
waking interest

at night, training ground area.

minato looked toward tenma who seemed so eager to learn new thing.

"so tenma before we start I want you to tell me everything that you already mastered, and if you can please show me, okay?"

"sure uncle minato, I mainly mastered taijutsu and fuinjutsu, but I also knew other jutsu such as shurikenjutsu, bukijutsu, kenjutsu, bukijutsu, kekkaijutsu, bunshinjutsu, and also some simple genjutsu that I learn from the enemy that I captured, but mine was somewhat different"


"yes, different from other genjutsu"

"can you explain it?"

"it's kinda hard to explain uncle minato, I better show it to you"

"okay then"

tenma then did some hand seal as he used his genjutsu toward minato who lowered his guard allowing him to be caught in tenma genjutsu. minato then feel his surrounding changed from the grassland of the training ground into a lush forest at day time.

being in there minato feel his mind at peace and his body relaxed, just as he was starting to enjoy the sensation he was brought back to reality, as the genjutsu was stopped by tenma.

looking toward minato peaceful expression tenma asked minato.

"how is it uncle minato"

hearing tenma word, minato come out of his reveries and started to evaluate tenma genjutsu, suddenly his face changed as he realized a shocking point, he then looked toward tenma.

"tenma did you use senjutsu chakra in your genjutsu?"


"what about your other jutsu?"

"of course I also used senjutsu chakra for other jutsu too"

"have you ever used your own chakra?"

"once but I found it effect was weaker without the senjutsu, so I never used again in my jutsu"

"so it's mean you never practiced your own chakra control"

"huh?, no, but I practiced my control over the senjutsu chakra"

"okay, show me"

tenma then created hand seal as he created a bunshin of himself, before canceled it and then created two bunshin, before he once again canceled, and then created three bunshin and so on and so forth.

seeing how skillful tenma was in his bunshin creation minato know that tenma have a good control over his chakra, thus he decided to take it to the next step.

"okay you can stop now, next, what about shape transformation?"

"um, no?"

hearing tenma confused answer minato can't comprehend how someone who was able to control chakra and reached a jonin rank don't know about shape transformation, thus he decided to teach tenma shape transformation next.

"now, I will teach you shape transformation, I will show you an example first"

minato said toward tenma as he opened his right palm and then a ball of chakra appeared at the top of his palm before becoming the famed rasengan . seeing the rasengan on minato palm tenma was absorbed to such sight. seeing tenma look minato smiled before his smile suddenly disappeared as he was shocked seeing the spectacle in front of him.

after seeing the rasengan tenma tried it by himself, he opened his palm as green chakra flowed out before turning into a green ball that was five time bigger than minato rasengan, then he controlled the chakra ball to spin as fast as it can, then it became rasengan, but different from the regular rasengan tenma rasengan only rotated in one direction.

seeing that his attempt failed he dispersed the rasengan then looked toward minato rasengan carefully and started to contemplate his mistake. seeing tenma minato thought to himself 'wha... what a genius almost succeeded on his first try'

after hours of contemplation tenma once again tried making rasengan, he opened his palm and then a green rasengan appeared on his palm. in the distance minato who observed tenma was shocked once more as tenma succeeded in creating rasengan 'this in just a few hours of he perfectly- no even improved the rasengan and that was without any guidance, now I see why big brother raian need my help with tenma training'

tenma looked toward the succeeded rasengan and was suddenly thought with an absurd idea 'the shape transformation for this technique was kinda hard with all that rotation, but what if I shape my chakra into something like hand or even animal?'

with such thought in mind tenma shaped his senjutsu chakra into a hand and send it flying toward the land in the distance.


the land suddenly exploded from the hand, creating a large crater. minato who saw this thought 'that chakra hand was almost comparable with tsunade sannin technique' then he saw tenma turning his chakra into countless fish, deer, panda, tiger, bird..., and even dragon.

seeing the countless animal shaped chakra around tenma minato can't help but ask himself just how much chakra does tenma have, but remembering his mother clan he knew that tenma basically have a limitless senjutsu chakra reserve.

shaking his head minato decided to start the next phase.

"tenma let's start our next phase"

hearing minato tenma stopped whatever he was doing and listened intently toward what will minato said next. then he saw minato take a piece of white paper before handing it to him, taking the paper he looked toward minato cluelessly.

"before we start our next phase, you need to inject your own chakra into this paper"

"what this paper used uncle minato?"

"it was used to test you chakra affinity"

"but I already know my chakra affinity"


minato was dumbfounded because tenma don't even know shape transformation, so based on logic he would also not know nature transformation and that's mean he should also not know his own element, also he just asked what the use of chakra induction paper, but he just said he know his own elemental affinity which puzzled minato even more.

"is that so, then what's your element"

"it was lightning, earth, water, and yang"

hearing tenma answer minato become even more shocked because tenma even know the element outside the five basic element.

"tenma how did you know your affinity"

"as my control over my body and chakra become better I just somehow can perceive it, but until know I still don't know how to use them beside the yang affinity, uncle minato does our next training have to do with my element"

hearing tenma minato can't help but be shocked again 'just how good is his control over his body and chakra? to be able to perceive it own alemental affinity'

"yes, our next training is called nature transformation"

minato then showed tenma a rasengan infused with wind affinity, the rasengan then changed into a shuriken shaped as he throw the rasengan toward the distance.

"futon: rasen shuriken"


the rasen shuriken flow toward the distance and hit the ground, as it created a giant sphere of wind before dissipated and leaving a giant half sphere crater. minato then looked toward tenma who looked at the crater with awe.

"now tenma you try"

"yes, uncle minato"

tenma tried the nature transformation, and this time he succeeded in his first try making minato shocked once more. then minato saw that tenma started to contemplate without minding his surrounding thus he left him be.

a few hour later minato saw that the sky becoming bright, then he looked toward tenma who was still contemplating. feeling minato gazes tenma stopped his contemplation and looked toward the sky before looking toward minato, seeing that the sky becoming bright tenma apologized to minato.

"I'm sorry uncle for taking so much of your time"

"hahaha it's fine, but I will go back first as I still have job in the hokage office"

hearing minato tenma become even more guilty

"I'm sorry once more uncle minato"

"it's fine, so I will go back first, will you stay here?"

"yes, there was still many thing that I want to try"

"okay then"

after minato leave tenma started his pondering before experimenting by combining his element with each other. and thus his day only consisted of training and experiment.

seven month later, the uzushiokage shodaime stepped down and was time for the inauguration of the nidaime so tenma along with his parent was called back to uzushiogakure.