
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

Carl_One · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 58

"No you fool even if we somehow are victorious against this new Kage they have we must also defeat Jiraiya of the sannin and Copy ninja Kakashi. Surely even if we win our forces will be so decimated it will take years to get back our former strength. It is reported that this is the same individual that managed to defeat Gaara-sama."

The entire room grew silent at that, it was no secret that none of their ninja could beat Gaara. That a Konoha ninja was capable of such still left a bitter taste in their mouths.

Some of the council members turned to the young red head who had been watching the proceedings from a seat he held, from time to time, now that his father was dead. "Gaara-sama." One man queried. "You will be taking the title of Kazekage in a few months time what do you think of this?"

Gaara remained silent for a moment contemplating the pro's and cons of such a decision. While he did feel some form of personal respect and even a debt to Konoha's Jinchuriki as the future Kazekage he had to put the safety of his village before his personal beliefs. This decision was quite literally the future of Suna, this could either go off magnificently, or it could all just blow up in his face. He had to be very careful in this.

He took a deep breath and spoke. "As of right now there are still too many variables. Too many…complications that could appear due to either decision. I suggest a… "Wait and see" approach. Depending on future events we will make our decision then." He spoke calmly.

Mutters were heard throughout the room some positive, some negative. He didn't really care that much, as long as they remained in line they could say whatever the hell they wanted.

"What will we do with the refugee's?"

Gaara sighed. "Should Konoha-shinobi come looking for them, then we will hand them over, until that time, we will provide refuge for them. More mutters were heard, he ignored them all as he stood." I assume that is what you wished me to discuss with you. If that is the case, then I take my leave." He turned and walked out the door leaving the councilmen to themselves.

Temari sighed tiredly as she flopped down on her bed, all day she and Kankuro had been assigned the D rank mission of getting the civilians into their quarters and helping carry the injured and near dehydrated individuals to the hospital. Her hands still felt the sting of wooden slivers as she had carried that damn stretcher to and fro for about an hour.

Before she could drift off to sleep a voice from the corner of the room reached her ears. "Tired?"

She jumped about three feet in the air, which is remarkable considering that she was laying down. She fell off the bed and into a tangled heap of limbs and sheets at the edge of the bed, she glared up at her brothers look of boredom. "Don't. Do. That." She ground out through gritted teeth.

Gaara merely raised an eyebrow. "Do what?"

Temari snarled before picking herself up from the ground and sitting on the bed. "What the hell do you want now?"

Gaara sighed and leaned back on the chair. "So…you think it's the same guy."

Temari stiffened before looking away. "Red hood, black clothes, two swords and gauntlets. Yeah, I'm pretty sure its him." She muttered. That Konoha ninja was one she would never forget.

Gaara sighed. He wasn't even the official Kage yet and already he was hating the job, it was so much easier just to be an underling. The boss pointed and he crushed whatever it was it his sand. Simple.

Why did he take this job again?

He sighed and looked to Temari. "What do you think I should do?"

She sighed laying back on her bed. "I don't know."

"You're no help Temari." He muttered "I wonder..." He sighed after a while catching her attention.

"What?" She said.

"A world of peace…is it at all possible?" He said almost wistfully as he stared at his hand.

Temari looked at her brother oddly for a moment before sighing. "Gaara, it might be, but it's a long shot…especially with his methods."

Gaara continued to stare at his hand until finally after a good long moment he spoke. "If…there is ever a world of peace…then people like me and him…wont exist anymore."

Temari stiffened and looked to her brother. She wanted to speak but the words simply slipped past her as he opened the door and walked out, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

Meanwhile, somewhere along the borders of Konoha and Kumo someone was beginning to wake up.

The young girl groaned as she opened one of her exhausted blue eyes she raised her hand to touch her head, but gasped as he hand came in contact with the rough texture of a bandage.

Her eyes snapped open and she scanned the relatively plain room. She began to panic slightly as she didn't recognize her surroundings.

She took a deep breath and thought. 'Alright…don't panic. Calm down and figure out where you are then you can panic all you want.' She made her plan and tried to sit up, but the action proved to be far more difficult than she expected. Finally after almost thirty seconds of struggling with her sore muscles and aching bones she was finally able to sit up, panting and sweating from the stress to her battered body.

She couldn't believe how much effort that took, again her lungs seemed to burn with each breath she took.




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