
CH 16: Learning [4]

Possessive of his mothers and now tsunade as well due to his personality as a child before the truth was revealed to him, he was to become the only male of the clan to ensure the evolution of generation after generation of Uzumaki as his descendants genetically approached him.

However, the thought that outside of the partial free will of his mothers and grandmother, it would be a lonely life, took root in his mind....

And then he had an idea.


Kushina, Konan and Tsunade were fast asleep in a subway fountain located in one of the many subway rooms of the base. Their heads resting on the edge, they were the only things sticking out of the water. The rest of their bodies were submerged in the liquid, which was combined with an extract obtained from several secretly planted herbs that had the effect of softening the women's skins while providing them with a delicious body aroma, as well as enlarging the size of their breasts and buttocks. He used that extract to compensate for the loss of fat they had during their physical conditioning so that their luscious curves would not lose their attractive volume without necessarily being augmented as such.

Naruto, standing there, watched indifferently the well-deserved rest of his slave girls after their exhausting conditioning, while thinking about one of the few Uzumaki Shikijutsu that was not as such an atrocity against natural laws.

Būnkatsu Toūchi no Shikijūtsu (Divide and Conquer Ritual Technique)...

It was an extremely particular Shikijūtsu, which had the power to divide an entity into two, that although they seemed distinct, they would have a union that could not yet be explained. But at the end of the day, as such it was a division. The little blond then sat down on the cold ground in a meditation posture and search for a solution, as using that Kinjutsu would have quite a few consequences.

Was he really going to be alone? His female slaves were unconditional to him, because that was how their minds were conditioned, even if within that indoctrination was included their natural love of mothers and grandmothers respectively... But in the end, they were not one hundred percent free to choose.

Allies? Outside of the clan, definitely not. Konoha was allied with Uzūshio and at the time, their Ninja force was the spearhead of Operation Spiral. He was unaware, for obvious reasons, of the actual conduct of the battle, but being that the Shinobi and Kūnoichi of Konoha had most of the intelligence information, it was clear that they were the ones who led the joint forces of the Five Great Villages. Ideally, it would be ideal to condition all of his female slaves as well as he was doing with Kushina, Konan and Tsunade, but it would entail enough work to do it alone....

"There's that problem again..." It was then that Naruto realized that he really needed help "However, I must plan my moves well to prevent this from backfiring..." He hardened his gaze "Urge to infiltrate the village high command, immediately..."


"If we really want to infiltrate the village leaders, there is an option..." muttered Tsunade.

Naruto and his slaves were having a strategy meeting to plan their next moves in detail. They were in another subway room, which was set up as a waiting room. The three women, naked, were pampering their master, Kushina on the right, Konan on the left and Tsunade behind him.

"What do you mean," asked Naruto seriously, looking straight ahead.

"There is the old lady Koharu Utatane," replied Tsunade reflexively, while massaging her master's shoulders with her breasts.

"I don't think so..."Kushina rubbed her breasts on her son's arm "I didn't count on the old woman because of the lack of closeness and before I was your slave, I argued with her quite a bit... She even suggested your death to rid the village of the Kyuubi... I'm out of the equation too."

"I am also out of the equation..." tsunade subtly guided her owner's hand along her legs "He has never trusted me because I am a stranger... "

"I, however... I am a student of your friend, the Sāndaime Hokage" Naruto smiled in a subtly wicked way "I could lure her into a trap for you to seize her, master..."

"That sounds good..." Naruto softened his expression "Then we must make the appropriate preparations".

"And now that I remember..."Tsunade smile sharpened even more "When she was young, the old woman was hot, but she never married because she was a prude and because Biwako, the Sandaime's wife, went ahead of her with the old man..."

"Well, old and virgin... " Naruto made a somber rictus "Now I want to have her in my power, just like you".

"It will be so, son/love"purred kushina, resting her head on her son's chest.

"The world will be yours"Whispered Konan, doing the same kushina as on the free side.

"We swear to you as your faithful slaves..." Tsunade leaned her body on naruto's head.

"Well... Let's start then..."


Koharu Utatane, dressed in a baggy gray kimono over a dark Obi, was a bitter woman in her 61st year. With her hair completely grayish and her body hunched over from the passage of time, she was usually found in her advisor's office, which was on the third floor of the Hokage Tower. Her only motivation in life was to maintain her privileged position within the hierarchy of Konoha. She felt alive when she was deciding someone's life or inciting someone else to do what she wanted. Sitting at her desk in her office, she was quite involved in the decisions on which the economy was governed, as well as being a participant in many of the meetings that decided the transcendental matters of the village.

She opened a drawer, taking out of its interior a rather old framed photograph, in which she was as a teenager with her Ninja uniform consisting of a tight black suit wearing blue Samurai armor breastplate and arm guards of the same color. Brown hair with her hair held in two contiguous odangos and stopped with a pointed stick, she was next to her great friend Homūra Mitōkado, a young man with tousled black hair with thick-rimmed glasses and finally, Hiruzen Sarutobi...

The Sāndaime Hokage, although he was a little short in stature, was always a powerful shinobi and his determined personality on the battlefield was extremely attractive to her, in addition to his tousled hair that gave him a wild air. They grew up together and were always great friends... Everyone who knew them believed that they would have a common destiny and she also thought so, so she took it for granted that it would be so. Then it was, at almost 30 years old, that Biwako Sarutobi entered the equation and without Koharu being able to defend what she felt was hers, she lost the man she was in love with.

From that moment on she resented life and never tried to love again, as she did not want to suffer the same pain again. She let suitor after suitor pass her by and simply dedicated herself to her political career in order to gain an irrevocable place in the village command structure. Life flashed before her eyes and she watched with growing frustration as her friends and enemies went about their lives while she simply let it all pass her by....


Power stone please 👌
