
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

To Arms!


The system provides the blueprint of the building to the peasants who are tasked with constructing it when the necessary payment is made. However, once they successfully build the structure, they forget the details of the blueprint. They share the same blueprint with others when they collaborate on building projects. As a result, none of the structures from Warcraft are retained in their memory after the construction process is complete.


"Uzukage, I have bad news!" Uzumaki Terumi ran towards Fukushu, carrying logs on his shoulder. The peasant training had clearly improved their physical abilities, which impressed Fukushu.

Upon hearing the urgent call, Fukushu stood up and faced Terumi.

"Uzukage, there are bandits in the vicinity where we were gathering wood. Luckily, they haven't discovered us yet, but we believe they are searching for treasures left behind by our clan," Terumi explained.

Fukushu nodded, deep in thought. After a moment, he spoke with determination, "This is my fault. I forgot to place towers in strategic locations for early detection. Gather the others. We will convene here to discuss our next course of action."

The command was given to Terumi, who understood the seriousness of the situation and quickly went to carry out Fukushu's orders.

Terumi nodded and quickly made her way to the group gathering stones, alerting them to stop their work for the moment.

"Hey kids, stop playing for today. Go inside the Hall. The adults need to discuss something," Fukushu called out with a smile, addressing the children as if there were no problems at all.

"Hai hai, Uzukage!" the children cheerfully responded, running towards the Hall.

"Hmmm, should I use a call to arms? But would that even help? The enemy are skilled fighters. What can we do?" Fukushu pondered, lost in thought.

As he contemplated, a child's voice chimed in next to him. "Why do you have to deceive them? I think they would still follow you even if you tell them the truth."

"What do you mean? I am simply stating the truth. Now, go join the others," Fukushu replied, gently stroking the child's head.

"I know we're being attacked. Are we going to die now? Well, at least we're dying with full stomachs," the child said with a sad expression.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you or any of us. But wait, I still don't know your name. I'm Fukushu, and you?" Fukushu extended his hand for a handshake with the child.

"I'm Uzumaki Nagato," the child replied, shaking Fukushu's hand while still wearing a sorrowful expression.

Fukushu was taken aback by the name. Who would have thought that the child running like a cheetah was Nagato, a legendary figure.

'The heck? So now the leader of Akatsuki is here? Does that make me the leader of Akatsuki now? Nah, everything will change now. And I hope it's a change for the better.'

While Fukushu was lost in thought, Nagato, who didn't receive a response, ran towards the Hall and joined the other children.

Fukushu who saw this plan to stop Nagato but he is stopped by Terumi's voice.

"Uzukage, we're here!" Terumi and the others approached Fukushu.

Fukushu informed them about the situation, and instantly, their expressions turned grim, still haunted by the destruction of the Uzumaki clan.

"We have the Call of Arms in the Town Hall, but I don't think it's enough to successfully eliminate all the bandits. And yes, I mean eliminate, not just defend the base. If they were to discover that we are rebuilding the Uzumaki clan here, I'm certain that if even one of them escapes and spreads the news, we will be in dire straits. I'm also certain that those people will not spare a single hair of ours, given the chance. All our efforts would go to waste," Fukushu announced with a serious expression on his face.

"Now, we only have one solution: to kill or be killed. But I hope this time we can protect our clan," he added, clenching his fists as he punched the sky.

Fukushu glanced at the others, hoping they would follow his lead so it wouldn't be awkward.

"Well, this is awkward," Fukushu muttered, lowering his fist and blushing slightly.


"Now, all of you will be divided into four groups and go to the four sides of the Town Hall. Within a five-hundred-meter radius in each direction, I want each group to build a scout tower. With four of you working on one tower, it should take around ten minutes to build each one," he commanded with a firm tone. "After you've built it, come back here as quickly as possible. But if you see the enemy approaching and haven't finished building the tower, don't risk your lives to complete it. Your lives are more valuable," he added, understanding that even though knowing the enemy's location is crucial, the safety of the villagers was paramount.

[Successfully paid 4000 Ryo for the four scout towers.]

The villagers nodded and ran off in their designated directions.


13 minutes passed, and the groups of villagers arrived one by one, smiling and signaling to each other that they had completed the building.

'I guess the fog of war is really powerful,' Fukushu thought, although he didn't want anything bad to happen to them, he couldn't help but worry that one of them might encounter the bandits.

After an hour of preparation, Fukushu and the others were tired of waiting, so they sat down to eat. Laughter filled the hall as the children enjoyed themselves.


Fukushu heard the notification alert in his mind, and he knew that it was coming from the scout tower, signaling the arrival of the visitors.

"The visitors are here," Fukushu stood up, and the 12 villagers followed suit.

"Brothers and sisters, to arms!" Fukushu declared, rallying his people.

Tell me how can I improve thank you.

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