for Itachi and Anya to come back. From what I can sense, they have both engaged their own team, and should be back pretty soon".

And with this Yugao took her place at the top of the three again, using her camouflage justu to stay hidden, if another team were to show up.


*POV 3rd person*

Itachi had found his prey. A group of ninja from the village hidden in rock. They looked pretty young, although not as young as Itachi himself. However as Itachi did not want to engage in combat, if it could be avoided, he wanted to try to intimidate the rock ninja if he could.

With a few hand seals, Itachi suddenly appeared in front of the three unsuspecting rock ninja. Putting all the three rock ninja into a very simple genjutsu, to heighten his intimidation, he spoke to them:

"Hand over you ninja scroll, or I will have to take it by force" Itachi said, putting a bit more power into his intimidation genjutsu.

The three 3 rock ninja, who hadn't even noticed Itachi before this, all jumped up and fell over each other, to get away from him. After a few moments, they composed themselves, and one of them, in a shaky voice, said:

"Why should we hand it over you you? You are just a kid. I think you are just trying to trick us out of our scroll, because you are to weak to take it" Rock ninja 1 said.

"Yea that's right, were 3 against one here, so we have the advantage" Rock ninja 2 said.

After a moment to consider, Itachi said:

"Don't you think you have that the wrong way around. Consider that I am alone, and so young, would mean that I have to be so much more powerful, to compare. Thus if you think about it like that, I am probably the most dangerous ninja in this forest, as I am the youngest." Itachi said.

The rock ninja considered this a bit, before Rock ninja 3 said:

"I still think he is just bluffing. I go low, you go high and you go from the left, we can take him" Rock ninja 3 said, while pointing at 1 and 2 when he said it.

Itachi sighed, before saying:

"Hmm, guess a demonstration is in order then" Itachi said and made a few hand seals.

"Fire style: Great Fireball jutsu" As Itachi finished his hand seals, a big ball of fire, easily the size of a house, few half a meter over the three rock ninja. He then also intensified his genjutsu, and from the perspective of the 3 rock ninja, a murder of crows were attacking them, when the fireball had just flown over.

After a few moments of shock, and fighting imaginary crows, the rock ninja's relented:

"Okey, fine, you win. Here take the stupid scroll, its not worth it to engage a monster like you" Rock ninja 1 said, and threw a scroll at Itachi.

Itachi caught the scroll, and looked at it, to make sure it was a real scroll. A heaven scroll. They had both scroll then. Itachi looked at the three rock ninja, and cast another genjutsu, to make them fall asleep, before he started to make his way back to Yugao.


*Anya POV*

It took me about 10 minutes to arrive, before the team Yugao had pointed out to me, was right in front of me. I spend a few moments to make head and tails of the group. It was a 3 man cells, like all the other ninja teams in the exam. The way that they walked, and behaved, they either didn't know I was here or they were pretty good actors.

The three ninja of the group, were all older than average, I would expect around 18 years of age. According to their forehead protector, they were from the village hidden in mist. Two male and one female ninja. From their equipment, I think they are one support ninja, one range ninja and one close combat ninja.

The guy at the back was carrying several pockets, full of shuriken and kunai. On his back he was carrying an oversized shuriken. I assume he is a ranged weapon expert.

The female ninja, was wearing standard ninja outfit, no indicator of any specialty. However she was walking in the middle of the group. This is a placement reserved for the ninja that you want to protect, so I assume from this that she is a support ninja. Maybe a medical ninja or some such.

None of these two were really that much of a challenge for me individually. However at the front of the group was another guy. I don't think I have ever seen a guy that is bigger than this guy. He kinda reminds me of this superhero from my previous world called Hulk. However this guy is not green, just has the same size as him. He is clearly a close combat specialist. Just looking at his body, I can guess his strength must be enormous.

While observing them, I come up with a quick plan of action, and when I feel like the time is right I strike.

I get as close as I can, while maintaining my stealth. However at some point, I can no longer move closer, with fear of them discovering me.

I have decided to not use my chains here. While I could end this pretty quickly with them, it just doesn't feel right to do so. As an added bonus it also gives me an opportunity to use my newly mastered justu, I spend an entire month on.

So I get close enough to them, and in a sudden burst of speed, I launch myself at the group.

Before anyone of the can react, I arrive behind their support ninja. A quick blow to the back of her head, to rattle her brain, and she is out cold. Nice one down, two to go.

As I turn to engage the other, I suddenly notice that the ninja in the back, has thrown about 10 shuriken at me. A quick glance tells me they have not just been randomly thrown. The shuriken make a pattern, that would make it hard to avoid one shuriken, without getting into the path of one of the others. I must admit, they have been thrown very skillfully, and I think I might have underestimated their team.

Using my entire focus, I jump around avoiding shuriken's. The ones that I cant avoid, I block with a kunai. I am slowly moving forward towards him as I dodge, weave and block his shuriken. But the other ninja isn't idle in this time, he throws more an more shuriken at me, while moving back, at the same speed that I move forward.

It is at this point the big hulking ninja arrives. I quickly jump to the side, as a large chunk of the ground and dust is thrown into the air, from the hulking ninja's fist hitting the ground.

"Careful, she was skillful enough to take out Kuri, and avoid my shuriken jutsu for several moments" The range ninja said to his teammate.

"Hmpf" was the answer from the hulking ninja, he then answered his teammate: "Keep her of balance with your shuriken's, and try to avoid hitting me. I will go all out against her".

He then did some motions with his body, and screamed his attack out, that surprised me:

"Dead bone pulse: Dance of Willow" the hulking ninja said. And as he did so, several sharp bones grew out of his body, making him look almost like a porcupine.

Shuriken started to rain down on me again, while the hulking porcupine was running at me to engage.

Shit, he's just like Kimimaro from the anime. One of those bone guys. This might tougher than what I thought it would be.

With this though the hulking porcupine arrive and we engaged in close combat.

The combat has been in a stale mate for a few minutes right now. I am avoiding and block the shuriken's coming at me, but the range ninja is getting better. I think he is studying me, and adapting his jutsu to counter my dodging and blocking.

The hulking porcupine has tremendous strength and the bones are sharp. If I get hit I will die, or at least get maimed from him. However his hulking for makes him slow and predictable, so it not hard to avoid his blows. But when he is engaging me in close combat, I cant approach his partner that is throwing the shuriken. I need to create some distance between him and me, and take out his partner.

With this new plan formulated, I jump back, only to be meet by a doze shuriken, that I have to block, giving the hulking porcupine time to catch up to me again.

Alright then, no more mister nice guy. I make another jump back, and block the shuriken with a kunai in my right hand. Before hulking porcupine can catch up to me, I make a hand seal with my left hand:

"Earth style: Mud wall"

Normally this jutsu is used to make a earth barrier between the caster and an opponent, but with the hulking porcupines power, he would just crash through it. So instead, I make the wall under the hulking porcupine, and rise it so quickly, that the hulking porcupine is launched about 15 meter into the air.

Nice, I just made a few moment of time, where I can do something else, before the rain of shuriken start up again.

Quickly I gather chakra, and do a few hand seals, to use my newly mastered justu:

"Earth style: Iron skin Jutsu"

As I use my jutsu, my skin becomes dark grey, and it feels like my body is much heavier now compare to before. So my speed will probably drop when using this, but the advantage is a sturdy body, that is immune to normal slashing and piercing weapons.

As such I start to run towards the ranged ninja. He almost immediately starts to throw dozens of shuriken at me, with his annoying technique. However this time, I don't care if the hit me, and my speed is much better now, when I don't have to dodge or block the shuriken.

Several shuriken hit me all over my body, but I just continue straight ahead, not even feeling the impact of them.

I arrive in front of the ranged ninja, after just a few moments, and he looks at me shocked. Before he can say or do anything, I punch him in the stomach.

He throws up spit and stomach acid from this. And before he has any chance to recover, I make a roundhouse kick to his face. This is to much for him, and he falls over unconscious.

With a crash behind me, I notice that the hulking porcupine was stuck to a tree, that he smashed to get away from. Hmm another weakness of the porcupine technique it seems. He can get stuck on things with his bones.

"You took out my team. You might actually be able to give me a decent fight" The hulking porcupine said, he gestured at his teammates, and continued: "I see you also have a technique to increase you defense, lets see which of our techniques are stronger".

As he said this, his bones fell of, and landed on the ground. His entire body then started to grow bones, but different from before, it seemed like the bones were arranged in such a way, that it covered his body in multiple layers of bones. Like a suit of armor.

Ohh this might get interesting. I never know they could use their bones like this.

To humor the hulking ninja, I engaged him in close combat again.

I started with a kick to his stomach, but he didn't even flinch, and even said in traditional bad guy dialogue:

"Puny ninja, I don't even feel anything" the hulking ninja, then proceeded to hit me with his right fist, on my shoulder. While I had no interest in engaging him in dialogue, with my iron skin jutsu up, the fist didn't hurt at all.

So like this we continue "taking turn" to hit each other. I did it to test his armor for weak points, and to the the durability of my iron skin jutsu. I think he did it because he though that his punches actually hurt me.

After a few minutes, I finally got all the information I need about his armor. I jumped back and looked at him:

"I think that's enough. There is no point in us continuing. I will just take your scroll now, and be on my way" I said to him.

He looked stunned, before saying:

"What are you talking about, you have not been able to leave a scratch on me since we started to fight" He yelled at me, clearly infuriated by my statement.

"While that is true, that is just because I was not taking any of this serious. I have no need to kill or take you out, as I can just take the scroll and run from you. In that form, you are even slower than before, so I could get away no problem." I said to him.

"Such a cowardly thing to do. If you are a real man, then fight me, till one of us can no longer stand" He yelled at me again.

"First of all, I am not a man, I am a woman, so I have no obligation to act as an idiot" I said, before continuing: "And if that is really what you wish, then let me show you the weakness of that armor of yours".

With this I started to walk toward the hulking ninja, slowly increasing my speed, until I was in full sprint. He was anticipating me, and when I got close he swung his fist down at me. I ducked under his fist, and continued behind him. Before he could even react to this, I jumped onto his large back, and positioned myself such that I could hit his head.

I made a small grunt, and was about to do something. I however was tired of this fight, and continued with my plan. With all my strength, and my iron skin jutsu still active, I hit him on the right side of his head. Then waited a half second, and hit him again of the left side of his head. I continued this one more time, before he started to fall over. I jumped of his back, and stood in front of him.

Before he blacked out completely, he asked in a very weak voice:


"It's pretty simple actually. No matter how hard you make your outside, your inside is still the same. I just hit your head in such a way, that your brain would hit against your cranium. It hit it several times, to make the resonance damage to your brain accumulate. As such, you will pass out. The weakness of you armor is that the harder you make it, the easier it is for you brain to get damaged, if someone hits you on the head. The harder the cranium bone, the harder it hits the brain.

Oh and don't worry, there will be no permanent damage to you. You will wake up again tomorrow, with the mother of all headaches, but nothing further." I explained to him. I don't know when he passed out in my speech, but I was on a roll, so I finished the entire speech.

After finding the scroll, on the ranged ninja. It was a heaven scroll. Nice now we have both scrolls. I left to get back to Yugao. Maybe Itachi would be there as well, and we can get moving.


*Time skip - 30 minutes after Yugao, Anya and Itachi split up*

*POV Anya*

I arrived at the meeting place. It could not have been more than 30 minutes since I left. At my trip back with the heaven scroll, my shadow clone released, and informed me that both Itach and Yugao was waiting for me to come back. Damn I am the last one, and here I thought I would be first.

"Hey both, I got a heaven scroll, so we have both now right?" I said, as I landed next to Yugao an Itachi.

"We all got heaven scrolls it seems. And yes, we can go towards the tower now. No objective left to do" Itachi said.

As both Itachi and Yugao got up, and made motions towards ninja leaping towards the center of the forest, I stopped them and said:

"Why not travel there in style. My idea would also make it so much faster and smoother for us to get there" I said, while making a motion for them to hold on a minute.

I then performed a few hand seals:

"Summoning jutsu" I said, while placing my hand on the ground.

A cloud of white smoke appeared, and for a few moments no one could see anything. I swear these summoned creatures create more smoke, so the can have a cooler entrance.

While the smoke was clearing, a voice started talking. The voice was kind of shrill, and high pitched:

"I am the 2% income tax, you forgot on your taxes

I am the raisin in your chocolate oatmeal cookie

I am the terror that flaps in the night

I am... Bruce the bat, man!"

I smacked my head with my right hand. I should have never thought him about this stuff. Even if it was my favorite cartoon as a kid. Now I have to heard this each time I summon him.

When the smoke cleared, Bruce was there with a big smile on his bat face. During the last almost 1,5 year I had the bat summoning contract, Bruce had hit his growth spurt. He was now about 3 meters tall, with almost 15 meter wingspan. He is a big bat, and according to himself, he will get even bigger over the next few years, and then his growth will stagnate out.

"Hey Bruce, nice to see you again. You got even bigger again. " I said to him smiling.

"Yea, I am almost as big as my older brothers now" Bruce smiled back at me, before continuing: "So what can I do you for. You finally need my help fighting?"

"Ahh, no not this time. I was hoping you could give my friends and me a ride to the center of the forest" I said, trying to maintain my smile. I know Bruce was not a fan of getting summoned you to transport people around.

"Nooooo...." Bruce said, he was starting to throw a tantrum "Please can't I just fight someone. You never need my help with fighting. And I made a new technique your for fighting humans even".

This continued on for the next half an hour, before finally Bruce relented, with the promise of a big fight in the future. He flew us to the center of the forest.

The ride was smooth, and no one interrupted us.

When we arrived at the tower at the center of the Forest of Death, we caused quite an uproar. Not only did a huge bat swoop down, so the ninja there though it was an animal attack. When that was squared away, and we explained why we were there, there was another uproar.

"But the exam started only a little over 2 hours ago" The examiner at the tower said to us.

"We know, however were still here to complete the exam" Itachi said.

The examiner looked at us, before he asked to see the two scrolls. We handed him all 4 we had. At this he had no choice but to pass us.

"Konoha team 02 has passed the second stage of the chunin exam, with a time of 2 hours 14 minutes and 45 second" The examiner said, he took a deep breath before continuing: "The fastest ever time recorded for this challenge."


*Root headquarters in Konoha*

In a dark damp and depressing hallway under the village of Konoha. A ninja is running towards a office at the end of the hallway. The urgency in his moves show something has clearly happened to prompt his haste.

While most ninja know the ANBU, they are not aware of the special force called Root. While ANBU is created to be a secret organization directly commanded by the Hokage, the Root is a organization created with the purpose of serving the village from the shadows. Taking on requests and deeds that should never see the light of day.

At the head of this organization, is the most shadowy figure of Konoha, know to most a only Danzo.

It is into this Danzo's office that a ninja burst, clearly in haste, and as if his life depended on it. While the ninja wanted to speak, the seal he was branded with, made him unable until Danzo had acknowledged him.

"Number 83, what are you doing here, and why burst into my office like that" Danzo said, and motioned for the ninja to speak.

"Danzo. I have urgent news from the chunin exam" The ninja only knows as number 83 said.

Danzo raised his one visible eyebrow, and motioned for the ninja to continue. Number 83 did so:

"The second stage chunin exam record has just been broken, by a team from Konoha. The record was broken by a huge margin. The team completed the exam in only a little over 2 hours" Number 83 said.

At the mention of the time Danzo showed a visible reaction.

"Interesting, such promising candidates. Who is on team 02?" Danzo asked.

"Itachi Uchiha, Uzuki Yugao and Anya Uzumaki." Number 83 said.

Danzo mulled it over a little, and then utters the words that would forever have an impact on himself, Konoha and the world:

"We simply must have them join my Root. Make the recruiting of team 02 a high rank priority for my Root"

Long long long chapter this time, but I was on a roll. I wanted stage two to be just one chapter :)

Also to anyone that knows the reference Bruce the bat is making when he is summoned. Best show ever :)

As always, leave feedback if you have any, it not only motivates me, but makes the story better :)

Morgoralcreators' thoughts