
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Ch-62 Burn till you know.

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The Army of the Uzumaki clan joyfully made their way into the Uzumaki country after two days, where they were warmly welcomed by the enthusiastic members of the Uzumaki Country. As they set foot on the land, the soldiers wore genuine smiles on their faces, exuding excitement and anticipation. The people of the Uzumaki Country eagerly extended their greetings, filled with joy and gratitude for the arrival of their clan's army.


In the Uzushiokage building, Kagutsuchi sat in the main seat of the meeting room with his eyes closed. At that moment, Mitsuo entered the office with Fuso and others and approached Kagutsuchi. Mitsuo placed a pot on the table in front of Kagutsuchi and said, "Uncle, in this pot, the Seven Tails is sealed, which we have captured."

Kagutsuchi opened his eyes, looked at everyone, nodded, and said, "It's good to see you all back, including the Uzumaki Clan members who have returned alive. As for the civilians who lost their lives, we will create a memorial for them. A memorial stone will be erected, bearing their names and achievements. It won't be limited to them alone, but also to those who contributed to the prosperity of Uzushiogakure before their passing."

"That's an excellent proposal, Grand-uncle. I will definitely implement it. The Memorial Stone will not only honor those who fought for Uzushiogakure but also those who contributed to its growth. It will be an honor for them and their families for generations to come, inspiring creativity and leading our Uzumaki Clan to prosper," said Fuso.

Then Mitsuo stepped forward and asked, "Should we seal the Seven Tails in a Uzumaki Clan member trained for it?"

Kagutsuchi shook his head and replied, "No, first I need to make sure these tailed beasts understand the consequences of disobeying the orders of their hosts. The best way to do that is to make them feel pain."

"What I need is a perfect Jinchuriki, not a flawed peace where the tailed beasts rebel from time to time, causing losses. The tailed beasts must cooperate perfectly with the Jinchuriki. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan, the Jinchuriki will be specially trained to be a perfect host, capable of handling them. We will then have nine Kage-Level powerhouses, even stronger than the average Kage-level powerhouse," explained Kagutsuchi.

After saying that, Kagutsuchi picked up the pot in which the Seven Tails was captured, used Shunpo to leave the Uzushiokage building, and finally departed from Uzushiogakure. After traveling quite far, he reached a remote corner of the Uzumaki country, where he unsealed the pot and released the Seven Tails.

As soon as the seal was undone, the Seven Tails emerged from the pot, returning to its massive size, and let out a loud roar.

Kagutsuchi was able to sense frustration and unwillingness in the Seven Tails, but he calmly said, "Quiet down." Nine formidable Adamantine chains emerged from his very being as a result of his words. The Kunai-like pointed tips of these Adamantine Sealing Chains impaled every feather, body part, and sinew of the Seven Tails, firmly fastening it to the ground. The Seven Tails yearned to be free, but its efforts were futile because the adamantine sealing chain restrained even its own maw, preventing any movement.

"Now that you are quiet, I will tell you that you have been captured by the Uzumaki clan to be sealed inside a Jinchuriki's body, further increasing the strength of Uzushiogakure. You have two choices: either you become companions with the Jinchuriki and live a good life where both of you are respected by the members of Uzushiogakure, or I will destroy your consciousness, leaving you as a core of Chakra that can be used by the Jinchuriki as they see fit," said Kagutsuchi calmly.

To allow the Seven Tails to speak, Kagutsuchi removed the Adamantine chain from its mouth.

"Never! Even if you kill me, I will be reborn again. You can't threaten me," said the Seven Tails as soon as it was able to speak.

"Your confidence comes from the Sage of Six Paths, correct?" said Kagutsuchi. As soon as his voice fell, the Seven-Tailed beast was shocked and asked, "How do you know this?"

"I know many things that you can't even imagine," said Kagutsuchi.

"I wanted to make things easier for you, but if you don't want that, so be it," said Kagutsuchi while tightly tying up the Seven Tails. He then stood in front of it and tapped the tip of his crutch on the head of the Seven Tails.

As soon as Kagutsuchi's crutch touched the Seven Tails' head, nothing happened, and the Seven Tails felt disdainful towards Kagutsuchi, thinking, "All talk and nothing happens." But within seconds, its whole body was engulfed in flames, directly affecting its soul. The pain was unimaginable, to the point where the Seven Tails couldn't even speak.

"You will endure this torture for the next 24 hours. This will show you that I have the capability to strip you of your consciousness. If even after this you refuse to surrender to Uzushiogakure, then you know the consequences," Kagutsuchi said, after which he sealed the Seven Tails back into the sealing pot.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)