
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


A few days had passed since Fukushu had shared his plans with the peasants. Initially taken aback, they soon settled into a state of calm, their surprise replaced by a growing sense of happiness. They realized that under Fukushu's strong and benevolent leadership, the other villages days of hunger and struggle would be a thing of the past. Excitement filled their hearts as they contemplated the opportunity to extend their helping hand to other villages, just as they had received aid in their time of need.

While those people is working on their own frustration gnawed at Fukushu as he pondered the exorbitant cost of an item he had acquired from the vault. He found it difficult to comprehend why such a seemingly ordinary item would demand such a steep price, especially since it was akin to a shop, much like his vault. However, he recognized the importance of the item in their plans and entrusted the task of constructing it to Terumi and Yon, urging them to rally additional workers to expedite the process.

"Assemble a team and ensure the swift completion of this building. It is crucial for our plans," Fukushu commanded, his voice resonating with authority, as he left the construction site. As he walked away, he noticed Nagato waiting for him with an anxious expression.

"Uzukage, I hope to return to Konan and the others. They must be anxious as I haven't yet returned from my travels," Nagato expressed, his eyes heavy with bags under them, evidence of his restless nights in Fukushu's absence.

Chuckling at Nagato's apparent restlessness, Fukushu teased, "Ah, it seems someone is in love." The young man blushed and bowed his head in response to Fukushu's words. Fukushu waved his hand in agreement, granting Nagato permission to go and reunite with Konan and the others. He wanted Nagato to experience the freedom and joy of this new timeline.

With a bow of gratitude, Nagato vanished from Fukushu's presence, using his abilities to travel swiftly to his comrades. Fukushu closed his eyes, occasionally murmuring under his breath as though engaged in dialogue with an invisible interlocutor. Some passersby, noticing his recurring actions, speculated on his health or weariness, while others staunchly defended him, recognizing that his mind was deeply engrossed in solving the village's pressing challenges.

. . . . . .

In the confines of Konoha, Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, engaged in a heated conversation with a concerned friend. The friend insisted that the man had a red hair is the one who had fought against Hanzo, likely an Uzumaki, he thinks that the man posed a grave threat to Konoha. He advocated for dispatching all of Hiruzen's ANBU forces to eliminate this individual, even suggesting involving a certain woman named Kushina in the endeavor. Hiruzen, fiercely protective of Kushina, vehemently opposed any harm coming to her. Despite his reservations, he reluctantly allowed his friend to proceed but only against that man and he reminded that Kushina must not be involved.

The man smiled upon receiving Hiruzen's reply, satisfied with the permission granted, and walked out on his own accord. Hiruzen sighed, feeling a weight of uncertainty settle upon him, as he sought solace in his seat, playing with his cat. "I hope this is the right thing to do," he mumbled wearily, his eyes closing as fatigue washed over him.

Fukushu's eyes snapped open, his brows furrowing as he contemplated the unfolding events. It became apparent that he himself was the target of this conspiracy, an intriguing realization that both concerned and intrigued him. Fukushu now knows that Danzo was on search on him, and will try tk hunt him down, but rather than feeling fear, he found himself captivated by the opportunity to face this adversary.

Lost in thought, Fukushu returned his attention toward the village.


"Kage bushin no jutsu!" Fukushu exclaimed, attempting one of the jutsu he learned from the system. "Yahoo! So this is the feeling of being a ninja!" Fukushu cheered, practicing his hand skills for a while.

"Now, let's take a look at the arcane vault," Fukushu said, making his way towards the vault to examine the available items.

"Wait a minute... Magina has purchased everything in the vault except for this one item. Well, I guess I can use it to gather more information about them," Fukushu said in surprise, shaking his head with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Fukushu laughed as he acquired the item.

[ Acquired the Animal Critter]

[ An item that can summon an animal, think of an animal you want to summon. Can become your eyes and ears toward your enemies. ]

[ Can be permanently use except dead. ]

Fukushu decided to summon a cat, he send it toward Konohagakure to spy on them as after a few weeks he successfully got Hiruzen trust and become his pet. Then whenever someone approached Hiruzen, the cat would alert Fukushu, providing valuable information by closing his eyes.

# End of Flashback#

"Perhaps I should teleport back to Amegakure and make those individuals vanish into thin air," Fukushu mused, a wide grin spreading across his face at the thought of executing his wicked plan. However, he swiftly dismissed the notion, reminding himself of his greater purpose—to assist the villages in their preparations for an uncertain future.

As the days passed, Fukushu continued his duties, traversing the village and overseeing its progress. One day, a peasant approached him, brimming with excitement and delivering the long-awaited news: "The construction is complete."