
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

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80 Chs

Ch-73 Governing Committee.

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"But when did I say that you have to beg the Daimyo?" said Kagutsuchi.

"You all know very well why Daimyo are able to rule over you, and that is because of the money they have. If they don't have money, then they are nothing. Till now, they were able to rule over you. The reason is simple: you don't want to disobey them due to the rules from the Warring States Period. At that time, Daimyo had money and resources, due to which they were able to hire any clan. No matter how powerful a clan may be, they can't oppose multiple clans at a time, so the clans feared the Daimyos. Even after the Sengoku era was gone, the ninjas didn't oppose the Daimyo, even now. There is also another reason that if, by chance, one major village wants to take over the Daimyo, then the rest of the villages will not allow this so that the power equality remains always the same. On top of that, most of you have lived through the Warring States Period, and not to mention the elders in your villages who share the same opinion and always respect the Daimyos," said Kagutsuchi.

"But now, this has to be changed; the power and money will be concentrated in one place," said Kagutsuchi.

Hearing Kagutsuchi's words, all the Kages fell into hesitation, except for the Kazekage, as it will be best for his Sunagakure if money and resources are concentrated in one place.

Seeing the hesitation on the face of every Kage present here, Kagutsuchi tapped his crutch on the ground and, while releasing his Reitsu, he said, "Don't forget, I am not asking you, but I am telling you."

As soon as the Kages felt the pressure, the hesitation on their faces completely disappeared, and everyone agreed with Kagutsuchi immediately.

"Now that we have concluded the matter of the Daimyo, let us address another critical concern – the main reason for the ongoing battles between all of you: the imbalance of resources and restricted access to them. With the Daimyo under your control, you won't face any problems of restriction, and the resources can move freely. Different countries, renowned for their abundant resources like food, minerals, and other commodities, can trade equally without any limitations. All of this will be managed by a committee, comprising Kages from each major village, and led by the Clan head of Uzumaki Clan. If there are matters that cannot be decided by you all, only then will I interfere; otherwise, I will refrain from meddling," explained Kagutsuchi.

At this moment, Mitsuo, who stood behind Kagutsuchi, hesitantly spoke up, "Forgive me, uncle, if I am being presumptuous, but granting them so much power could be very dangerous. It might lead to a situation similar to when it was Senju Hashirama."

"I understand your concerns, but the circumstances will be entirely different with me. I am destined to live for the next 1000 years without any issues. Moreover, as time passes, I won't weaken but grow stronger," Kagutsuchi confidently asserted.

The words of Kagutsuchi left everyone present in shock.

"But..." Mitsuo attempted to argue, but Kagutsuchi raised his hand to stop him from speaking further.

"I know you find this hard to believe, and I don't expect you to trust me blindly. However, let us not forget that we have nine Jinchuriki, and on top of that, a perfect Jinchuriki. The difference in strength between a perfect Jinchuriki and an imperfect one is vast," Kagutsuchi added convincingly.

Mitsuo nodded in agreement and stepped back, allowing Kagutsuchi to continue. With a reassuring tone, Kagutsuchi said, "If any of you have any doubts or concerns, feel free to ask."

Onoki, being inquisitive, asked, "What cost do we have to bear?"

"The final cost will be decided during the committee meeting led by the Uzumaki Clan head," Kagutsuchi replied.

All the Kages nodded in understanding and acceptance.

"I must reiterate my primary goal: peace. However, let it be known that anyone who dares to disturb this peace will face my wrath," Kagutsuchi declared, his gaze fixed on each of the Kages.

After conveying this powerful message, Kagutsuchi departed, leaving the Kages to contemplate the unexpected turn of events.

The following day, the central topic of discussion revolved around the war compensation that other villages would have to pay to the Uzumaki village. Fuso proposed an alternative approach, suggesting that they pay taxes to Uzumaki Country on every transaction made. A new rule was established that any transaction conducted without the consent of the "Governing Committee" would be deemed illegal.

"Governing Committee" was name given to the committee formed by five Kages and Uzumaki Clan head.

While the Kages expressed dissatisfaction with the prospect of a permanent tax burden throughout their lives, they also realized that refusal would lead to dire consequences at the hands of Kagutsuchi. They now understood the purpose behind Kagutsuchi's display of strength to the world; it rendered them powerless even when dealing with a mere representative of Kagutsuchi.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)