
Zionism's New World Order

Every Abrahamic religion, and even pagan cults, have their own Zionists. This is important to understand in the wake up of the war between various civilization, which is now threatening the entire humanity. In every religion, Zionists are fundamentally the fascist Hijackers if that faith.

Christian Zionists have hijacked Christianity and they rule USA. Jewish Zionists have hijacked Judaism and rule Israel. ISIS (Daish) type gangs are "Muslim" Zionists but do not rule any country as such. Zionism is a pol ideology...

Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, as a faith, do not subscribe to the violent politically/military ideology of Zionism, which is essential secular, savage, dictatorial yet hidden behind the facade of religious itself.

Neocon Ebangelical Christian Zionists, likl George Bush and his cabal, are the real crazies. They are Jews within the Christianity. For centuries, Christianity persecuted Jews. But these Neocons are more Jews than the Jews themselves and have completely hijacked Christianity.

The Jewish Zionists, like Theodre Herzal and his crazies, who rule Israel today, are actually the heretics within Judaism. Millions of Jews all over the world denounce the Israel version of Zionist Judaism, consider it a rebellion from the Torah and actually oppose it harshly.

Similarly, within Islamic world, ISIS (Daish) was the most fiercely resisted by the Muslims themselves all over the world. They were given the name "Khawarij", means the excommunicated ones; expelled from the religion of Islam. Muslim world could not be hijacked by Zionists.

So, basically, all three major civilizations today are ruled and hijacked by Zionists. Christianity and Judaism and Hinduism(BJP & RSS). Only Islamic civilization resisted, exposed and destroyed the attempts by the Zionists within to hijack and take over the representation of Islamic faith.

Today the most powerful Zionists are Jewish based Israel. They have a total control over ruling Christian Zionists in US and have a strong ally within Hindu Zionists in India. Islam as a civilization and faith is seen as a common threat by all the three Zionists ideology.

So basically, it is the Jewish Zionists who are calling the shots today. They want to create a Zionist Empire, stretching between the two rivers, from Iraq to Egypt and down to Saudi Arabia till Medina. Then they want their Temple and their "Massiah" to rule a new world.

For the Jewish Zionists, the entire Geopolitical and Geo-economic view of the world, since WW1, is revolving around one idea; "Greater Israel"! Ottoman Empire was destroyed for this purpose. Balfour Declaration announced the creation of Israel. WW2 was needed to achieve it.

Jewish Zionists are not interested in the Christianity world or Christian lives. Why should they be? Christians is disposable. Tens of millions of Christians in Europe and US were decimated in the WW1 and WW2 to fight and die to create the Zionists of Israel.

Fact is that Jewish Zionists are not even interested in the Jewish lives, especially, the Orthodox Jews, who still fiercely appose the state of Israel as heretical. The Zionists in Israel are essential Secular. They are not Semites either. The ruling class are European.

"Greater Israel" ruled by a secular European "Massian" from the Temple in Jerusalem on a land stretching from Iraq to Egypt to Saudi Arabia but with control over entire planet in the "New World Order", which needs to be created through a violent method of Global Reset !

So, now we are in the final phase of creating a new world order through the violent global reset. Depopulation, global surveillance, wars, famines, genocides, human migrations, destruction of nation states, destruction of religion as a binding spiritual force for humanity.

Christian world will be comprehensively destroyed. Process began through lock downs. Christianity has served its purpose for the Zionists. It is no more an ideological threat to the ideal of Israel. But Islam remains the only potent threat to the entire scheme of Zionists.

Israel destroyed the Muslim world around it to clear the deck for expansion. Process is ongoing and will expand further into more Muslim countries in the Middle East. KSA, Jordan, Lebanon... But the real threat to is from Pakistan and Turkey. Battle lines are being drawn here!

Even though USA is now written off by the Jewish Zionists, they will still use the Christian military power to destroy more enemies of Israel, especially, in Middle East. US will launch more wars where Christian world will collide with the Muslims for the benefit of Jewish Zionists.

Israel will deploy India to attack, degrade and possibly destroy Pakistan's military potential to threaten Israel for all times. An Islamic nuclear power with missiles to reach Israel will always be a potent existential threat to the Zionist state. Its a blood feud to death.

Turkey is another existential threat to Israel. Interestingly, Israel has still not come up with a definitive strategy to contain and destroy Turkey. The ultimate nightmare for Zionists is that Pakistan and Turkey may collaborate into a regional nuclear pact.

So, this is where the world stands today. The "Global Reset" is triggered. Chaos is on. Its a ten years plan to final depopulation and implement global control agenda. Islam is not just a military threat for the Zionists but also the ultimate ideology and spirituality counter narrative.

So basically, it is the Muslim world, especially, Pakistan and Turkey, who will make the last stand to save humanity form total annihilation and slavery of the Zionists, under their NWO & Global Reset genocide. Incredible, this was written in Islamic scriptures 1400 years ago!