
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 7: Home

As the students arrived at their rental house, they were met with a scene of chaos and confusion. The once neat and orderly living space was now strewn with debris and belongings tossed about by the violent tremors.


Upon entering the residence, they were immediately struck by the smell of dust and the sight of cracks running along the walls. Furniture lay toppled over, and shattered glass littered the floor. Some of the students gasped in shock, while others exchanged worried glances. Fortunately, everyone was okay. 


Amid the chaos and confusion, the caretaker noticed the students and Mr. Yap were back from Kawasan Falls. He hurriedly went over to them and greeted them worriedly. "Mr. Yap! How are you all doing? Nothing happened while you guys were at the Kawasan Falls, right?"


"We're alright, Mike. Don't worry; we were just a little shaken up and exhausted," Mr. Yap assured Mike.


"That's good, that's good. Anyway, are you guys hungry? We salvaged a lot of food after the earthquake," the caretaker offered.


"We are a little hungry. Thank you for the offer, Mike," Mr. Yap said gratefully.


"Thank you, Mr. Ortega," the student also said in unison.


"Nonsense, this food is actually reserved for you all, so don't be polite with me. Come come and make yourself comfortable in this." Mike paused as he remembered that the place was a mess. 




"It's okay, Mike. Well, be alright here outside," Mr. Yap said as he patted Mike on the shoulder.


"Alright, I will call the guys after we prepare dinner," Mike said as he walked away. 


After the chaos of the earthquake had settled and the students and Mr. Yap had ensured everyone was safe, they gathered at the tables and chairs of their rental house to share a meal outside. Despite the lingering tension from the day's events, there was a sense of relief and gratitude among them for having come through the ordeal together.


As they sat around the table, the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow, creating an atmosphere of coziness amidst the darkness. The aroma of food filled the air, comforting and familiar.


Mr. Ortega, with his apron tied securely around his waist, had taken charge of cooking a simple yet hearty meal for the group. With skillful hands, he plated steaming dishes of fish and meat, a feast to replenish their energy after a long and stressful day.


The students eagerly served themselves, their appetites whetted by the day's events. As they passed around dishes and shared stories of their experiences during the earthquake, a sense of camaraderie grew stronger among them.


Despite the damage to their rental house and the uncertainty of what lay ahead, there was a bond forged through adversity that brought them closer together. They laughed, they ate, and they found solace in each other's company, grateful for the simple joys of a shared meal and the comfort of companionship in times of need.


After dinner, with their bellies full and spirits lifted by the camaraderie of the meal, the students and Mr. Yap began to prepare. They knew they couldn't stay in the damaged rental house for long, and it was time to leave.


With efficient teamwork, they cleared the table, washed the dishes, and tidied up the tables and chairs. Then, they gathered their belongings and packed their bags, ensuring they had everything they needed.


Outside the gate of the rental house, the bus awaited them, its engine humming softly in the cool evening air. The students loaded their bags into the storage compartment, each one pitching in to help without hesitation. Once everything was packed and everyone was accounted for, Mr. Yap gave a nod of approval, signaling that they were ready to depart. With a collective sense of resolve, they boarded the bus.


As Reese and his two best friends boarded the bus, they found themselves seated together near the back. The adrenaline from the day's events had begun to wear off, leaving Reese feeling drained and a little pale.


"Hey, Reese, are you alright? You're looking a bit pale," Ray said.


Reese forced a weak smile. "Yeah, just a bit shaken up from everything, I guess."


"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Renz teased.


"I'm fine, really. I just need some rest, I think." Reese reassured his two best friends with a smile.


"Maybe you should sit back and try to relax. We've got a long journey ahead," Ray said.


Reese nodded, grateful for their concern. He reclined his seat slightly and closed his eyes, trying to push away the lingering sense of unease from the earthquake.


"You know, Reese, you handled today pretty well. I mean, you were in an accident, a freaking accident, but you stayed surprisingly calm." Ray was impressed.


'Calm, nah, I'm just too tired to panic.' Reese thought.


"Honestly, I was terrified, but I didn't want to freak out and make things worse," Reese said.


Reese smiled gratefully at his friends, their words of encouragement lifting his spirits despite his lingering fatigue. As the bus rumbled along the road to safety, they continued to chat, finding comfort and support in each other's company.


As night deepened, casting a blanket of darkness over the landscape, the rhythmic hum of the engine lulled some to sleep while others gazed out of the windows at the star-studded sky above. The countryside slipped by in shadows and silhouettes, the occasional glimmer of distant lights from scattered homes offering a comforting reminder of human presence amidst the darkness.


Inside the bus, the atmosphere was a mix of weariness and quiet contemplation. Some students leaned against the windows, lost in thought, while others exchanged whispered conversations with their neighbors, sharing words of reassurance and support.


Mr. Yap moved through the bus, checking on each student and offering words of encouragement and comfort to those who needed it. Despite the late hour and the fatigue that weighed heavily on their shoulders, there was a sense of solidarity among them, a shared determination to weather the challenges of the night and reach their destination safely.


As the bus rumbled along the winding roads, the night seemed to stretch on endlessly, punctuated only by the occasional flicker of passing headlights or the distant hoot of an owl. 


Bogo City, Cebu, Philippines.


As news of the earthquake spread, panic rippled through the small area where the students' school was located.


Gathering outside the school gates, they formed a restless crowd, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Some paced back and forth, clutching their phones tightly as they tried to gather information, while others stood in anxious clusters, exchanging whispered conversations.


The minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly, each passing moment filled with a sense of dread and anticipation. Every distant rumble of an engine or flutter of movement in the distance caused hearts to skip a beat as the parents strained to catch a glimpse of the approaching school bus.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the familiar sight of the school bus came into view, its headlights cutting through the darkness like beacons of hope.


As the bus pulled up to the school gates, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the crowd of parents, their anxious faces breaking into smiles of gratitude and relief.


One by one, the students began to disembark from the bus, greeted by the tearful embraces and relieved murmurs of their waiting parents. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, the bonds of love and family proved to be a powerful source of strength, bringing comfort and reassurance to all who had feared for their loved ones' safety.


As Reese stepped off the bus, he was immediately engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions as he was met by the worried faces of his parents and younger brother. They rushed towards him, their eyes filled with concern and relief at seeing him safe.


"Reese, sweetheart, are you okay?" his mother exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "We heard about the earthquake and your accident. What happened? Are you hurt?"


Reese tried to steady his nerves as his parents bombarded him with questions, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of worry. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before responding.


"Mom, Dad, I'm okay," Reese began, his voice calm but tinged with fatigue. "I was in a minor accident, but I'm fine. It was just a little unlucky, nothing serious."


"Minor accident? We heard you fell into a deep hole, and you called that a minor accident?" His younger brother Ryan said with sarcasm.


"Even though I fell into a deep hole, it was still a minor accident. I only even had a little scrap on my right hand." Reese glared at Ryan for being so sarcastic.


His parents scrutinized him closely, noticing the pallor of his complexion and the exhaustion etched in his features. "You look pale, son," his father observed, his brow furrowed with concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"


Reese nodded, trying to reassure his parents. "I'm just a bit shaken up from everything, but I'll be okay. The earthquake was scary, but we followed safety protocols, and Mr. Yap took good care of us."


His parents exchanged worried glances, still processing the magnitude of what their son had been through. "We're just glad you're safe, honey," his mother said, her voice soft with relief. "Let's get you home and make sure you get some rest."


"Wait, mom, I'll say goodbye to my friends first," Reese said. "Okay, make it quick so that you can rest." His mother agreed.


As Reese's parents waited nearby, Reese turned to his two best friends, who had been by his side throughout the tumultuous events of the day. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, Reese managed to manage a small smile as he embraced them.


"Thanks for everything, guys," Reese said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would've done without you."


Renz clasped Reese's shoulder, his expression reflecting the deep bond they shared. "Hey, we've got your back, always. Just glad you're safe, man."


Ray nodded in agreement, a reassuring smile on his face. "Yeah, we'll see each other on Monday, okay? Take care of yourself, bud."


Reese nodded, his heart warmed by the unwavering support of his friends. "Definitely. You guys take care too. We'll catch up on Monday for sure."


With a final wave and promises to stay in touch, Reese and his parents bid farewell to his friends, their footsteps echoing as they made their way home. As they drove off into the night. With a collective sense of relief, Reese and his parents made their way home, leaving behind the chaos of the day's events. As they drove through the familiar streets of their neighborhood.