
Urban Primordial System

Long shin was depressed as his relationship with his girlfriend ended when she told him to break up in front of everyone feeling depressed he walk towards the park as it was night time there was no one in the park he seat on a cliff Orb of the Primordial Chaos is an artifact which contained infinite powers of the Primordial Chaos very few even know about its existence while no one knows how it came to be but there was a saying that whoever gets the inheritance of the orb of the Primordial Chaos will Rule over the Infinite Cosmos and multiple dimensions from the highest peaks of the Nine Heavens to the depths of the Nine Hells and Chaos no one will be able to stand against the inheritor of the Orb of Primordial Chaos as it contains within it very mysterious but omnipotent power. After many years this saying will prove itself as many will remember the saying and the man who even gods were afraid to offend It was unknown where he came from or which race he belonged to many gods hated him many demons fear him many arrogant immortals were slain by him. Each of the gods and demons had their huge armies of uncountable soldiers fearless elite's and mighty generals They had powers to shatter the heavens and level the earth Destroying the very universe with but a wave of their hand Many of the gods and demons decided to band together by using their uncountable number of soldiers they tried to fight him but the result was terrifying He painted the cosmos with their blood imprisoned their souls and refined their corpses into energy With his one word, the uncountable number of beings powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came to a halt in the next second with a wave of his hands their souls left their bodies imprisoned within his realm. After the heavens shattering battle of the gods and demons no god or demon ever tried to offend him they cursed him behind his back but never dared to scheme against him as whenever he goes somewhere even the gods have to lower their heads and give way Wherever he goes the Dark Army follows He is the sovereign of the Darkness, he is the slayer of the demons, he is the enemy of the gods, the destroyer of the heavens, controller of the chaos. he has some call him devil, some call him god, some call him a saint In his journey, he had made many sworn friends, natural enemies and met many beauty's There is no shortage of women throwing themselves on him, he had many wives from mortal to goddesses and demoness. Join us in this journey of a mortal who fought his way to the apex of existence. _________________________________ this is my first-time writing, I'm only writing for fun if you are someone who cares about Grammars and stuff then this novel is not for you. ______________________________

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 93: Metamorphosis of the Divine Soul: The Dragon's Awakening

There is an old proverb that goes, "A mountain cannot contain two tigers, and a kingdom cannot have two kings."

The current scenario bore a striking resemblance to this saying.

Similar to the Knowledge Sea, the Divine Sense Sea possessed the ability to store the user's techniques, memories, and much more.

Furthermore, it served as the abode of one's soul.

Now, as the relentless conflict between the two cultivation techniques raged on within the depths of Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea, the consequences reached far beyond mere harm to his Divine Sense Sea. The clash became an all-encompassing assault on his very essence, his Divine Soul, which served as the core of his being.

The impact of this battle surpassed the boundaries of mere damage, for it was no longer a mere struggle for dominance within the Divine Sense Sea. The clash of these opposing forces unleashed devastating waves of energy that reverberated through the intricate network of Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea.

With each passing moment, the once harmonious and stable state of his Divine Soul faltered under the immense pressure. The intricate threads that composed his Divine Soul began to unravel, as if subjected to a relentless storm. The clash between the two cultivation techniques, like opposing tidal forces, threatened to tear apart the very fabric of his soul.

The exquisite balance that once defined Long Shin's spiritual core was now in jeopardy. The strength and purity of his Divine Soul were now at risk of collapse.

It was a dire situation, as the integrity of his spiritual foundation hung in the balance. The clash between the two techniques waged a relentless assault, chipping away at the once vibrant and resilient core of Long Shin's being. The strain on his Divine Soul grew with each passing moment, threatening to plunge him into the abyss of spiritual ruin.

In the face of this profound crisis, it became abundantly clear that swift intervention was necessary. Without immediate resolution, the repercussions would extend far beyond the boundaries of Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea, permeating every aspect of his existence. The fate of his Divine Soul and the future of his cultivation journey hung in the balance, awaiting a decisive outcome to this perilous clash.

As the fierce battle continued to unfold, an unexpected turn of events disrupted the tumultuous clash within Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea. Suddenly, the scroll that had been suspended in the Divine Sense Sea began to tremble, its ancient surface emanating a profound energy that rippled through the chaotic spiritual expanse.

With each tremor, waves of pure golden essence surged forth, permeating the once-dying Divine Sense Sea with an ethereal radiance. The pristine light, distinct from the luminosity emitted by the <Primordial Dragon Transformation>, seemed to possess an otherworldly quality, carrying the weight of ancient wisdom and untold power.

It was the sacred <Primordial Chaos Scripture> that now revealed its presence, its essence intermingling with the spiritual tapestry of Long Shin's Divine Sense Sea. The divine light that spilled forth from the scripture enveloped the tumultuous battlefield, casting a sublime glow upon the clash of the two opposing cultivation techniques.

In the face of this divine intervention, both the <Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics> and the <Primordial Dragon Transformation> begrudgingly ceased their relentless confrontation. The overwhelming radiance of the <Primordial Chaos Scripture> held a mesmerizing allure, commanding reverence even from the most formidable forces.

As the golden light filled every nook and cranny of the Divine Sense Sea, a sense of tranquility washed over the once turbulent battlefield.

Within this newfound serenity, a respite was granted to Long Shin's struggling Divine Soul and wounded spiritual essence. The golden light, an embodiment of the ancient wisdom contained within the <Primordial Chaos Scripture>, imbued his inner realm with a soothing and revitalizing energy. It was as if the very essence of creation had come to his aid, gently mending the frayed threads of his spiritual fabric.

The release of the pristine golden light unleashed an enigmatic surge of energy, its nature shrouded in mystery. It defied easy classification, challenging even the most discerning observers to discern whether it was pure mana or an entirely different essence altogether.

Within this radiant energy, a symphony of power intertwined. It carried not only the essence of untainted mana but also the indomitable dragon force, the ethereal phoenix essence, the primal bestial energy of myriad creatures, and an array of other formidable forces. The amalgamation of these majestic powers infused the atmosphere with an aura of transcendence, an undeniable testament to the boundless potential contained within the divine light.

As the ominous blood-red glow, representative of the <Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics>, and the resplendent golden radiance, emblematic of the <Primordial Dragon Transformation>, beheld the majestic display, a profound transformation occurred. In the wake of the wave of pristine energy, the two opposing forces relinquished their animosity, their hostile intentions fading into oblivion.

The blood-red glow that once symbolized the <Primordial Dark Sovereign's Infinite Battle Tactics> dissipated, its malevolent presence vanquished by the overwhelming influence of the golden light. In contrast, the golden glow that epitomized the <Primordial Dragon Transformation> underwent a subtle metamorphosis. Rather than attempting to reshape the entirety of the Divine Soul Sea and the Divine Soul, as it had done in previous encounters, it now exerted its influence with precision and purpose.

With measured intent, the golden glow began to enact only the necessary changes upon the Divine Soul Sea and the Divine Soul. It infused the spiritual realm with the essence of the dragon's lineage. Each modification was executed with a delicate balance, preserving the essence of Long Shin's being while imbuing him with the quintessential qualities of the magnificent Primordial Dragons.

In this harmonious convergence of energies, Long Shin's spiritual realm underwent a profound refinement. The Divine Soul Sea, once fraught with discord and conflict, now shimmered with a newfound equilibrium, as if the very fabric of his soul had found solace within this unified symphony of powers. The Divine Soul, too, experienced a subtle yet transformative awakening, as its essence resonated with the whispers of ancient creatures and embraced the potential for ascendance.


<Ding! Transformation of host's origin and soul complete.>

With the culmination of the arduous process, Long Shin's soul underwent a profound metamorphosis, transcending its previous limitations and embracing its newfound essence. The very fabric of his being had been reborn, infused with the majestic power of the dragons and the indomitable spirit of the sovereigns.

As the transformation concluded, the radiant light that enveloped his soul gradually subsided, revealing a soul that resonated with the ancient wisdom and strength of the dragon lineage. The once fragmented and turbulent soul now radiated an aura of sovereignty, commanding the respect of all who witnessed its majesty.

The essence of Long Shin's soul, interwoven with the primordial energies of the universe, emanated a brilliant luminescence. The very core of his being pulsated with immense power, resonating with the harmonious echoes of the divine Sense Sea.

Previously, Long Shin's Divine Soul bore a resemblance to his physical human form, much like other Magisters. However, the recent transformation had triggered a remarkable shift within his soul.

Now, at the core of his Divine Soul, a captivating sight unfolded. Shrouded in an ethereal mist of intertwining golden and blood red hues, a figure emerged, emanating an aura of profound darkness. Only the piercing gaze of his eyes, radiating with a mesmerizing blend of golden and blood red brilliance, pierced through the mist, their intensity hinting at the immense power contained within.

As the mist swirled around the enigmatic figure, glimpses of his body could be discerned, showcasing the unmistakable attributes of the dragon race. Strong and sinewy, his limbs bore the essence of draconic might, each movement exuding an air of majestic authority. Scales, resembling precious jewels, adorned certain visible portions, glinting with hints of gold and crimson, a testament to the fusion of his newfound dragon nature.

Long Shin's Divine Soul, now transformed into this magnificent amalgamation of darkness and dragon heritage, stood as a testament to his ascendance. It embodied the duality of his essence, the harmonious coexistence of primordial forces that had shaped his being. This divine entity within his soul resonated with ancient wisdom and unfathomable power.

[Forest Of Beginning]

The sight within this part of the forest was nothing short of breathtaking. A captivating aura of darkness permeated the air, and the glint of frigidness in the eyes of the creatures that patrolled the area sent shivers down the spines of onlookers. No living being dared to encroach within a radius of 500 meters around the colossal structure that dominated the scene – a magnificent cocoon.

The sheer enormity of the cocoon was awe-inspiring, dwarfing even the tallest of buildings, its size an imposing testament to the profound transformation taking place within. As if possessed by an insatiable hunger, the cocoon voraciously absorbed the surrounding mana, drawing it in with an almost magnetic pull. It pulsated with an energy that seemed to defy comprehension.

A pack of wolves, their forms cloaked in an ethereal shroud of darkness, maintained a vigilant watch over the cocoon's perimeter. Their eyes gleamed with an intensity that mirrored the abyss itself, guarding the cocoon with an unwavering dedication.

Amidst this vigilant presence, a remarkable figure emerged – a winged wolf standing proudly at a height of two meters. Swathed in a potent aura of darkness, it assumed a posture of utmost reverence in front of the cocoon. Its unwavering gaze remained fixated upon the enigmatic structure, as if aware of the momentous events unfolding within. The air hung heavy with anticipation, as the winged wolf stood as a steadfast sentinel, entrusted with the sacred duty of safeguarding the cocoon.

After an indeterminate span of time, the colossal cocoon that had stood as an enigmatic presence in the Forest of Beginning began to stir. A subtle vibration coursed through its exterior, as if an unseen force was gently nudging the boundaries of its confinement. Gradually, hairline fractures appeared, tracing intricate patterns across the once flawless surface of the shell.

With each passing moment, the cracks grew wider, like fault lines in the earth's surface, as the cocoon succumbed to the irresistible pressure building within. The resounding echoes of the cracking reverberated through the forest, drawing the attention of the dark creatures that had vigilantly guarded the cocoon.

And then, as if the universe held its breath, a moment of profound significance arrived. A section of the cocoon, several meters in size, finally yielded to the relentless force pushing from within. The shattered fragments of the shell cascaded to the forest floor, revealing a glimpse of what lay concealed beneath.

From the newly formed aperture, a mesmerizing sight greeted the onlookers. A single, immense golden reptilian eye, sparkling with ancient wisdom and power, fixated its gaze upon the world outside. The eye was colossal in scale, its sheer size measuring several meters, commanding attention and instilling awe in all who beheld its magnificence. The eye flickered with a fiery radiance, a testament to the untamed essence of the dragon race.

As the eye surveyed its surroundings, a faint rumble of anticipation filled the air, as if the very forest itself recognized the significance of this emergence. It was a testament to the rebirth that had taken place within the depths of the cocoon, a transformation that had now revealed itself in the form of this resplendent golden eye.

The process of the cocoon cracking and the subsequent revelation of the golden reptilian eye was a breathtaking spectacle, like witnessing the birth of a celestial being. It symbolized the breaking of barriers, the shedding of old limitations, and the emergence of a new power. The fragments of the cocoon scattered around the eye, serving as a testament to the transformative journey that had taken place within.

With the appearance of the golden reptilian eye. The dark creatures, previously shrouded in an aura of malevolence, looked upon the eye with a mix of reverence and awe.


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