
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Magina's envy

"Baki, I thought you had already left?" Magina said, seeing Baki running towards him.

"I just sent some letters to the Daimyo so that he can send some samurai to protect us when we go back," Baki answered with a tired smile. He couldn't wait to return home as he was tired of dealing with Kirito.

"Then I wish you good luck," Magina said kindly. Over the four days they traveled together, Magina had formed a favorable opinion of Baki, but the same couldn't be said for Kirito.

"Wait!" Baki stopped Magina from leaving and handed him a pouch filled with Ryo. "I hope you can use this for your endeavors." Baki bowed and smiled. He sincerely hoped that Magina could help the people he wanted to assist, as he himself came from a refugee background and had worked hard to achieve his current status.

Magina nodded and set off to explore the lands of the Country of Rain.

As he ventured through the land, he observed how rain had become a part of everyday life for the people. They seemed unaffected by the constant downpour and the dark clouds overhead.

Magina smiled as he watched a child running away from his mother. He couldn't help but reminisce about his own childhood, when he would misbehave and his teacher would scold him.

He also noticed other children happily playing in the rain. It reminded him of his kind and supportive older brother, who was always there for him.

Magina observed the guards patrolling the market. It brought back memories of the guards in his clan, who always wore smiles and looked out for their safety.

His determination surged as he absorbed the sights and experiences around him. He now felt an urgency to accelerate the construction of the orphanage, but he knew he had to take it one step at a time.

As he walked through the streets, people couldn't help but notice Magina in his vibrant violet robe. His attire was so eye-catching that many didn't even consider him a shinobi, especially due to his lack of headgear.

Magina wasn't embarrassed by the curious gazes of the people. He continued to move forward, heading towards the outskirts of the village where he spotted another tall wall.

"Amegakure," Magina murmured, recognizing it as the Hidden Village of the Rain.

When the guards noticed Magina approaching, they saluted him and made way for the man in the violet robe. They had already been informed about Magina, the strong individual who had no affiliation.

"Did you see those blades of his? They must be one of those legendary weapons," one of the ninja guards whispered to his companion.

"Huh? I didn't sense anything unusual about them," the other guard responded with a confused expression.

"That's because you're weak," a woman around the same age as the Amekage interjected, mocking the guards.

"Who?!" The guard became angry at the voice he heard, not wanting to be called weak despite being stuck at the rank of Chunin.

"Why? Do you want to attack me?" the woman said, smiling at the guard who had turned around to face her.

"Ha-Haruka-sama!" the guard nervously shouted, drawing the attention of those nearby.

"Don't worry, I'm not offended by things like that," Haruka said calmly, her smile putting the guard at ease. Haruka was known for her kindness, so her words reassured him.

As Haruka prepared to leave, she remembered to give the guards a warning. "Tell the others not to provoke that guy; he's not as simple as he seems, especially with his weapon." After issuing her warning, she gracefully leaped from roof to roof, making her


"Good architecture," Magina thought to himself as he continued his leisurely exploration of the village. The tall and sturdy buildings stood strong against the relentless downpour, a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the people of Amegakure.

As he walked along the streets, Magina marveled at the intricate network of steel canals that crisscrossed the village. The advanced engineering and efficient drainage system impressed him. However, a question lingered in his mind: if Amegakure was this advanced, why hadn't they already established orphanages or at least started building them? He pondered the possible reasons behind this as he continued his journey.

Magina's attention was then drawn to a beautifully maintained waterfall on the outskirts of the village. The sight of the cascading water and the well-groomed surroundings struck a chord within him. He couldn't help but compare it to the Uzumaki waterfall, which had fallen into disrepair over the years. The contrast saddened him, reminding him of the loss of his clan's traditions and the lack of care given to their heritage.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a tombstone standing proudly in the village graveyard. Curiosity piqued, Magina approached it, he felt envy toward the family of this dead people, as they have someone to mourn for them, but his teacher and the clan who died don't even have this kind of monument.

Lost in his thoughts, Magina sensed a presence behind him. Reacting swiftly, he turned around, weapon at the ready, and held it to the neck of the stealthy ninja who had attempted to sneak up on him.

"Who are you?" Magina's voice carried a stern warning, his eyes fixed on the ninja's every move. He was prepared to act decisively if the stranger showed any signs of hostility.

"N-nin-ja... The Amekage wishes to see you," the ninja stammered nervously, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Magina maintained his composure, easing the pressure of his weapon slightly. Though cautious, he decided to heed the summons of the Amekage, realizing that there might be important matters awaiting him.