
Ch-67 Now see my full strength.

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(Announcement: I am happy to announce that, as a Tier I member Patreon member, you can enjoy a 7-day free trial to read all of my work. )

You can read 4 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


Discord: https://discord.gg/yn9AbteBr


In disbelief, Onoki questioned, "How is this even possible? You were clearly trapped inside the cube."

Kagutsuchi calmly responded, "Are you certain that you trapped me inside? Because I used a move called Kūkanten'I, which allowed me to transfer the space I was standing in from inside the cube to the outside."

Hiruzen interjected, "We are absolutely certain that you were trapped inside the cube. How did you manage to leave without breaking the cube's wall? You didn't even use the space movement technique you used when you arrived on the battlefield."

Kagutsuchi elaborated, "As I mentioned earlier, it was the Kūkanten'I move that facilitated my escape."

Upon hearing Kagutsuchi's explanation, the Kages and other ninjas were left dumbfounded. Such a move was unheard of in their entire lives, leaving them at a loss for words.

Before anyone could respond, Kagutsuchi presented an ultimatum, "I'll give you all one more chance. Surrender the tailed beast to me, and I'll stop here. You won't suffer any further damage. However, if you choose to resist, I will fight with my full power."

The room fell into silence as everyone contemplated the options. They realized that defeating Kagutsuchi would be an almost impossible task, and the idea of surrender began to take root in their hearts.

Then, a voice spoke up, it was Chiyo from Sunagkure, acknowledging Kagutsuchi's power but expressing the concern that surrendering all the tailed beasts would grant him control over the entire world. She refused to become slaves to the Uzumaki clan and chose to fight for her own and Sunagakure rights instead.

Another Jonin from Sunagakure declared, "Yes, we will fight for our rights and face the consequences, rather than becoming slaves."

Another ninja stepped forward, his voice resolute, "For the future of our family and the prosperity of our village, we shall fight you to the very end."

Another added, displaying unwavering courage, "Death doesn't scare us; we will fight even if it costs us our lives."

A chain reaction followed, with every ninja present raising their voices in unison, "We will fight until our last breath!"

The respective Kages observed and heard this show of determination from their ninjas.

The Third Raikage asserted, "You have your answer. We won't surrender; we will fight to our last breath."

The Third Kazekage echoed the sentiment, "Abandoning the fight is not an option; we shall fight until our last breath."

The Third Tsuchikage explained, "Handing over the tailed beast would dishonor the sacrifices of our ancestors who founded our village."

Hiruzen tightened his grip on his Adamantine staff, declaring, "My mentors established this village and distributed the tailed beasts to maintain balance. I will not allow you to disrupt that equilibrium."

Kagutsuchi chuckled dismissively, stating, "I may be seen as a villain now, but I care not. My goal is the prosperity of my village and its people, along with peace in the world. This can only be achieved if there's a single ruler to maintain order, not multiple factions fighting and causing chaos and war, which inevitably affects innocent civilians and kills villagers merely for supplies to support their wars or villages."

He continued, reflecting on his earlier show of mercy, "Initially, I wanted to rule with limited animosity toward me or the Uzumaki Clan. However, you've reminded me of something I had forgotten. If I allow you to engage in war, you won't hesitate to massacre entire villages full of innocent people, merely because you seek strongholds or supplies to further your conflicts."

He concluded with conviction, "But now, I have no reason to hold back. You will witness the full extent of my strength."

After Kagutsuchi's voice subsided, he removed his Haori, baring his upper body for all to see. His crutch ignited, emitting an intense heat that caused everyone, including the Kages, to take notice. Slowly, a magnificent Katana with a purple handle was revealed, and a fiery Reitsu emanated from his body, enveloping each of the Kages.

"Such intense heat. What kind of flames are these?" wondered the Raikage.

Gripping the Katana's handle, Kagutsuchi whispered, "Reduce All Creation to Ash."

His words were followed by a tremendous release of fire from Ryujin Jakka, engulfing the surroundings. The Kages found it difficult to withstand the scorching heat without their chakra coats, prompting them to retreat from Kagutsuchi.

The gravity of the situation settled upon the faces of the Kages, fully aware that combating the heat unleashed by Ryujin Jakka carelessly would lead to almost instant death.

Nara Shinichi urgently called out, "Now, use your most potent ninjutsu to create ice! Don't hold back on your chakra if you want to survive."

Prompted by Shinichi's instructions, the ninjas from Kirigakure and Sunagakure unleashed their strongest water release techniques, abandoning any reservations about their chakra usage. Simultaneously, the ninjas from Iwagakure employed the "Earth Release: Great Mud Wall Technique," creating massive earthen walls to hold the water that the Kirigakure and Sunagakure ninjas were generating.

The stored water began to cool down and transform into ice, with the Sunagakure ninjas contributing their own ninjutsu to expedite the process. The battlefield became a scene of intense elemental manipulation as the ninja alliance desperately countered Kagutsuchi's overwhelming fire with their most powerful ice and water techniques.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)

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