
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Magina's travel vlog

#I will now focused on Magina as Fukushu is boring, I dont want to play with him anymore.#

Fukushu observed the system prompt and hastily agreed. He realized that in each building he owned, he could use his knowledge and skills at a higher cost.

"Kage bushin no jutsu!" Fukushu exclaimed, attempting one of the jutsu he learned from the system. "Yahoo! So this is the feeling of being a ninja!" Fukushu cheered, practicing his hand skills for a while.

"Now, let's take a look at the arcane vault," Fukushu said, making his way towards the vault to examine the available items.

"Wait a minute... Magina has purchased everything in the vault except for this one item. Well, I guess I can use it to gather more information about them," Fukushu said in surprise, shaking his head with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Fukushu laughed as he acquired the item.


Meanwhile, as Magina emerged from the forest, his head began to ache. He clutched his head and even punched it, hoping for some relief.

"Uwaaak!" After half an hour, Magina vomited as his head overflowed with information about the things in the ninja world. Now, he truly felt like he belonged to this world, with his background carefully crafted by the system.

"I need to act swiftly and gather the orphans to prevent them from dying in the wilderness or falling into the wrong hands. They will also aid us in our mission. It's like killing two birds with one stone," Magina thought, determined to complete his mission and seek revenge for the Uzumaki clan.

After an hour of travel, Magina spotted a group of people riding on horses from a distance. Thinking he could ask for a ride, he ran towards the carriage. However, as he approached, he witnessed a scene of chaos. Bandits with rough appearances and dusty clothes surrounded the carriage, while the guards inside readied their weapons, preparing to defend themselves.

A man, who appeared clean but vicious, stepped forward and swung his blade towards the guards. The guards defended themselves and fought back.

"Sir Baki, I hope you can escape with the carriage. Don't worry about us; we'll hold them off and never let them through," one of the guards said before being interrupted by a stab in the back, his words fading with his consciousness.

Baki, the carriage driver, urged the horses forward, lashing the reins to escape the bandits who had once again blocked the road.

The bandits, determined not to let their prey get away, gave chase as they blocked the road once more.

As Magina, now near them, began to retreat, not wanting any trouble to delay his mission's completion, Baki noticed him and pleaded for help.

"Sir, please help us! If you assist us, I promise to repay you. Please, help us," Baki implored Magina, recognizing the strength and potential in the young man, as well as the dire circumstances they faced.

The bandits sneered and snickered at Magina, not fearing him as they outnumbered him.

"Gahhh!" One of the robbers attacked Magina, but he swiftly sidestepped the blow, choosing not to retaliate.

Magina remained disinterested in these people, as they lacked any chakra. Only those with chakra interested him in combat and death. However, with his skills and strength equivalent to that of a chunin, Magina could easily eliminate these bandits. Although he was still at level 1, his stats were already three times higher than those of the bandits.

The other bandits, witnessing Magina's evasion, grew angry, seeing it as a provocation.


Blood sprayed like a fountain as one of the robbers met his demise with a shocked expression. He hadn't expected a young man to end his life so effortlessly.

"Please, all of you, stop. I don't wish to kill. Let us part ways here," Magina requested with a polite tone, bowing before them.

"Don't make me laugh! Now you're scared, huh? You've already killed one of us, so it's either you die or you die," one of the bandits taunted, believing that Magina's dodging had exhausted him.

Magina shook his head, sighing. He covered his mouth with his scarf, preparing himself to kill. He did not wish to taste the blood of those he killed, deeming it a savage act.

"Will he even win?" a teenager's voice sounded from inside the carriage, questioning Baki.

"We can only hope. I hope," Baki replied with hope, clenching his fist. The man in the violet robe was their only hope, and if he failed, both of their lives would be forfeit.

Reluctant to use his skills and considering it a waste of chakra, Magina spun around, swiftly eliminating two remaining bandits who were still standing and shouting moments ago. Now, their faces were missing half their features.

Magina, with great strength and agility, leaped through the enemy ranks, killing them simultaneously. Their screams filled the air along with horror, fear, and the scent of blood.

The fight concluded with Magina as the sole survivor, his boots stained with blood. He had used the fallen bodies as stepping stones, a pragmatic choice in a battle where efficiency was paramount.

Baki, witnessing Magina's victory, his face filled with astonishment, approached him and offered a handshake, but Magina coldly declined.

Baki introduced himself, and before he could continue, a voice from within the carriage cleared its throat.

"Ehem, I am—"

"I don't care who you are," Magina interrupted, showing no interest in forming any connections. He only desired a free ride and some rest for his journey.

The teenager forced a wry smile as Baki shook his head, signaling that they should not push the matter further and instead engage in conversation with Magina.

Baki proposed that Magina become their guard for the rest of the journey, promising generous rewards upon reaching their destination.

Having not a single Ryo in his pocket, Magina agreed, climbing to the top of the carriage and assuming a lotus position, closing his eyes.

"Hiyah!" Baki, observing Magina's posture, smiled and started the carriage.

Unbeknownst to Baki, Magina had leveled up and was already mastering the skills he had acquired.

There are horses in naruto world, but ninja is faster in means of transportation that is why they are not used especially in the show who wants to depicit the ninja life of Naruto. There are also other means of transportation in Naruto, for example, in the movie the princess who is pulled by the dogs in the snow. I don't know if I remembered it right but yeah, there it is.

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