
Urban tycoon

An essential weapon of the nation, a fierce tiger unleashed! He, both righteous and wicked, destined for a fate of unending turmoil! Bearing the chains of life and death, he commands the wheel of destiny! Standing at the forefront of the tide, he sings loudly in the wind throughout his life! He only wears the most intimidating facade, only steps on the most ruthless of foes! His life is a brilliant saga, forged in fierceness, dancing in the vast sky!!!

DaoistlpXQ8U · Urban
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30 Chs

Female scoundrel

The water pipe at home burst. Can it be fixed?

Upon hearing this melodious, even slightly tempting voice, Chen Liuhe's body trembled. This was indeed a charming young lady.

However, he always felt that this voice was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Liuhe hurriedly left the house. Both he and his little sister were struggling to make ends meet. How could they survive without earning some extra money?

Li Yuan Community is a mid-range community in Hang City. Anyone who can afford to buy a house here must be at least a petty bourgeois.

As soon as he entered the community, Chen Liuhe's mood inexplicably improved. He loved dealing with wealthy people; there was no pressure at all when dealing with the slaughter.

Arriving at the designated floor, he knocked on the security door and was greeted by a stunningly beautiful woman.

The woman had exquisite features and a fair, tender skin that glowed with a hint of moisture. Her almond-shaped eyes seemed to be filled with autumn water, her long eyelashes slightly curled, captivating like two fans swaying in the wind.

With a standard melon-seed face and curved eyebrows, she had a wine-red wavy hair lazily coiled behind her head, revealing a smooth and full forehead. Below her slender neck, there were majestic curves, especially under the cover of the silky nightgown, the black bra inside seemed to be looming, incredibly stimulating.

She was an out-and-out beauty, and the kind that was most likely to tempt someone to commit a crime.

But when Chen Liuhe saw her face, he didn't even think about anything improper. Instead, he widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Why is it you?"

The woman glanced at Chen Liuhe obliquely, the corner of her mouth lifting in a mocking arc, and said in an arrogant tone, "Surprised to see me? Why can't it be me?"

Chen Liuhe smiled bitterly. No wonder he found the voice on the phone so familiar. It turned out to be the unfortunate woman he had encountered this afternoon.

Looking her up and down, Chen Liuhe said, "It doesn't matter who it is. What matters is that money can do wonders. Time is precious for the night's pleasures. Let's not waste time and get to it."

Hearing this nonsensical remark, Qin Ruohan's pretty face instantly blushed. She glared at Chen Liuhe and said angrily, "Can't you keep your mouth clean?"

Chen Liuhe realized his mistake and chuckled, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. Although my words are crude, they are not without reason. After the service, I guarantee you will feel relaxed and satisfied, singing my praises."

As he spoke, he became more and more absurd, angering Qin Ruohan. She looked at Chen Liuhe with a red face, "You talk nonsense. If you dare say something rude again, I'll kick you out immediately."

Chen Liuhe smiled awkwardly, picked up his toolbox, and headed for the bathroom. In his heart, he was amused. This woman, thinking she could challenge him with her limited skills? She was still so young; he could easily defeat her.

When he reached the bathroom and saw the situation inside, Chen Liuhe was dumbfounded. Was it just a burst water pipe? The entire bathroom seemed to have been demolished!

There were at least three or four places where the pipes were leaking, and the toilet had been smashed open with a blunt object. The sink also had a large hole in it, spraying water everywhere, almost flooding the living room.

What made Chen Liuhe speechless and infuriated was that there were several clothes hangers hanging in the bathroom, all of which were women's intimate items. There were lace bras and panties, as well as thin flesh-colored and black pantyhose, which were even more alluring when wet.

One couldn't help but imagine the scene when the beautiful homeowner wore these intimate clothes, which was quite arousing.

Well, as a very normal man, Chen Liuhe couldn't help but have a reaction.

Qin Ruohan, who was following behind Chen Liuhe, also noticed his gaze. She said angrily, "Where are you looking? If you dare to look around, I'll gouge your eyeballs out!"

Even though she was a woman who often frequented places of romantic interest, she felt a bit embarrassed. It was all because she had been too impulsive just now and hadn't had time to put away her intimate items before the bathroom was destroyed.

"I said, shouldn't you be looking for a contractor for this situation? Why are you looking for me?" Chen Liuhe said with a black face. "It's already like this. How can I fix it?"

"Why? Aren't you supposed to be an all-around home service expert? Can't you handle this kind of job?" Qin Ruohan sneered. "If that's the case, I must remind you that you'll have to pay for wasting my time."

Chen Liuhe narrowed his eyes. "Wasting my time? I haven't even started working yet. How can there be any wasted time?"

Qin Ruohan raised her chin and glanced at Chen Liuhe. "You are using the banner of an all-around home service expert to deceive people. Now that I've found you, and you can't do the job, this bathroom is what I'm waiting to use. If you can't fix it, don't I deserve compensation? I haven't even accused you of being deceptive yet."

"Damn!" Chen Liuhe cursed, "I'm telling you, even if you don't like me, you don't have to come after me like this, do you? Did I provoke you? Just because I took a few hundred bucks from you this afternoon, does that make me so hateful? To ruin your own bathroom just to get back at me?"

It was obvious that this was intentional. Chen Liuhe now strongly suspected that this woman had caused the bathroom incident herself, just to cause trouble for herself.

"I'm happy to do it. Can you control me?" Qin Ruohan said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense. Just one sentence, can you fix it or not?"

Feeling increasingly frustrated, Chen Liuhe decided to leave with his toolbox.

"Hey, 110? I want to report a case!" As soon as Qin Ruohan made the call, Chen Liuhe became furious and quickly snatched the phone from her, saying, "You're amazing, aren't you? Okay, okay, can't I fix it? You're really something, threatening me like this."

Under Qin Ruohan's intimidation, Chen Liuhe had to compromise. Although he wasn't afraid of Qin Ruohan calling the police, such a trivial matter would most likely end in nothing even if it went to the police station. However, Chen Liuhe didn't have the time or inclination to deal with trouble.

Looking at the mess in the bathroom, Chen Liuhe sighed with sorrow and indignation. This project was so huge that he probably wouldn't be able to go home until midnight.

For Chen Liuhe, this kind of small repair was effortless. He could repair anything from planes, cannons to submarines. What's more, it was just a few water pipes?

Fortunately, the property management of this community

 was reliable. They had some commonly used materials for repairs, which saved Chen Liuhe a lot of trouble.

Under a sense of humiliation, Chen Liuhe directly pulled down those women's intimate items on the hangers to use as rags. Surprisingly, these little items felt really good, silky smooth, causing ripples in his heart.

But Qin Ruohan was so angry that she was red-faced and speechless. If she had a weapon in her hand, she believed she would definitely knock Chen Liuhe on the back of his head.

After more than an hour, all the water pipes were finally replaced. Chen Liuhe breathed a sigh of relief, took out a poor-quality Hongmei cigarette that even the street sweepers wouldn't want from his pocket, and lit it.

"All done. As for your toilet and sink, I can't do anything about it. You should go to a store that sells bath products tomorrow and buy new ones. They should be able to install them for you." Chen Liuhe picked up his toolbox and walked out of the bathroom, saying to Qin Ruohan, who was lazily lying on the sofa in the living room.

Without waiting for her to speak, Chen Liuhe reached out for the money. "Eight hundred. I'll give you a discount of 9.98%, so it's a total of seven hundred and ninety-eight yuan and four cents, rounded to eight hundred."

Upon hearing Chen Liuhe's words, Qin Ruohan almost spat blood. She jumped up from the sofa and said, "Eight hundred? Why don't you just rob me? You scoundrel!"

"Eight hundred is still too expensive? Damn it, a full-service call would cost eight hundred yuan too. I've been working hard all night. Isn't that more tiring than a full-service job?" Chen Liuhe said shamelessly.

Qin Ruohan was so angry that she came up with a cunning plan. "Then I have to calculate with you. The underwear and stockings I hung in the bathroom have been destroyed by you. They are all international brand products, worth at least over two thousand yuan in total. I'll cut it in half for your pitiful look and charge you one thousand two hundred. You still owe me four hundred."

"What?" Chen Liuhe's eyes widened. He was annoyed and said, "Those few pieces of cloth aren't worth as much as my pants fabric. They're worth over two thousand? You're even more heartless than me!"

Chen Liuhe couldn't help but be furious. "Lady, don't play tricks with me. Just pay up quickly. Otherwise, even though I look gentle, I can be ruthless. When I get angry, even I'm afraid of myself."

Qin Ruohan was so angry that she was ruthless. She had been waiting for this opportunity to vent her anger. How could she pay? With a flick of her eyes, she said, "Then I have to calculate with you. The underwear and stockings I hung in the bathroom have been destroyed by you. They are all international brand products, worth at least over two thousand yuan in total. I'll cut it in half for your pitiful look and charge you one thousand two hundred. You still owe me four hundred."

"What?" Chen Liuhe's eyes widened. He was annoyed and said, "Those few pieces of cloth aren't worth as much as my pants fabric. They're worth over two thousand? You're even more heartless than me!"

Chen Liuhe couldn't help but be furious. "Lady, don't play tricks with me. Just pay up quickly. Otherwise, even though I look gentle, I can be ruthless. When I get angry, even I'm afraid of myself."

Qin Ruohan smiled coldly. She had been in the gray area for so many years; what hadn't she seen? How could she be scared by Chen Liuhe, a rustic man?

With a fierce determination, Chen Liuhe tried to appear fierce and approached Qin Ruohan. He felt that he had encountered bad luck for eight lifetimes. Why did he meet such a scoundrel today?

He originally thought he could easily make a few hundred bucks this afternoon, but now it seemed like a disaster.