
Uzumaki Legend

Naruto's son, accidentally returns to the past after being defeated by the Otsusuki and meets his grandparents. Seeing that he had nothing left to lose, he decides to give them gifts, gifts that will change the entire history of the shinobi world. One of the gifts is the best Dojutsu in the shinobi world, created by Jiraiya. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or its characters. This is my first story Fanfic focused on the restoration of the Uzumaki clan. Harem (Hinata, Ino, Karin, Honoka, Tayuya, ...) patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/kralux Hope you enjoy the fanfic :)

kralux · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

News from the land of waters

Naruto was laughing uncontrollably seeing the situation Urara was in as he thought 'The academy will definitely be a funny place'.

Or so he thought, it had been an hour since the teachers showed up and Iruka had started his history class. This was the longest hour of Naruto's life, even doing his father's hellish training was better than this.

While Naruto and his classmates were bored in Iruka's class, Minato finally arrived in his office.

"Hey Itachi, how did the consultation with Tsunade go?" Minato asked as he walked into his office where Itachi was going through the papers on the table.

Itachi lifted his face and looked at Minato with a tired expression "Hi sensei, the consultation went just like you said, Tsunade-sama diagnosed me with lung cancer, although she said it was benign for now, but if we don't treat it it can turn malignant" Itachi replied

'As I thought, the Itachi from the other timeline never diagnosed the cancer, that's why it became malignant in the future and killed him. 'Good thing we were able to discover it so far in advance' thought Minato '"Then good thing we discovered it now, so we can prevent it from developing and becoming malignant" Said Minato as he walked to his chair.

"Although Hokage-sama, how did you even know he had any disease? It's not like I've shown any symptoms" Itachi asked intrigued, in the past few weeks Minato had insisted that he go to see Tsunade for a consultation

"I don't know, it was just intuition, besides, since you're going to be my student and the next Hokage, you must be in good health" Minato explained as he finished sitting back in his chair

"Didn't you go to see your brother on his first day of academy?" asked Minato to Itachi who was lost in his thoughts because of Minato's previous words

"I couldn't, I have a lot of work to do at the office, plus I don't want to go back to that place so soon" Itachi said shuddering as he remembered that he had to study all five years of the academy thanks to Minato and his father not letting him graduate early. His luck was that he knew Kage bunshin so he didn't have to go to the academy every day

"You know you don't have to try so hard with the papers, I just told you to help me a little bit with them so you can learn. You can rest once in a while it will be good for your head" Said Minato

Itachi shook his head and said "I can't Hokage-sama. If I want to be a good Hokage in the future I must learn the job well."


The door rang and a voice sounded "Hokage-sama, Kenji-sama requests to see you."

"Let him in" Minato said

The door opened and in walked Kenji in his normal attire with Hoto no Kiba slung on his back. That along with his large stature made him very intimidating

"Hello Kenji-san, I see you're finally back in town. how was the travel?" Minato said, Kenji had been sent by Kushina years ago to search for more lost Uzumaki around the world

"Glad to be back to Konoha Hokage-sama, I bring news" Kenji said subtly looking at Itachi, to indicate that what he was about to say was secret

Minato then looked at Itachi and said "Can you leave us alone in the room for a moment Itachi?".

"Hai Hokage-sama" Itachi said as he stood up and left the Hokage's room.

Once Itachi left the room Minato activated all the security seals to make sure no one could see or hear what was going on inside

"I see you have chosen your successor Minato" Kenji said.

"Yes, Itachi is an absolute prodigy who if it wasn't for Naruto's presence would be the greatest prodigy in the village" Said Minato

"So how have you been doing in searching for more lost clan members around the water country?" asked Minato

Kenji shook his head and said "I managed to find some civilian descendants of the clan, some settled in that country and did not want to leave their homes, those who agreed to rejoin the clan I took them directly to the whirlpool country to help in the reconstruction"

Minato nodded and said "What about the other mission, how is the current state of the water country?"

Kenji's expression turned serious "As the rumors said the fourth Mizukage has started the purge of all the clans possessing Kekkei Genkai, assassinate them all without exception. It's like you said, the land of waters is in chaos."

Minato, even though he knew what was going to happen was saddened, knowing that so many innocent people died for no reason and worst of all all this was caused by his old student. That made him feel even more guilty. 'So this is what you have become Obito, I should have killed you on the day you tried to kill Kushina' Minato thought blaming himself for not killing him sooner.

"Have you talked to the clans about the possibility of refuge in the whirlpool country yet?" Minato asked

Kenji nodded and said "Yes, I talked to some members of the Yuki clan, Hoshikagi, Hozuki, Terumi and I even met a group of people from the Kaguya clan. But most of them refused the offer, only the Yuki clan agreed to join in large numbers, some of the Hozuki clan also accepted asylum, but when I went to the Terumi clan I was greeted by a fierce woman."

A few months ago


Kenji wore his hood to hide his identity and avoid standing out too much, though with his large size and the giant sword on his back prevented him from doing so. He could have sealed his sword in a scroll, but Hato no Kiba didn't like to be sealed in a scroll so he had no choice but to leave it on his back.

Kenji was walking through the forest in search of the direction where he had been informed that the Terumi clan members were hiding, he was not in a good mood as he had just returned from the Hoshikagi clan, he had invited them to the land of whirlpools to take refuge from the Mizukage's soldiers, but all he received was an attack, the Hoshigaki clan members took it as an insult that an outsider offered them help plus they coveted his sword the moment they saw it. Kenji had to fight them off and even killed some of them to stop them from chasing him.

Finally, he had reached the place, it was a cave located in one of the thousands of islands in the water country. The cave was well hidden in the middle of a forest.

Suddenly a jet of lava flew in his direction forcing him to dodge backwards where he was greeted by a cloud of acid that burned his skin a little bit.

Dozens of ninjas surrounded him and a beautiful woman with reddish brown hair landed in front of him.

"What are you doing here stranger" Said the fierce woman.

"I am not here to harm you" said Kenji as he raised his arms in surrender

"If what you say is true show your face and tell us your name."

Kenji did as she ordered he took off his hood revealing his red hair "I am Kenji Uzumaki"

"Uzumaki?" the woman said softly, but her expression quickly turned stern "Did you come here to take revenge for what happened to your clan?" the woman asked

Kenji's expression also turned stern as he heard her words "Do you have something to do with what happened to my clan?" Kenji asked, if these people had participated in the massacre of the Uzumaki clan, Kenji would undoubtedly kill them all

The woman shook her head and said "No, the Terumi clan wasn't a relevant clan at that time so we didn't send soldiers."

Kenji relaxed as he saw that she didn't seem to be lying

"Tell us Uzumaki, what business brings you to our hideout?" asked the woman

"First I would like to know your name since I said mine."

The woman gave it some thought and said "My name is Mei Terumi the current leader of the Terumi clan. Now tell us what business you have with us"

"The Uzumaki clan as well as you in the land of waters has suffered with people seeking our annihilation, but we despite losing many people managed to rebuild ourselves., That's why upon hearing what was happening in the land of waters our leader has decided to reach out to you and offer shelter in the land of whirlpools to all those in need in these difficult times" Kenji said

Mei was surprised to hear Kenji's words "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" laughed Mei as she heard Kenji's offer "Are you telling me to abandon my country and my village? That will never happen" Mei said firmly

Kenji got angry as he heard her laugh at his offer of help and said "So what will you do, stay hidden here like rats waiting for the pest exterminator?"

Kenji's words struck a nerve with all the Terumi clan members present, he was right, they were hiding like rats while they slaughtered all their conterraneans

The most affected was Mei, who loved Kirigakure and dreamed of one day changing its bloody past and making it a good home for future generations 'Am I a coward? Will I stand by while innocent people die? No, I have to do something' thought Mei.

Mei raised her head and looked at Kenji '"You are right Uzumaki" Mei said, to which Kenji smiled thinking she would accept his offer to take refuge in the whirlpool "I am not doing anything to change our destiny, but that will change, from now on the Terumi clan will start resistance against Yagura and his tyranny. We will not allow our brothers and sisters to be slaughtered, we will overthrow Yagura and turn Kiri into a good village to live in for everyone" Mei said loudly

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Shouted all the Terumi clan members inspired by her words, Mei's words lit the fire in the hearts, the fire that had been extinguished since all this had started. Even Kenji felt inspired by her words as he began to admire this woman, she was without a doubt a born leader, one who will lead her people into a new era of prosperity.

Mei then looked at Kenji and said "If your Uzumaki clan truly wants to help us, you can support us in this effort to overthrow Yagura."

"That decision is not mine to make" Kenji said as he started walking towards Mei who contrary to normal didn't even stand on guard. Kenji pulled out a piece of paper that contained a seal and handed it to the woman

"What is this, Uzumaki?" the woman asked confused.

"This is the seal of our leader, when I reach my village and speak to him, he will appear in front of you. You just have to put some chakra into it" Kenji said as he turned his back to her and put his hood back on only to disappear.

Leaving a surprised Mei as a smile appeared on her mouth.


End of flashback


'So Kenji has caused Terumi Mei to start her rebellion a few years earlier' Minato thought as he listened to Kenji's story "Fine, I'll go talk to her once she calls me. What about those who have accepted the shelter in whirlpool?" Minato asked.

"They are hiding in hideout waiting for your arrival to teleport them to whirlpool. We couldn't make the journey without attracting too much attention" Kenji explained.

"Ok, I guess you've given them one of my seals"

"Yes, I told them to activate it in about two months, so they should activate it in about a week or so" Said Kenji

"Well, thank you for your hard work Kenji-san. You can go and rest now" Said Minato

Kenji nodded and walked out of the Hokage's office.

Minato didn't even have the time to relax in his chair when he felt one of his seals activate, one that was quite far away.

"I guess that's Terumi Mei calling me, I didn't even have time to think about what we could offer her" Minato sighed.

Minato then made a shadow clone and ordered him to do his job as Hokage, he then teleported home where he found Kushina sitting watching her Dorama

"Uh, Hi Minato-kun huh? eheeeeeeeee" Kushina shouted as she was dragged away by Minato.

"Sorry my dear, urgent business" Minato apologized as he prepared to teleport along with Kushina towards Mei.


I hope you liked the chapter

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