
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Happenings in the Daimyo's Office

"Daimyo, Captain Kyoju has brought Prince Kirito outside," a samurai said, kneeling before the man in front of him.

"Let them in," the Daimyo responded in a cold voice.

"We have come to pay our respects to the Daimyo," Kirito and Baki said, bowing their heads in reverence.

"How dare you show disrespect to the Daimyo? Are you tired of living?" the samurai exclaimed, noticing Magina looking around the castle with curiosity.

"I only bow to my teacher and benefactor," Magina coldly replied, unaffected by the samurai's words.

Magina's gaze locked onto the Daimyo, silently conveying a message to control his subordinate. The Daimyo found amusement in Magina's stare and waved his hand to indicate that the samurai should behave.

"Ahem, Daimyo, Sir Magina helped us when we were ambushed by bandits. I hope you can forgive his attitude at the moment," Baki interjected, bowing once again to seek the Daimyo's understanding.

"No worries, experts of that caliber always have their own pride. I hope Sir Magina will forgive my subordinate this time," the Daimyo humbly replied, smiling towards Magina.

'Interesting,' Magina thought as he returned the smile towards the Daimyo.

"I hope the Daimyo can provide an explanation about the attack that occurred before we reached your country," Kirito interrupted, holding a grudge against the Daimyo, suspecting his involvement in the assassination attempt.

'He is truly a child. How can someone like him rule a country when he grows older?' Magina thought, shocked by Kirito's foolishness. 'If you seek revenge, you need the strength to back it up,' he contemplated, thinking about the Uzumaki clan's unfulfilled revenge due to their lack of strength.

"So what if I wanted you dead? I told you I didn't want to marry you, yet you forcefully came to our country to propose to my father," a young girly voice echoed through the room, interrupting the Daimyo's response. The voice belonged to Miyuki, the Daimyo's daughter.

Miyuki walked through the crowd with Fukumi, her eyes filled with anger, intensifying her desire to harm Kirito.

Captivated by Miyuki's beauty, Kirito couldn't help but express his desire to marry her, "Miyuki-san, I don't think you are in a position to talk about our marriage th-"

"I will support whatever my daughter wants," Kirito was abruptly cut off by the Daimyo, who was sitting.

"Then, we would like to be compensated for the loss of our guards. Additionally, I hope you can assist Sir Magina with his troubles. He expressed his desire to open orphanages in all the country and villages," Baki interjected, trying to prevent Kirito from provoking the Daimyo since they were not in their own territory. Furthermore, Baki hoped to compensate Magina since they hadn't achieved their original objective and lacked sufficient funds during their journey through the country.

The Daimyo was shocked by Magina's aspirations and saw him in a new light, recognizing that he was not only physically strong but also possessed a compassionate heart for the poor.

"Don't worry, I will speak to the Amekage about your request, and within a week, your orphanage will be built in Amekagure," the Daimyo promised, smiling as he became more intrigued by Magina.

"Well, it seems I don't even have to do anything for you," Fukumi whispered to Miyuki, giggling.

Miyuki simply smiled,

holding Fukumi's arm as she asked her to leave.

"Let's wait for a bit; I'm curious about that handsome man," Fukumi said, eager to learn more about Magina. His aura and style seemed extraordinary.

Miyuki agreed, feeling curious about Magina as well. However, she still harbored contempt towards him for assisting Kirito and his desire to help the orphans, which she found repulsive.

"Magina, let's discuss why you want to build shelters for those people," the Daimyo curiously asked, wanting to understand Magina's motives. As a ruler of a country, he possessed an inherent sense of people's intentions, whether they were scheming or genuine.

Baki and Kirito bowed and left the room, realizing they were no longer needed. Kirito remained angry and still desired to marry Miyuki, but Baki had managed to reason with him.

"I want to help those people have shelter and food to eat. At the same time, I want to assist them in achieving their dreams. If I can lend a helping hand to those dreams, I will do so wholeheartedly," Magina answered, his eyes fixed on the Daimyo, his voice brimming with sincerity.

While Magina genuinely wanted to provide food and shelter to the needy, he didn't mention his own motives for giving his aid toward those people.

Impressed by Magina's sincerity and goodwill, the Daimyo nodded, gesturing with his hand. "Then, Sir Magina, I hope you can achieve those goals."

Magina nodded, a smile on his face, and left the room, encountering two beautiful women in his path.

"Sir Magina, why is a ninja like you interfering with our country's affairs? Don't you have anything to do in your own village?" Fukumi asked with a sarcastic smile, trying to provoke Magina into revealing his true intentions.

Unfazed by her words, Magina replied coldly, "I have already discussed this with the Daimyo. And sorry, my village has already been destroyed, so yes, there is nothing for me to do there," as he passed by the women.

The two ladies were stunned by his response, exchanging guilty glances.

"Sir Magina, wait!" someone shouted running toward Magina.