
Uzumaki Naruko

This is the rewritten version of blood sucker. warning female Uzumaki Naruto warning blood and gore warning cannibalism warning dark theme This story is already in my patreon AnimefanfictionInd Updates on Tuesday and Saturday. Side story updates on Sunday.

AnimefanfictionInd · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 9

AN: In this chapter I will call Narutos using their code names.


"So how are are you planning to do this ?"

Three Narukos and two Narutos are busy on the seal.

For all the fun, they wanted to have with Danzo, it could wait. Their priority is the seal that will allow them to go back their home.

And Kakashi was more than happy to provide them with free ramen, and in Naruko's case free sake.

"I never knew you could use the combination of different geometrical patterns as fuinjutsu. And I thought I am the best at fuinjutsu among all of us." Naruko red said to Naruko d.

"Yeah, I figured them out on my own with some dangerous experiments. But you are more creative than me. You focus on the barrier seal and yet you produced your own space time seal from scratch." Naruko d told Naruko red.

"You are talking like you can't teleport." Naruko red sniped back.

"Enough ladies, let's focus on our work." Naruto h said to Narukos.

"I didn't knew you are good with seals." Naruto red told Naruko.

"I picked up sealing while travelling with Jiraya." Naruko curtly answered.

"Wow I didn't know that perverted geezer is capable of teaching someone !" Naruto red was surprised.

The time travelling seal is going to work something like the flying thunder God. Atleast that was the basic concept of it. Instead of connecting two conjugative space in same time and dimension, it will connect two conjugative space of different time in different dimension. That means if we start our journey here we will end up in a different dimension in a different time but in the same space.

But just saying the theory and applying it practically has a difference between heaven and earth.

First we need a jump point from where we can go to different dimensions. We have to anchor the jump point into this dimension. Then using that point as a base we will travel to our original dimensions.

In this project we will face two major problems. One is to create a stable jump point from where we will travel and the second problem is the chakra cost.


After working on our seal for 6 hours straight we decided to take a break. Some of us preferred Raman and some others preferred some other snacks. I took a bottle of Sake to drink.

At that time the red haired Naruko asked

"Wait... If we can go to different timelines then that means we can prevent many bad things that happened to us ?"

"What happened?"

"You survive an attempt but I didn't." The red haired girl shrugged.

"..."Everyone became silent.

"Yes, you can go back in time to prevent it from happening but it won't change anything for you. Sure another self of yours will be saved and it will create another timeline." I replied to her.

"Even if it won't change anything for me I will do it." She said determinantly.

"Suit yourself."

I emptied another bottle of sake.

"Wow ! you are heavy drinker." Just as Naruto h complemented me two masked men dropped in front of me tied in chakra strings.

I saw the Doflamingo version of Naruto came in to the room.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Root agents. I thought you would love some blood to drink so I brought them for you.

"Sure thanks, by the way where have you been all this time ?" I asked him.

"Sightseeing. So how much time it will take ?" He asked me.

"The theory part is down. We are facing two problems. But once those two are solved then it is smooth sailing." I told him.

"By the way, what happened to Danzo ?"Naruko asked.

I picked up one root shinobi and after knocking him down, I ripped off his vest. Then I bared my fangs into his juggler. The blood filled my mouth and I started drinking

"No news of him after he returned from the hospital he went straight to his root base. "

The red haired Naruto with the sword entered the room and answered her questions .

"He is already out of the hospital ? I thought he would atleast stay there for a while. At least an week."

All other Narutos looked at me. I had blood on my hands as I had stopped drinking in the middle, before finishing.

"What ? You guys almost killed him if I have to bet then, he got atleast a broken rib and a broken arm." I said to them. Then I licked of the blood from my palm and went back to drink.

"Say, I have a plan how about we play a game before going back. Danzo had 10 sharingans embaded to his left arm in my timeline. He could cheat death again and again using those sharingans. One Sharingan and he will come back to life after his death once. He revived himself ten times before he finally died. and if he got the same numbers here then we can kill him 11 times before he actually dies. Then we can at least kill him 7 or 8 times before going back. Among us the one who kills him in the most gruesome manner will be the winner." The Doflamingo version of Naruto suggested.

"*Sigh* I am not playing. Some one can kill him twice ." Naruto h said. " I am not a very big fan of violence."

"I can do something worse than death. How about this. We took care of his arm first and after torturing him for a while you can give him to me. I will make his life worse than death."

I suggested finishing my drink. I stored the other in my storage space. I will drink him later. Surprisingly no one seems disturbed by my actions. Now that I think about it, no one care when I drank blood from Sai and killed him.

Either way I didn't care. But the tallest blonde answered my question.

"Then how about we kill him 10 times and then hand him over to you ?"

"Sounds like a plan."


AN: previous chapter was short. And I have a bad news. I am not going to write Naruto: Asmodeus Template. That was smut with plot. But I am not getting any better story. Don't worry I won't drop it completely. But don't hope much.

So as an compensation, here is another chapter. Enjoy !!!

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You can read advance seventeen chapters there.

And also advance chapters of Side character with cheats SI Tenten and Naruto: Asmodeus Template.