
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

Carl_One · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 64

Akina's head snapped up towards her, her crystalline blues widening in surprise. "Of the legendary sannin?

Tsunade nodded and smiled before she slung the girls arm over her shoulder and gently led her to the bathroom. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up."

It was only a few minutes later that Tsunade had the tub almost full with steaming hot water. She dipped her hand into the steaming liquid, testing the temperature.

"Ummm, really, I don't want to be a bother, I'll do it myself." The blond girl stated meekly.

Tsunade stood and dried her hands and walked over to the young girl. "Give me your hand." She said extending her own hand. Akina promptly did the same.

Tsunade gripped the younger girls hand in her own. "Squeeze my hand as much as you can." She ordered firmly.

The younger blond tried but she could barely clench her fingers.

Tsunade spoke up again. "You've just woken up, from an anesthesia induced sleep, the effects still haven't worn off, you could trip and bash your head in there so, I'll help you until the muscle relaxants wear off, don't worry, I've seen much worse bodies than yours." The older medic said with a sly grin.

Akina blushed but nodded rather reluctantly, and began undressing, allowing Tsunade to help ease her into the shower.

She hissed as the steaming liquid hit her stomach wound, which was now nothing more than a gash with dry blood and some signs of healing. It would definitely scar.

She shoved her head down, wetting her hair before rising again.

Tsunade sighed and sat down on a small stool. "Listen, I don't want to sound too forward or anything, but the not knowing is killing me. I know you came from Konoha, your headband and ID identify you as a gennin, graduated just two years ago. What happened? Did a mission go wrong or something?"

She shook her head, she really didn't want to talk about it, but another part of her wanted to say everything.

She then remembered that was Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin.

She hug her head, letting her now, wet mop of blond hair obscure her eyes from view. "I…I don't really know all the specifics. All I know is that…things started getting crazy after the chuunin exam…

Tsunade listened through the story with baited breath. Many of the things she had just heard just threw her for a loop.

Both Sarutobi and Orochimaru were dead.

A kid, the alleged Kyuubi container and Konoha's own personal demon on a leash, had overthrown the council, and nearly half of her home villages population was either dead, KIA or missing nin?

And her last remaining teammate Jiraiya…had helped in this?

This was just too much.

She shook her head and spoke. "What will you do once you're healed?

The girl tensed for a moment before speaking, her voice was an angry whisper. "I'm going to train. As long as it takes…I'll train until I'm strong enough…then…I'll kill him.

Tsunade took a deep breath, closed her eyes and rinsed off the last of the soap on the younger girls back before she moved to pick her up.


Tsunade paused listening to her. "I think I can do it on my own." She said slowly.

Tsunade shook her head, "The after effects would take another two or three hours to we…" She stopped as the girls brow creased with effort as she used both her arms and her legs to stand up. Tsunade moved forward and helped her stand the rest of the way.

But she knew something was up with that display. She never messed up dosages, or medical times, the girl should be nothing more than a limp, hunk of meat.

She decided to store that in the back of her mind and began helping her to dress.

When Tsunade emerged with Akina Shizune was beginning to wake up. "Oh, my, I'm sorry Tsunade-sama, I didn't mean to fall asleep." She said standing and bowing her head apologetically.

Its all right Shizune, can you keep Akina company, I think I need to get some Sake." The older woman said halfheartedly.

Shizune nodded, immediately knowing that her master was distressed and let her eyes travel to the younger girl.

She could be no older than thirteen or fourteen, her hair was a dark shade of blond, and in a certain light could be seen as orange, it was somewhat spiky, with a few bangs over her eyes and the rest cropped back in a spiky ponytail. She was wearing a simple tank top now, with beige shorts and black ninja sandals.

Shizune smiled at her and she tried to smile back, but failed slightly. The brunet moved in and helped lead the girl to the bed where she sat down with a pained grunt.

Tsunade left them, she really needed a drink.

Shizune smiled at the girl, "Are you hungry, or thirsty Akina-san?" She asked politely.

Akina was about to say no, since she didn't really want to impose, but her stomach decided to speak for itself, letting out a very loud, very embarrassing growl. She blushed, her cheeks turning a healthy pink.

Shizune laughed light heartedly. "I'll take that as a yes then."

Akina smiled slightly and nodded, as long as she could distract herself...

Shizune walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some half warm take-out food, not exactly the healthiest choice, but it would get food into her stomach.

Shizune walked over and handed the girl some of the left over Lo-mein Tsunade hadn't finished the other day.




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