
Chapter 405: Origin of the Evil Spirit_1

Qian Zongsheng's words were clearly meant for someone's benefit, and Xu Fan, with his strong Divine Sense, could easily discern whether the other party was sincere.

If it was just lip service for the occasion, Xu Fan definitely wouldn't bother listening.

What surprised Xu Fan was that Gao Ziling was also looking at him with determination, standing silently, but his fists were clenched tightly.

After witnessing Xu Fan's strength, this fellow still had the guts to try to stop him from attacking civilians, which was commendable for his dedication and sense of duty.

Xu Fan couldn't help but ponder; of the two hidden masterminds, Huang Yechun had been sent to his death first, but the other was still at large, above the law. Furthermore, Xu Qiyin, as the mastermind, was the one who had approved this decision, with Huang Yechun serving merely as the dog-headed military advisor and high-level enforcer.