
Chapter 2: After 3 years, I am back!_1

Xu Shihan blushed, after all, their posture was quite awkward.

If this incident got out, how could she show her face again!


"Can you let go of me?"

At this moment, Xu Shihan's face was flushed, as she spoke in a whisper, due to the surrounding crowd.

Upon hearing this, Ren Feifan immediately let go of her.

"Err, lady, sorry, it's a professional habit..."

Xu Shihan: "..."

After much struggle, when Xu Shihan stood up, a round of applause suddenly broke out among the crowd.

Everything that had just happened had been seen by the onlookers, if it were not for that man's intervention, many would've lived under the shadow of a young girl's death.

After all, the shocking sight of a young girl in the prime of life being hit by a giant advertising board was enough to cause nightmares for a lifetime.

With a faint blush on her pretty face, Xu Shihan took a deep breath, mulling over how to face the man who had just saved her.

But when she looked at the ground, she found, to her surprise, that the man who had just saved everyone had strangely disappeared!


Night had fallen.

Ren Feifan, injured all over, returned home, choosing to leave because he did not want to face a lot of attention.

Many in the crowd had already pulled out their phones to take pictures, so he knew that as soon as his picture appeared online, someone would inevitably discover his existence.

Although his appearance had changed a lot after three years of war, there was still a risk of being recognized.

Being recognized by those from Capital City wouldn't really matter as they, even knowing he was alive, wouldn't care too much about him, considering he was as insignificant and weak as a bug in their eyes!

What Ren Feifan has to do now is simply lurk!

How should I treat those who slander, insult, belittle, laugh at, deceive, and scorn me?

You just endure them, make way for them, avoid them, bear with them, let them be, respect them, and ignore them. After a few years, you will see!

Ren Feifan took off his baseball cap and threw it aside, picked up a towel from the bathroom, and rolled it up.

He put it in his mouth, bit down hard, and then tore his old, torn-up shirt; the slight perspiration on his strong chest reflected a metallic sheen in the dim light!

As his breath slowly fluctuated, it revealed an intimidating killing aura. At last, he opened a bottle of medical alcohol, and without any hesitation, poured it onto his back.


Ren Feifan's body convulsed, his strong abs quivered slightly. Such a large area being drenched in medical alcohol, it would be unbearable even for someone with an iron constitution.

What Ren Feifan didn't know was that as soon as the Jade Pendant, which had run behind him, touched his flesh, it strangely entered his body!

"Huh? Why isn't it hurting anymore?"

Ren Feifan felt a strange sense of shock, he had been in immense pain just a moment ago, but now his back almost felt healed.

But this relief didn't last long, as Ren Feifan gradually felt heavy-eyed, very tired, and the next second, he passed out, collapsing on the sofa.

Not long after Ren Feifan passed out, a golden light suddenly shot out of his body, gradually changing into stars that covered the surface of his body!

And the wound on his back was healing at an incredible speed!


After an unknown amount of time, Ren Feifan felt the world spinning around him.

The next moment, he found himself in a closed space, having fallen hard onto the solid ground beneath.

Fortunately, Ren Feifan's physical strength was excellent; otherwise, falling from such a high place would have either killed him or broken his bones.

Ren Feifan picked himself up from the ground, stretched a bit, and strangely found that his wound didn't hurt as much as he had imagined. He then began to observe his surroundings.

The closed space in front of him was surrounded by walls covered in peculiar murals and patterns, with the height of the space being approximately six meters.

"Huh, where am I? Wasn't I just in my bedroom? How did I suddenly end up here?"

Confusion flashed in Ren Feifan's eyes, but the experience of the past three years allowed him to quickly calm down.

Firstly, he could assert that this was not a dream, that he had indeed come to a special space.

Besides the murals, there were three cylindrical stone tables in the entire space.

Each stone platform was surrounded by a painted image of a leviathan azure dragon, so lifelike it seemed to live and breathe. Upon closer inspection, Ren Feifan noticed some inscriptions etched into the top of the stone platforms.

Viewing all three stone platforms, Ren Feifan found that each top held several traditional inscriptions. Besides the few ancient characters carved into the first stone that he could make out, the inscriptions on the remaining two platforms were dim and barely readable, despite his best efforts to squint or adjust his focus.

"Heal the physical, but not the emotional," Ren Feifan murmured, running his hand across the first stone platform.

The characters were written quite crookedly. Despite his experience with antique texts, Ren Feifan struggled to fully comprehend the ancient writings.

Heal the physical, but not the emotional? Could these three stone pillars be Legacy Pillars?

Curiosity now wholly replaced Ren Feifan's fear. He knew that there existed many unexplainable phenomena in this world.

Just as with the mysterious space he found himself in now, remaining calm when faced with terror was the only chance for survival. Tree years ago, had he disappeared, Ren Feifan would have long been crushed under the derision and terror of Capital City's playboys.

Three years prior, Ren Feifan was of the third generation of Capital City's Ren Family. His father, Ren Yun Tian, a rising star in politics, served as the director of a certain department in the Capital City. He had no recollections of his mother.

What Ren Feifan found unbearable was a strange disease he had contracted since childhood. This disease led to his reputation as the number one failure in Capital City.

At a routine hospital check, Ren Feifan had been diagnosed with impotence. Despite the Ren Family's desperate attempts to keep this scandalous information a secret, in one night, it seemed the whole of Capital City had gotten word of it.

The news that one of Huaxia's six top families had a member incapable of carrying on its lineage dealt a serious blow to the Ren Family's standing amidst the other families.

This caused Ren Feifan's relationship within his family to become rather delicate.

Despite Ren Feifan's issue, he was fortunate to have an arranged fiancé since his young days.

This fiancée happened to be the number one beauty in Capital City back then. Although she had only been eighteen at the time, her aura surpassed that of many celebrities and socialites.

Since then, Ren Feifan had plenty of wealth and a beautiful companion, potentially a good life, hoping that with the advancement in technology, his condition could still be cured. However, an unexpected turn of events disrupted his life.

After a banquet, a heavily intoxicated Ren Feifan woke up to find himself clutching a pistol, with a bullet-ridden body in front of him. The deceased was Chen Ting, a prime candidate to inherit the Chen Family Head title in Capital City.

But that day, Chen Ting was killed at the hands of Ren Feifan, Capital City's number one failure!

At least that was how it appeared, even with a human witness. Unfortunately, the human witness was his unseen fiancée. Since that day, it seemed like he was at odds with the world…

Abandoned by his family, ridiculed by the hedonists, endless assassination attempts, constant mockery... As a result, he became Capital City's most peculiar and awkward existence!

Who was the one framing him?

Why did they stop at nothing to drive him out of Capital City?

These questions baffled him for years.

Ren Feifan didn't want to dwell on it anymore. He was no longer part of that world, so why continue thinking about it?

His only concern now was figuring out why he was here.

"Hmm? Is that a handprint underneath the characters? Do they want me to press down on it?"

Ren Feifan spotted a faint handprint on each of the stone platforms, almost invisible unless you were explicitly looking for it.

After giving it some thought, Ren Feifan stretched out his hand to press down on the handprint without hesitation.

"It fits perfectly? That's too unbelievable."

For the first time, Ren Feifan was truly astounded. The size of the handprint was as if it was tailored just for him.

The next second, the characters "Heal the physical, but not the emotional" mysteriously started floating above the stone platform. The golden light they emitted filled the entire secret chamber.


Ren Feifan felt as though his head was about to explode. Then a surge of intense information appeared inside his mind.

"Gazing Energy Technique - Look beyond life and death, through flesh and bone, merging the observed with the observer in the blink of an eye, flowing through the heart. Seven emotions and six desires, the foundation of the Gazing Energy Technique…"

These formal words, for some reason, became comprehensible to Ren Feifan just by exerting some focus.

The Gazing Energy Technique was a spell acting upon one's eyes, seemingly allowing them to peer through objects simply by thought. Although it resembled x-ray vision, Gazing Energy Technique was more than that. It allowed the user to perceive a person's fortune, resentment, disease, disaster, etc.

"Are they asking me to unleash the basic instincts of a man?"

Ren Feifan sarcastically wondered.

The next moment, another surge of information poured into Ren Feifan's mind!

This time, it felt as if his mind would burst!

After a long while, Ren Feifan processed only a portion of the content - the legacy of an unpredictable divine doctor.

(PS: The issue of the protagonist's impotence will be solved soon, so don't worry. The protagonist still has a chance with the beauties in the story!)