
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 64: Cooperation

Alex guided Reese away from the main gathering through a path that led to a more secluded part of the resort. The sound of the party faded into the background, replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant crash of waves.

Once they were far enough from prying ears, Alex stopped and turned to face Reese. Mr. Fernandez, Luke, and John formed a semi-circle around them, their expressions serious.

"Alright," Alex began, his tone much more somber than before. "We need to talk about the statue you found."

Reese's eyes narrowed slightly, his guard up. "What about it?"

Mr. Fernandez stepped forward, his authoritative presence commanding attention. "The statue you found is not just a piece of art. It represents the legendary warrior Lakan, who once protected this island and amassed incredible treasures. According to ancient texts, the statue is where the treasures are located."

Reese's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind racing with the implications. "You're saying the statue of this Lakan is where the treasures are located?"

Mr. Fernandez nodded. "Yes, but it's more than just wealth. The treasures hidden by Lakan include powerful artifacts capable of granting immense power to their wielders. This could change everything for us."

Reese took a deep breath, then shook his head. "When I found the statue yesterday, there were no treasures or anything around it."

Mr. Fernandez looked stunned. "How can that be? The book indicated that someone accidentally found the statue and some treasures in its vicinity."

Reese shrugged, maintaining his serious demeanor. "The statue you're talking about must be a hoax, then. I'm telling you, there were no treasures when I found the statue."

Luke's face turned red with anger. "You must be lying! You're just trying to keep the treasure for yourself!"

Reese's eyes hardened, and his tone was deadly serious. "I'm not lying. There were really no treasures when I found the statue."

Luke's rage boiled over, and he looked ready to lunge at Reese. But before he could act, Mr. Fernandez stepped in, stopping Luke with a firm hand on his shoulder. "That's enough, Luke."

Turning back to Reese, Mr. Fernandez's expression was a mix of disappointment and resignation. "I apologize for wasting your time, Reese. Thank you for your honesty."

With that, Mr. Fernandez guided Luke, Alex, and John away, leaving Reese standing in the quiet of the secluded path.

Reese was surprised to see Mr. Fernandez give up that easily. He had expected more resistance, perhaps even an attempt to force him to reveal more about the statue. As Mr. Fernandez, Luke, Alex, and John turned to leave, Reese decided to follow them with his spiritual sense, just to be sure.

He discreetly extended his spiritual awareness, tracking the group as they made their way back to the main area of the resort. Mr. Fernandez's demeanor remained calm and composed, while Luke fumed silently and John and Alex looked uneasy.

Reese watched as they approached Alex's parents, who were still mingling with the guests. Mr. Fernandez exchanged a few polite words with Alex's parents, his face betraying no sign of the frustration and disappointment he must have been feeling.

"We have to be going now," Mr. Fernandez said smoothly. "Thank you for the invitation, and happy birthday again, Alex."

Alex nodded with a polite smile on his face. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Fernandez. Have a good night."

Luke and John echoed their farewells, and the group headed towards the exit. Reese retracted his spiritual sense, pondering the encounter. It was clear that Mr. Fernandez had a deeper plan, and Reese knew he had to stay vigilant. 


As they entered their car and drove away from the resort, Luke couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "Father, why did we just leave like that? We didn't even get the information we needed about the statue!"

John nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it felt like we were just getting to the important part."

Mr. Fernandez's eyes flashed with anger as he turned to them. "Do you think I don't know that, Luke? Do you think I'm happy about it?" His voice was low but seething with barely controlled rage. "I wanted to strangle that insolent fool, but we were not in a place to do so. We need to play this smart. Rushing in like hotheads will only make things worse."

Both Luke and John fell silent, realizing the gravity of the situation. They nodded, understanding Mr. Fernandez's point but still frustrated by the lack of progress.

When they arrived home, Mr. Fernandez's wife, Angela, and their younger daughter, Isabella, greeted them at the door. Angela was a graceful woman in her mid-forties, with dark hair and a warm smile that belied the worry in her eyes. Isabella, a bright and lively 19-year-old, had inherited her mother's beauty and her father's sharp mind.

"Welcome home," Angela said, her smile faltering slightly as she noticed the tension in the air. "How was the party?" 

Mr. Fernandez forced a smile. "It was fine, dear. Just a lot of things to think about."

Isabella looked between her father and brother curiously. "You all seem so serious. What happened?"

"Nothing to worry about," Mr. Fernandez replied, patting her shoulder. "We need to discuss some things in my study."

With that, Mr. Fernandez, Luke, and John excused themselves and headed to the study. Once inside, Mr. Fernandez shut the door and took out his phone. He dialed a number, waiting as it rang.

A voice answered on the other end. "Yes, Mr. Fernandez?"

"We need to meet," Mr. Fernandez said curtly. "I have a proposal that could benefit both of us."

There was a pause before the voice responded. "I'm listening. What's this about?"

"It's about your political opponent... Richard Ramirez. I think we can help each other," Mr. Fernandez said, his tone serious.

"Why would you want to help us?" the voice asked, suspicion evident.

Mr. Fernandez hesitated for a moment, knowing he needed to reveal just enough to gain their interest. "Let's just say there's more at stake than just political power. There's a treasure hidden on Bantayan Island, and I believe the key to finding it lies with someone connected to Ramirez."

The voice on the other end was skeptical. "A treasure? Hidden on Bantayan Island? You expect me to believe that? This sounds like a fairy tale, Fernandez."

"I understand your doubt," Mr. Fernandez replied calmly. "But I'm serious. This treasure is real, and its value is beyond measure. We need to meet in person to discuss this further. I can provide more details and prove that this is not just some wild story."

There was a pause before the voice responded. "Alright. We'll meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. . But know this, Fernandez—if this is some kind of joke, there will be consequences."

"Understood," Mr. Fernandez said. "I'll see you tomorrow."


The next day, at precisely 8 p.m., the political opponent of Mr. Ramirez arrived at Mr. Fernandez's residence. The sleek black car pulled up to the front of the house, and the men stepped out, their expressions guarded and serious.

Angela Fernandez, standing at the door, welcomed them with a polite smile, though her eyes betrayed her confusion. "Good evening. Welcome to our home."

The men nodded in acknowledgment, their eyes scanning the surroundings. Mr. Fernandez stepped forward, greeting them with a firm handshake. "Gentlemen, thank you for coming. Please, come inside."

Angela's confusion deepened as she watched the exchange. She knew her husband's acquaintances, but these men were unfamiliar to her. She turned to him with a questioning look.

Mr. Fernandez caught her gaze and offered a reassuring smile. "These are the men of Councilor Michael Villanueva," he explained. "They're here to discuss some important business matters. Nothing for you to worry about, dear."

Though still puzzled, Angela nodded and stepped aside to let the men in. "Alright, just let me know if you need anything."

Mr. Fernandez led the men to his study, where they could speak privately. As they settled into their seats, he began to lay out the details of his plan, hoping to convince them of the treasure's existence and the benefits of their cooperation.