
Urban Stalker

Miso Shiitake wants to become a hunter to get out of poverty and earn good money. But to guarantee becoming a hunter and joining a good faction, he has to get excellent grades in the Hunter Qualification Exam and join the prestigious AAD University. Unfortunately, Miso gets terrible grades and barely manages to join one of the worst schools, ZZZ University. Miso is thrown into a terrible university where it is impossible for him to learn anything. With no-one wanting to help him out because they believe him to be weak, he'll have to rely only on himself and learn things on his own to become stronger and join the hunters. ie: generic power fantasy, but worse.

iwannaseeyour_ball · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"That was a good attempt." The voice of the demon comes from the smoke. "Unfortunately for you, I could just make as much fat, muscle and bone as I want."

A figure comes out from the smoke. "That was good." It repeats. "You made me activate my second of my fourth form."

"That's…impossible." Maki says in disbelief.

The monster looks almost disgusting- now that it has activated it's second form. It looks like it has forcefully squished about 500 kilograms of muscle into a tiny human body. Its muscles were struggling to burst through its flesh and were writhing around like snakes every time it used them.

"You-" It points at Maki. "You're the troublemaker."

Maki gets ready.

Everyone's on edge, except for Aurelia, who simply remains calm and watches the monster with curiosity. They're waiting for the monster to make its move

The monster takes a sprinter's position.

"AAAAAAARRRGGHHHHHH." The monster strains it's foot. It looks like it's increasing the amount of muscles in it's legs. The muscles wrap around it's legs and slither even more violently. It looks disgusting.

"What's it-" Maki is interrupter by a loud-


The monster stays still, but the ground shakes. Cracks spiderweb through the ground. Part of the ground start sinking like dough. The ground shakes even more violently. Buildings fall in the distance.

Earthquake? No. The monster is flexing it's leg muscles- ready for a hundred meter dash- straight towards Maki.

Everything becomes silent, and a moment of calm falls on the abandoned city.

Then, an unnaturally high-pitched sound could be heard, like a bullet being shot from a railgun.


The monster explodes towards Maki at seventeen times the speed of sound.

At this speed, even the air feels solid to the monster. The monster hits dust particles and at these speeds it feels like bullets, but the monster pushes on and cleaves through the air like butter, heating it to uncomfortably high temperatures. It leaves behind a trail – like a comet. The air is pushed with so much pressure that it is forced into becoming a solid, even though the temperature is hot enough to evaporate blood. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, all the gas around the monster fall to the ground with a 'THUMP' as it is forced to assume a solid shape.

Maki. Will. Die.

It is inevitable for the monster to hit him. No one could even react, and yet the monster feels uncomfortable. The newcomer, Aurelia simply stares at the monster.

"SUCK MY DIIIIICK!" The monster yells triumphantly. Once it hits Maki, his-along with the others- bodies will vaporize into their base elements and become a part of the atmosphere.

Then, from the corner of its eye, it sees Aurelia.

Aurelia moves. At this speed. Without even activating her second form.

At this speed!

'Impossible!' the monster thinks to itself.

She smiles at the monster, waves bye and punches at the air.

'Why's she punching the…air? I'm right here.' The monster thinks to itself. 'Well, whatever. The punch isn't even going to hit me.'

Then the monster sees it.

Suddenly…everything's off. What?

Nothing looks right.

Light itself bends around Aurelia's arm. From the monster's point of view, it looks like a funhouse.

Faces bend, buildings twist, light dims, the sky turns bright pink. Aurelia's punching arm's skin tears off, arteries hold on for dear life, pumping blood in slow motion. The muscles get ripped and attempt to float away, while strands still attach to her arm. Bits of bone show.

"WHAT-" The monster is creeped out. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

A rift opens behind Aurelia. The monster averts its eyes instinctively.

Whatever is in the rift should not be seen by any living thing unless they want their minds to snap.

That rift doesn't shouldn't exist to this world. Whatever is inside corrupts reality.

A diseased 'arm' extends from the rift, if we can even call it that. Even looking at the arm hurt the monster's eyes. It was way too vibrant, too colourful. It seemed to disobey the laws of space itself. It seemed to bend like a rubber band around the monster's eyes. And with it, space itself bent like a rubber band around the monsters eyes. It looked like something a child would draw. It had way too many 'hands' and 'fingers' in one arm. It slightly changed shape each time it moves, as if the arm is being replaced by a very similar looking arm every second. The arm stops near Aurelia's elbow and nudges it a little bit towards the monster.


Two gusts of wind hit each other. One from the S tier monster, one from Aurelia's punch and they cancel each other out.

Maki couldn't see anything. Neither could the people watching the news – me included. All of this happened in a fraction of a millisecond.

All they saw was the monster disappear.


"It's all right now." Aurelia says. She looks completely unharmed. Not even a scratch on her.

The atmosphere immediately changes from stressed to relaxed.

"Thank god." Monnyak falls to the ground.

"Classic Aurelia." Maki says.

Unfortunately, they couldn't stay in this place for very long.

"Wait…what's that?" he asks pointing at the sky. He could see a cluster of meteorites fall down. They look like stars coming down to Earth.

"That's the debris from my Haretsu. It's coming back to the ground." Maki yells.

"You fucking monster." Monnyak grumbles. "How are you still in A-tier?"

"Trust me, the top 50 A tier title holders make me look like a baby." Maki says.

"We can't relax yet." Aurelia points at the sky as debris starts raining down. "I'll open a-"

One of the pieces of debris lands on Maya's husband's head and smashes it to pulp. Her husband is dead. Bits of brain, skull and teeth are splattered everywhere.

"OH MY GOD!" Maya runs towards her husband who's head is clearly missing and asks, "Are you okay?"


"NOOOO!" Maya starts crying.

"We gotta go now." Aurelia says as more meteorite-debris falls to the ground. "I'll take us to the HQ."

"Wait, let me at least take my husband-" Maya tugs on her husband's lifeless feet.

"Just leave him there bro. He's going to get stomach acid on the carpet. It's going to be really hard to scrub the stains off." Maki says.

"Ah.." Maya looks like she's immediately gotten over her husband's death. She leaves his body.

Aurelia opens a portal, then leaves with the others.

The portal closes.

The news channel switches back to the news anchor, who looks in shock. This was the first time in twelve years that an S tier in action was caught on camera.

"Oh my-…..oh god." The news anchor looks in shock.

Six-year-old Miso stares at the screen. "That…..was so cool."

Imagine getting paid millions a day just for looking this cool!

On that day, Miso decided that he's going to become a hunter.

sorry bro my dog just got ligma

what's ligma?

ligma balls

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