
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 48: Amethyst Astral Forging

After a long day of investigating the various malls in Cebu City, Reese finally returned to his rented home, his mind buzzing with thoughts and revelations. 

He settled into his bed with a heavy sigh, Reese began to dissect the information he had gathered. Finding out SM Seaside was under the influence of the League of Shadows weighed heavily on his mind, but the absence of any suspicious activity in other malls like Gaisano, Metro, Ayala Mall Terraces, and the branches in IT Park offered a glimmer of hope.

"Perhaps these malls really are innocent," Reese mused aloud, his brow furrowed in thought.

"But then again, there's no guarantee that the League's influence doesn't extend to other branches, especially in Metro Manila."

Reese pondered his next move, he knew that if he wanted to uncover the truth, he needed to cast his net wider. The smaller fish he had interrogated before only provided him with limited information. To truly get to the bottom of things, he needed to target a bigger fish—one with more influence and resources at its disposal.

Reese made a decision. He would set his sights on the larger branches of Ayala Malls, particularly the renowned SM Mall of Asia in Metro Manila. If there was anyone who could shed light on the League of Shadows' activities, it would be the stakeholders of these major shopping complexes.

But Reese didn't have the luxury or the time to travel to another place to continue his investigation, so for now, Reese's priority was the creature on top of the tower in SM Seaside.

"SM Seaside is where I need to focus for now," he muttered, his voice a determined whisper.

Grabbing the newly acquired Arnis sticks and leather armor. "No time to waste," he declared, his eyes flashing, then he went inside the Amethyst Orb to master his new martial arts technique.

Reese courses over the texts detailing the elusive technique known as Amethyst Astral Forging.

With furrowed brows, Reese started to study the technique now that he had made a breakthrough. It was quite easy for him to understand the technique.

After just minutes of studying, Reese's eyes widened with realization as he uncovered the key to mastering the technique. "Focus and will. That's it?" he murmured to himself, feeling a bit perplexed.

Then Reese closed his eyes and centered his mind, drawing upon his inner strength. With a deep breath, he visualized the vibrant Amethyst Aura surrounding the Arnis sticks, willing the energy to obey his command. As Reese concentrated, a faint shimmer began to emanate from the Arnis sticks, growing brighter with each passing moment. With a surge of excitement, Reese felt the energy respond to his will, enveloping the sticks in a radiant purple glow.

With a triumphant smile, Reese knew that he had unlocked the first step towards mastering the ancient art of Amethyst Astral Forging.

With the Arnis sticks bathed in the pulsating Amethyst Aura, Reese knew that he was one step closer to mastering the ancient art of Amethyst Astral Forging. But he also knew that the process wasn't complete yet. According to the texts, the final step was to allow the Amethyst Aura to flow through and change the elements of the Arnis sticks, transforming them into objects of strength and durability.

Then Reese extended his senses, feeling the subtle vibrations of the Amethyst Aura coursing through the Orb. He guided the energy to sink deeper into the Arnis sticks, allowing it to penetrate their very core.

Reese could feel the energy swirling and merging within the sticks, a tangible manifestation of the Amethyst Aura's transformative power. With each passing moment, the once ordinary sticks now glowed with a radiant purple light and slowly faded away, but they were still glowing a little., a testament to their newfound indestructibility.

With a satisfied smile, Reese knew that he had achieved mastery over the art of Amethyst Astral Forging. Then Reese tested the toughness of the Arnis sticks. Reese positioned the Arnis sticks firmly on the ground, readying himself for the ultimate test of their durability. Drawing upon every ounce of strength within him, he reared back his fist, muscles coiled like springs, and unleashed a powerful punch aimed squarely at the center of the sticks.


The impact echoed through the Orb, a sharp crack ringing out as Reese's fist connected with the unyielding surface of the Arnis sticks. But as the reverberations faded, Reese's gaze shifted to the sticks. To his delight, not a single scratch appeared on the surface of the sticks. They stood proud and unblemished, a testament to their newfound resilience. A satisfied smile spread across

Reese's face as he realized the extent of their indestructibility.

After confirming the remarkable durability of the Arnis sticks, Reese's confidence surged. He turned his attention to his leather armor and black mask, eager to imbue them with the same indestructible essence of the Amethyst Aura. After an hour, Reese was done transforming his leather armor and mask.

With his arsenal now enhanced by the power of the Amethyst Aura, Reese knew that he was more than ready to face whatever creature was on top of that tower.

Returning to his rented home after hours of intense practice within the Amethyst Orb, Reese glanced at the clock and was not surprised to see that it still read 8:00 PM. Then Reese's stomach rumbled softly, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before he entered the orb. Despite spending what felt like hours—or even days—within the Amethyst Orb, his body showed no signs of hunger or fatigue.

'Wierd,' Reese thought confusedly.

With a shrug, Reese decided to set aside his concerns for the time being. Perhaps the strange effects of the orb were simply another mystery to be unraveled in due time. Then Reese went into the kitchen to fix himself a simple dinner, even though he was not that hungry.

After fixing himself a simple dinner, Reese decided to give his parents a call to share the news about his new job. He dialed their number and waited for them to pick up. "Honey!" His mother's voice greeted him warmly on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Mom, I'm fine," Reese said, returning her greeting with a smile in his voice.

"Hon! It's so good to hear from you. How have you been?" She asked, her tone filled with genuine concern.

"I've been doing well, Mom. Actually, I have some exciting news to share with you and Dad," Reese replied, his excitement bubbling over.

"Oh, what is it, dear?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I've landed a job," Reese announced proudly. "It's a great opportunity, and I'll be able to transfer some money your way when I'm not busy."

His mother's voice was filled with delight. "Oh, honey, that's wonderful news! We're so proud of you. But tell us, what kind of job is it? What will you be doing?" Reese hesitated for a moment, knowing that he couldn't reveal the true nature of his job as

Jasper's personal guard. "It's, uh, EFL; I'll teach English to little kids," he lied.

Reese's father chimed in. "That sounds like important work, son. We're glad to hear you've found something. Just make sure you stay safe out there, alright?"

"I will, Dad," Reese assured him, feeling a pang of guilt at the half-truths he was telling his parents.

With the conversation winding down, Reese made a mental note to keep his true job a secret

from his parents for now. They didn't need to worry about him.