
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Encirclement & fighting against the odds.

The road towards the villa was not as cheerful as the main road which leaded to Liu industries instead it was quite and desolate.

"Broom" when Liu Minger was driving suddenly noise came from behind her car she tried to see in the mirror.

'What-' looking at the mirror she saw five suv following her car from behind at first she only thought that they were on the same path so she didn't care much about it.

'Something's wrong' even after more then fifteen minutes passed the five suv were still following her if she couldn't tell that they were targeting her after all this then she would've lived in wain.

"Brooom" Liu Minger stepped on the accelerator and speed up, the five suv behind her also speedup and tailed her car from behind.

As the road was not straight she couldn't drive on full speed but it wasn't easy if they wanted to catch her.

'I have just arrived in river town and didn't offend anyone then who is behind this' while driving Liu Minger thought as she tried to find out who sent out so many people after her.

'Looking at their driving skills they are not some mediocre at the very least' as she was thinking suddenly she saw a large van blocking the road from front if she kept driving at this phase it wouldn't be long before her car will hit the van.

'Damn it I was care less' Liu Minger quickly stepped on the break , trying to stop the car.

The noise of tires came as if they were on fire.

When the distance between her car and the van was only about a few dozen cm's she finally managed to stop the car, but she didn't had the luxury to celebrate anymore as men in their 20s to 30s stepped out of the van in front of her, all of them were armed with metal bats, metal chains, metal clubs, steel swords, metal rods, and even chain saw, all of them stood in line and blocked the road leaving her no chance to escape while the driver in van was also looking at her if her car moved he would directly tackle it with van.

The Van itself had spikes on the front and back bumpers so if her car hit's it she was sure the consequences will be grave for her.

As she was just about to backwards, the five suv which were previously following her came as another group of men stepped out of it and blocked her path leaving her no room to escape

'I will have to give my all if I want to even have a chance of escaping from these people' she was thinking seriously how to escape even thought she knew martial arts but the number of people who were blocking her were at least thirty of not more then that, even for her this was no child play if she didn't take things seriously she will truly be in trouble.


She stepped out of the car as she asked.

"So who sent you guys huh?" when the men heard her they started laughing.

"Ha, Ha, Ha".

 "Ha, Ha, Ha".

 "Ha, Ha, Ha".

"You don't need to know that women, will you come with us while we brothers are asking you nicely or do you want to do it the hard way" one of the men in front said.

"Indeed come with us while we are being nice or we know how to take care of disobedient women" another one beside him said as he examined Liu Minger's curvy body and her fairy-like face while smiling which didn't seemed like a smile.

"Tight lips huh, whatever if you lowlife want to abduct me then know that it won't be that easy" she said as a matter of fact.

One of the men with short temper hearing her call them a lowlife was angered.

"Why are we wasting our time talking with her lets just take her and be done with it" he had a long one and a half meter, thick metal rode in his hands he leisurely came towards her while waving it trying to look like an expert.

"Look women if you don't come with us quickly then you will have to suffer from some pain, I don't see it the one in front of me is men or women while fighting" said the men while making the front end of the metal rode a few I'm away from Liu Minger's bountiful chest.

"Women listen to brother Hu while he is sane, he is not a gentleman, he has already mercilessly raped and killed more then 29 beauties and believe me you don't want to be 30th one" while the guy on the back said in joking manner as if the crime brother Hu had committed was nothing brother Hu in front of Liu Minger was smirking as if he was being praised for something epic.

'Damn looking at this women I'm having a serous urge to push her down and make her scream but boss said we can't do anything to her' brother Hu thought inwardly as he gaze at Liu Minger's soft breasts which seemed as thought they can burst out at any time, soft skin, perfectly round buttocks, and her slender legs, with her fairy-like appearance, she was truly a rare hard to come beauty who many might not even sea in their whole life, he felt if he could bed her he could die without regrets.

"Hmm disgusting, you lowlife don't even know how to hold your weapons and want to subdue me" Liu Minger said in a cold tone as she slightly pressed on bother Hu's wrist.


As soon as she did brother Hu began to scream as through someone broke his bones his grip on metal rode also lost the more he held it the more pain he felt, it was as through was holding the weight of a one ton car instead of a metal rode.

Liu Minger waved her hand and held the rode before it touched the ground, without giving the men in front of her any chance to recover she stroke the rode upwards.

The front end of the long and thick metal rode directly slammed on his third leg.


Poor brother Hu hadn't even recovered from the pain coming from his wrist and Liu Minger slammed the thick metal rode right on his third leg.

He felt as through he had arrived in hell, no longer caring for the pain from his wrist he covered his crotch with both hands as the pain coming from their was hundred times worst he knew that his two balls are probably broken now.

"This was for all the women who's life you ruined, compare to their pain yours is nothing" all this took time say but actuality only five seconds had passed since the start of her action, in five seconds she pressed a nerve on his wrist which made him give up on his weapon then she took it and slammed right on his crotch breaking his two lifelines in the process, showing the people present that she wasn't to be taken lightly.

The people present were stunned for a second when brother Hu went forward they thought that he would easily subdue her and even if she resisted he could handle her but in the next second she slapped their faces by making him grovel beneath her feet.

They quickly reevaluated the threat level the women in front of them posed if they don't attack together they won't be able to content against her and they might give her an opportunity to escape which will bring them a calamity.

Their boss had clearly said that if they successfully captured her they will able to live a life of luxury but if they allow her to escape their heads will fall off.

"Brothers let's go together" on of the men who held a metal bat in his hands said.

" Yes , let's do this we can't afford to let her escape no matter what" another man said in a gloomy tone.

'They are afraid that I might escape which means they have a certain knowledge about who I am in the whole River town except Cha Yin and a few people in the Liu Industries no one knows about me, that means who ever sent them is not from here' Liu Minger quickly drew out a conclusion about who could sent them she directly ruled out Cha Yin as she knew that if anything append to her the consequences she will suffer won't be light, with the fact that she hadn't offended any influential figure since she came in the river town the only possibility is…

'Someone from Beijing followed me hear and sent these goons to catch me but the question is who?' while Liu Minger was thinking the enemy had nearly reached her.

This time seven people attacked her together, she seeing the enemy closing in stopped thinking and focused on the fight at hand.

The first to reach her was a men with metal chain in his hands, without giving any thought he swinger the chain to strike her waist.

Liu Minger seeing this did a back flip and got out of the range of the attack not wasting anymore time she swiped the metal rode, the metal rode reached his face, he could only helplessly watch as the thick metal rode hitting his head.


His head was hurting as thought it was being split in half, he began screaming while clutching his head with both of his hands but this wasn't the end of his misery.

Liu Minger wasn't finished yet she used her free left hand and punched his right rib, the force of her punch was enough to make the injured men take dozens of step back.

Spitting some old blood he fell on ground and fainted.

Liu Minger didn't have time as two more were coming at her, she moved forwards  using the metal rode as a support she jumped, she kicked one on the right side as he took ten steps back then just as she was landing on the ground she let go of the metal rode and used her right arm to punch the second ones chest, the punch was powerful if someone looked closely they might even see his chest that had slightly caved in.

She picked the metal rode before it fell on the ground and attacked the dazed men, he was suffering from the pain coming from his chest so he had been stunned for a second, in the next instant he saw a fast metal rode that hit his face like this with pouches and kicks she took out all of the seven incoming enemies in the end they could only cry while covering their fresh wounds.

"Damn it she got many of our brothers".

"God, how can a weak frail looking women be so strong".

"This isn't good if this goes on we will all be beaten up".

"What can we even do, expect for attacking her together and hopping for the best we can't do anything".

"Damn if I knew we are going to meat such a demoness I would've stayed at home instead of coming in this forest to get beaten".

The remaining people began to waver if they should fight or not after seeing Liu Minger's skills, one had to know all seven of the people who she had just beaten excluding the previous brother Hu had some sort of weapon in their hands but she still defeated them.

"Silence you all lazy bumps, you are fearing of a single frail women, you all are not qualified to be a member of the Red Scorpion Gang and serve the boss" a middle aged man in his mid 30'S walked out of the crowd.

He had tanned skin and a bulky and tall physics, he was wearing a t-shirt and pants, his eyes coldly staring at Liu Minger.

'An Expert'.

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