
CHAPTER 1: Introduction

Humans..... we all have skin, flesh, bones and most importantly emotions. They are the components that make us humans, we all have them. I was born without certain emotions, I'm what some may call a "psychopath".

My name is Majin Yusuke, and it may sound ignorant or weird for claiming such a title upon myself but its true, I was simply born this way. It all started when I was at the age I could've walk, talk and think properly for myself. At this age I lived most of my childhood years with my grandparents and they would finally let me go outside alone. I found myself with "urges", strong as of that. I would eventually filled my urges by finding local newborn puppies and throwing a dozen flight of steps, breaking there bones, throwing them into a worm infested sewerage system so the maggots could feed on there flesh slowly, day by day. Continuously doing this made it become my first ever habit. I did this everyday for a few months finding out new and different ways of torture to the innocent animals.

Even though young, I was very self aware if what I was doing and the consequences of grandparents one day catching me in the act. I had no sympathy or regret for doing this to poor innocent animals. After a while of doing this I became bored and tired of it so I just left it in the past as if it never happened. Present me, at age 17 has long since locked away that "Nasty" part of me as it would not get me very far. I was mature, self aware so put on a mask... a false persona to hide my nastier side. I made friends who thought they knew me, parents who thought they knew me but in reality hadn't known not one clue about there child. I manipulated them into thinking I am my false persona. It was mere child's play as manipulation became somewhat of a natural skill that I had. Not one person knew who I truly was, not even I understood who I was.