
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 86: I Will Be Ready

After Sigar's death, Reese looked around at his surroundings, which were completely devastated. Within a radius of 750 meters, everything was destroyed. Not a single tree was standing, and the ground was shattered and torn. Reese sighed at the destruction they had caused.

He walked over to the bodies of the seven lieutenants to absorb their blood and transfer them into the Amethyst Orb one by one. Unfortunately, he could not retrieve the bodies of the other two lieutenants because they had dissolved upon death. It was unfortunate, but there was nothing more he could do about it.

Despite this, he was still excited. He was sure that the Umbral Force he could obtain from the seven lieutenants would be enough for him to break through to the Medial Realm.

After transferring the bodies of the lieutenants into the Amethyst Orb, Reese noticed two people approaching him: a man and a woman. The man had a rugged yet professional appearance, with short black hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and sharp, observant eyes. He wore tactical gear that indicated he was prepared for any situation. The woman was strikingly beautiful, with long, dark hair tied in a ponytail, sharp features, and a commanding presence. She wore a police uniform with several commendations pinned to it, indicating her high rank and experience.

Reese waited for them to reach him, curious about their intentions. When they arrived, Captain Samantha Yap introduced herself first.

"I'm Captain Samantha Yap, Cebu City Police Department," she said, her voice firm and authoritative.

Reese nodded, acknowledging her introduction. 'What a beautiful captain,' he thought, chuckling to himself.

Then the man stepped forward. "I'm Agent John Reyes of the Philippine Supernatural Investigation Agency, PSIA," he said, extending his hand.

Reese was momentarily stunned. He hadn't expected the Philippines to have an organization dedicated to the supernatural. 'PSIA, huh?' he thought. "Interesting."

Reese shook Reyes hand and then asked, "So, may I ask what you want from me?"

Captain Samantha Yap spoke first and went straight to the point. "Uhm. If there are any more supernatural attacks, we'd appreciate your help. The police can't handle these kinds of threats alone."

Reese nodded. "Of course, that's what I do," he said, smiling at her. Captain Samantha smiled and thanked him. Then Reese realized that Captain Samantha could not see him smiling under his mask. 'Dummy.' He scolded himself.

Reese then turned to Agent Reyes. "And you? What do you need?"

Agent Reyes replied, "Our director would like to speak with you about potential cooperation. We believe that working together could be mutually beneficial."

Reese contemplated this for a moment before responding. "I'll think about it," he said.

Agent Reyes nodded and handed Reese a calling card. "Contact us when you're ready to talk," he said.

Reese took the card and then asked, "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Captain Samantha Yap asked shyly, "Could you give us your name or at least a nickname? We need something to put in our reports." She smiled warmly at him.

Reese hesitated, thinking about what name to give them. He didn't want to reveal his real identity. 'What name should I give them that won't trace back to me?' he pondered. Then an idea struck him. He looked at Captain Samantha Yap and Agent Reyes and said, "Call me Urban, you know, like a populated city, and Knight. Call me Urban Knight."

Captain Samantha and Agent Reyes repeated the name together, "Urban Knight?"

Agent Reyes then said, "That's a very suitable name," and Captain Samantha Yap nodded in agreement.

Reese felt satisfied with the nickname. It fit perfectly and kept his real identity safe, hoping they would not think that the word "urban" was his last name.

After addressing the intentions of Captain Samantha Yap and Agent John Reyes, Reese bid them goodbye, mentioning that he had other matters to attend to. He saluted them both before disappearing from their sight.

Captain Yap and Agent Reyes were shocked by his sudden disappearance. "Incredible," Captain Yap muttered in amazement.

"You're right," Agent Reyes agreed, nodding.

After Reese vanished, Captain Yap and Agent Reyes made their way back down the mountain to inform the civilians that the threat had been neutralized and it was safe to go home. However, as soon as they reached the base, they were ambushed by a swarm of reporters.

The reporters bombarded them with questions:

"Where are the creatures?"

"Were any civilians hurt during the battle?"

"Where is the man who fought those creatures?"

Captain Yap raised her hands to calm the reporters, her authoritative presence helping to restore some order. "Please, one question at a time," she said firmly. "We will address all your concerns."

Agent Reyes stepped forward, his expression serious. "First, I want to assure everyone that the situation is now under control. The creatures have been dealt with, and there is no longer any immediate threat to the public."

A reporter pushed forward, holding out a microphone. "Can you tell us if any civilians were injured during the confrontation?"

Captain Yap shook her head. "Fortunately, no civilians were harmed. Thanks to the swift actions of our team and the individual known as Urban Knight, we were able to prevent any casualties."

Another reporter shouted, "Urban Knight? Are you talking about the Black Mask Man? Who is this Urban Knight? Can you tell us more about him?"

Agent Reyes glanced at Captain Yap before responding. "Urban Knight is a highly skilled individual and the one responsible for neutralizing the threat. We are grateful for him, but we cannot disclose any further information about his identity at this time."

The crowd of reporters continued to clamor for answers, but Captain Yap and Agent Reyes maintained their composure, ensuring that they provided clear and concise information without revealing too much about the Urban Knight or the specifics of the battle. After addressing the most pressing questions, they managed to disperse the reporters, allowing the civilians to return home with the reassurance that they were safe once more.


After bidding goodbye to Captain Yap and Agent Reyes, Reese quickly ran toward his rented home. Since it was very close, he arrived within two minutes. Without hesitation, he entered the Amethyst Orb. Upon appearing inside the orb, Reese saw Lakan, who looked shocked by the sight of the dead creatures.

When Lakan noticed Reese's arrival, he quickly asked, "Who are these creatures that suddenly appeared here dead?"

Reese chuckled softly and replied, "These are the lieutenants of the League of Shadows."

Lakan raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. "League of Shadows? What's that?"

As Reese arranged the bodies of the lieutenants, he answered, "It's the organization that's been hunting me."

Lakan nodded, deciding not to ask further questions as he saw Reese was busy arranging the dead bodies of the lieutenants. Once Reese had positioned the bodies, he commanded the Amethyst Orb to extract the Umbral Force from the corpses. 

Slowly, Lakan and Reese watched as the Umbral Force began to emerge from the dead bodies. Lakan was bewildered by the sight and couldn't shake off a familiar feeling.

"Why does this Umbral Force feel the same as the energy from the creature that killed me and the villagers before?" Lakan wondered aloud.

Reese paused for a moment, shocked by Lakan's revelation that the same energy used by the creatures he had just fought was responsible for killing Lakan and his villagers. A thought crossed Reese's mind: perhaps a member of the League of Shadows was behind the massacre.

"If it was a member of the League of Shadows who killed you and your villagers," Reese said, "then we really are fated to meet."

He continued, "And also, it means that creature is still alive after countless years and likely holds a high position within the League of Shadows. If I ever encounter the one who killed you, Lakan, I'll find a way for you to get your revenge.

Lakan's eyes widened as he processed Reese's words. The possibility that a member of the League of Shadows was responsible for his suffering and that this same individual was now Reese's enemy gave him a newfound sense of purpose.

"There's a good chance that we'll meet," Reese added. "And when we do, you'll have the opportunity to avenge your people."

Hearing this, Lakan felt a surge of excitement. He clenched his fists, and his eyes were gleaming with determination. The thought of finally avenging his fallen villagers after so many years filled him with a powerful resolve.

"Thank you, Reese," Lakan said, his voice filled with emotion. "I've waited a long time for this moment. If what you say is true, then I will be ready."