
Power of Attorney

Hurry! do it fast .. a clapping noise from those hooligans snap back lu xia in to reality. She is still in a pitiful state, sitting in the cold floor, wrap in small towel and with unfinished sandwich and an empty water bottle. She hurriedly swallow her rest of sandwich and stand up immediately. No one will believe in B city if they see this present extreme obedient lu xia is a same spoil, pamper, stubborn, disobedient lu xia, who never knew and feel in her eighteen summer what is hunger, thirst and unaware of any difficulties in life .Same lu xia eating underrated sandwich earnestly and following each instruction earnestly. Five day ago lu xia parents had met an accident while coming from the airport, papa lu zeyan and mama ning luoyan was very excited about upcoming eighteen birthday of an apple of eye, princess , their only child and heiress of Lu empire lu xia. They went to w city for famous monk blessing on especial jade bracelet with phoenix craved on it and small gold thread and seven blue diamond attached at the end thread look like sparkling wings of phoenix. That bracelet cost more than one billion US dollar, made of high quality king green jade. And those diamonds in bracelet are from queen Victoria sweet sixteen tiara and one tiny black diamond in eye of phoenix made bracelet live and with blessing of famous monk of w city make it totally incredible and priceless. But who know while returning their car will sandwich between two jumbo size truck clash . Mama luoyan die on spot and papa zeyan is in vegetative state but for world Lu zeyan is no more in the world and secretly admit in lu empire hi-tech charity hospital with fake name. As the accident site seems to be planned rather than accident. After accident within one day lu empire share drop vigorously and lu xia yet eighteen so company management take over by her father step brother Lu yihan. After returning from funeral lu xia found lu yihan and aunty xu wanwan in villa. As she enter in living area her aunty run and hug lu xia , my poor child come sit it's very hard on you but don't worry we will not leave you alone and start shedding tear. Lu xia very touch with Uncle and aunty care and hug them back. While having dinner aunty wanwan showering all the love to lu xia putting pile food in lu xia plate. Xu wanwan hold lu xia hand and said in teary eye your cousins having flight for b city day after tomorrow, they were coming to b city on your birthday .. lu xia stop xu wanwan aunty I am not going to celebrate my birthday! but xiaer said Xu wanwan, no but aunty.Uncle lu yihan said no but wanwan we have to respect xiaer. Lu yihan start saying xiaer company facing some difficulty and sort of liquid fund as he proceed further interrupted by xu wanwan not now yihan xiaer is tired now , xiaer go and take rest. Lu xia obediently went in her room and after changing once she lie down, she start missing her parents and begin to cry, at the same moment Xu wanwan enter in room holding glass of milk . She runs toward Lu xia put glass of milk on side table huged her and said don't cry my child pat her shoulder and give her milk. Lu xia never fond of milk but seeing love in xu wanwan eyes finished the milk quickly and lie down again. Xu wanwan sit next to lu xia holding her right palm in her palm start patting lu xia head and said very lovingly sleep xiaer aunty is here only. Tin-tin sound of alarm wake up lu xia , she slowly open her dreamy eyes and try move her hand , then she found she is still holding aunty hand xu wanwan is sleeping soundly while holding her palm with one hand another one is resting on her forehead. She smile and very touch with the xu wanwan love and care. She slowly remove her palm from the xu wanwan hand, slowly put another hand on bed and slide the pillow below xu wanwan head. Lu xia get up from the bed and went in bathroom. Xu wanwan open her eyes at the same moment , gaze in the direction of bathroom ,smirk and sleep again. On breakfast table lu yihan asks lu xia where is your aunty? she sleeping uncle !. Lu yihan signal maid go and wake up wanwan. Please don't uncle, aunty were taking care of me whole night let her sleep!. said lu xia and halt the maid. while having breakfast lu xia said uncle ,I want to handover the power of attorney to you. lu yihan choked the food and said what? yes uncle I am too young handle company affair and I have to finish my study too.lu yihan tried start conversation, but xiaer its your inheritance left by my dear.

This story is my First attempt in writing. I tried to build strong female.Suggestion and comment are welcome.This is my orignal work and all right reserved to me.

English is not my mother tongue, please excuse me for any grammitical mistake. I am ready take suggestion and comments.please give your valuable feedback

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Aparajita_bhushancreators' thoughts