
Uzumaki Naruto: Lost Soul

The eve after Kyuubi's attack, Konoha is low on strength. The council agrees to turn Naruto into a living weapon. But years later, after Sarutobi's death, will Konoha's weapon continue to defend it? Or will he poise his blade to carve out their throats?

Carl_One · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 40

After a moment though, his eyes narrowed.

Something was off about this. He was wearing his Anbu cloak, but not his mask.

Homura, one of the head councilmen stood and addressed the young man as he walked into the center of the room. "Uzumaki, what is the meaning of this?"

Naruto stopped walking and stood right in the center of the room. "Honorable council." The boy spoke in his usual monotone drawl. "I thought that this would be the best time to inform you of the late Sandaime's final orders."

The entire chamber immediately broke out in hushed whispers. It took a moment for Homura to silence them. He cleared his throat before beginning again. "And what would those be Uzumaki-san?"

Naruto spoke. "Before Sarutobi-sama perished, he spoke his final orders to me. He told me. 'Make a world of peace, where people can be happy."

More murmurs broke out in the council and faint snickers could be heard, indicating just what they thought of the idea.

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. 'A world of peace? What exactly does he mean by that?'

Homura hid his chuckles with coughs as he addressed the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. "I see, and just how do you, plan on carrying out this…assignment?"

"As you and I both know, council Homura, our nation is at constant war, peace has been unknown in this land for the past millennia. The reason for this is simple, so many nations all vying for power. There can be no peace as long as the land remains divided. There must be unity in order for peace to come. There cannot be five Shinobi nations. There can only be-"

"You cannot be serious!" Someone interrupted. Almost outright laughing "Are we to listen to this a moment longer."

"There can only be one Nation, one shinobi village, one empire. Without this…there can never be any peace."

Homura, raised an eyebrow, listening to the scoffing voices and irritated whispers. He knew Naruto was taking this seriously however. So he did his best to at least pretend the argument was worth taking seriously.

He cleared his throat "Such a proposal is foolish, there is no way we can conquer every hidden village on our own."

Naruto spoke up now. "Iwa is weak from their loss to us from the war, Kumo, has also recently lost a great deal of Shinobi in a confrontation they had with Iwa, weakening both countries. Kiri is locked in a civil war and the morale of Suna is all but crushed at their loss to us. Now is the perfect opportunity, perhaps the only one."

Homura's jaw tightened. Enough was enough "Uzumaki, this is a fools proposal. I suggest you head back to Anbu headquarters and take your next assignment."

Naruto stared blankly at the old man. "Then you will not carry out your Hokage's last order?"

"That old peace loving fool was delirious during the time of his death. It is a foolish ambition." Danzo spoke.

"I see.' Naruto said softly reaching into his cloak pulling out his Anbu mask. The room stilled.

"You are dismissed Uzumaki." Homura spoke.

Naruto ignored him, untying the straps behind the mask so he could place it over his face..

'Uzumaki, you are dismissed." Homura called beginning to worry. "You are to follow the orders of this council."

Naruto looked up at him, his mask stopping mid way to his face. "No…I am trained as it states in the Shinobi rule number 300, paragraph 5, verse 3. I am to follow the orders of my Hokage. None of you have, nor are worthy of that title...therefore, I am not obligated to obey your orders."

Jiraiya stared at the scene with wide, disbelieving eyes. Just what the hell was he about to do?

Naruto spoke as his mask slowly drew closer and closer to his face. "I have heard, that the Yondaime, wished me to be treated like a hero."

Every councilman in the room suddenly grew very pale.

"His final order was ignored by this council." He said placing the mask on his face.

"As will the Sandaime's final order; now be ignored by this council." He clicked the straps behind his head, holding his mask in place.

He began unsheathing the sword. "It appears this council does not pay respect to its fallen leaders."

He unsheathed his other sword. "Therefore…"

He finally looked up, his eyes glowing a fearsome crimson behind his mask. 'I find this council…unfit to rule and must be…"

Four figures fell from the roof, surrounding the council seats in a purple barrier. Jiraiya felt his eyes go wide and he stepped forward, when a second barrier, one that protected the sound four's backs appeared, barring his path.

Naruto's blades lit aflame. "Eliminated."




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