
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 35: Let bygones be bygones

As Reese made his way home, his mind was still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. He couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that had settled over him like a heavy fog. A hundred thousand pesos per month for protecting someone? It seemed too good to be true, yet the ATM card burning a hole in his pocket served as a stark reminder that this was indeed his reality now.


Arriving at his doorstep, Reese fumbled with his keys, his thoughts consumed by the implications of his newfound employment. A hundred thousand pesos per month was a considerable sum, one that could change his life in ways he had never imagined. Yet, as he stepped inside his modest rented home, the weight of responsibility began to settle on his shoulders.


Sinking into his bed, Reese allowed himself a moment to process everything that had transpired. The image of Mr. Ramirez's stern expression and the urgency in his voice lingered in his mind, a constant reminder of the seriousness of the situation at hand. If Mr. Ramirez was willing to offer such a substantial salary, it could only mean one thing—Jasper's life was his most important.


The realization sent a shiver down Reese's spine, his thoughts racing as he contemplated the magnitude of his new role. He had been entrusted with the safety of another human being, a responsibility that weighed heavily on him. But more than that, he couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that hung in the air like a dark cloud.


He stared out the window. Reese couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in the days to come. The prospect of facing unknown dangers and navigating the murky waters of politics filled him with a sense of unease. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, one thing remained clear: no matter the challenges that lay ahead, Reese was determined to fulfill his duty and protect Jasper at all costs.


"What would master think if I could not even protect one person? That would be embarassing to say the least," Reese said with determination.


As Reese dove into his task of studying Jasper's background, he meticulously gathered information about his hangout spots, his usual outings, and the circle of friends he was associated with. With each detail he unearthed, Reese's mind buzzed with concern. He knew that unraveling Jasper's routines and social connections was crucial to ensuring his safety in the perilous world of politics.


With a furrowed brow, Reese sifted through the details of Jasper's escapades, his heart sinking with each revelation of recklessness. Jasper seemed to have a fondness for trouble, with reports of late-night partying and impulsive outings to questionable locales. Reese's thoughts swirled with worry as he imagined the dangers that lurked in the shadows of Jasper's carefree lifestyle. 


"Good thing Mr. Ramirez did not announce his candidacy yet," Reese said worriedly as he continued to read Jasper's mischievousness. 


But it was the discovery of Jasper's disappearance for two days that sent a chill down Reese's spine. His temples throbbed with a growing headache as he contemplated the implications of Jasper's reckless behavior. How could he protect someone who seemed determined to court danger at every turn? 


"Goodness, this guy is already making my head hurt," Reese said as he massaged his temples. 


Reese brainstormed strategies to get close to Jasper; he weighed his options carefully, considering the delicate balance between proximity and suspicion. After much deliberation, he devised a plan to subtly insert himself into Jasper's social circle without raising any red flags. 


First, Reese decides to leverage his connections within Jasper's social circle to organically integrate himself into Jasper's life. He reaches out to mutual friends and acquaintances, subtly expressing his interest in getting to know Jasper better. Through casual meetups and group outings, Reese gradually builds rapport with Jasper, positioning himself as a familiar face in Jasper's inner circle. 


Second, observing Jasper's affinity for nightlife and social gatherings, Reese decides to immerse himself in Cebu City's vibrant social scene. He frequents the same bars, clubs, and events that Jasper attends, strategically positioning himself to cross paths with him in a relaxed and informal setting. Through casual interactions and shared experiences, Reese aims to establish a bond with Jasper based on common interests and mutual enjoyment. 


Reese felt the weight of exhaustion settle over him like a heavy blanket. His mind buzzed with thoughts of Jasper and the intricate web of intrigue surrounding his newfound role as his protector. Yet, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a good sense of practicality emerged.


Reese decided that discretion and patience were the most important. "For now, I still have a week to observe Jasper from a distance for the time being." He knew that rushing into action without a solid plan could jeopardize his mission and put Jasper's safety at risk. Reese resolved to remain vigilant, ready to adapt his strategy as needed. 


"But first, I need some sleep," Reese said tiredly as he looked at the time on his phone, which said 4:30 a.m. Tuesday. Rubbing his eyes, he realized how exhausted he was from the day's events.


Seeing the time, Reese decided that sleeping inside the Amethyst Orb was the ideal option. With a flicker of concentration, he transferred his bed inside the Amethyst Orb, the glowing Amethyst Orb that had become an enigmatic part of his life.


Upon entering the Orb, Reese felt a sense of calm wash over him. The gentle hum of its energy enveloped him as he lay down on his bed. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to drift into a deep and restful sleep, the worries and responsibilities of the outside world momentarily forgotten.


Hours passed in the timeless space of the Amethyst Orb, and when Reese finally woke, he felt refreshed and rejuvenated. He then looked at the small amount of Amethyst Aura, he could not help but feel dissatisfied. "With this small amount of aura, how long will I be able to breakthrough to the Major Stage of the Nether Realm? 2 years? 3 years?." Reese said and sighed in dejection as he went out of the Amethyst Orb.


At 10 a.m. In the morning, Reese was found walking towards the residence of his employer, intending to ask Mr. Lopez for something. As Reese approached Mr. Ramirez's residence, his mind was preoccupied with the limited amount of Amethyst Aura. Lost in contemplation, he barely noticed Dwight approaching until the young man stood directly in his path, blocking his way.


"Hey, Reese," Dwight greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness.


Startled, Reese looked up and offered a polite, but guarded, smile. "Oh, hey, Dwight. What's up? How was your injury?"


Dwight shifted uncomfortably, clearly nervous about initiating the conversation. "It's alright. If you did not hold back, I might be still in the hospital bed for God knows how long. Well, anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for being kind of rude to you yesterday. I was... uh... stressed out, you know?"


Reese blinked in surprise, not expecting the sudden apology from someone who had previously treated him with disdain. "Uh, yeah, sure. No problem," he replied, unsure of how to respond to Dwight's unexpected change in demeanor.


Dwight visibly relaxed, relieved that Reese seemed to accept his apology. "Cool, cool. So, uh, if you ever need help with anything, just let me know, okay? I owe you one," he offered, extending a tentative hand in a gesture of goodwill. 


Caught off guard by Dwight's sudden offer of assistance, Reese hesitated for a moment before tentatively shaking his hand. "Actually, Dwight, I do have something in need of your help." Now that Dwight had let bygones be bygones, Reese did not hesitate to ask Dwight a favor.


Dwight was intrigued. "Sure, shoot. What do you need?" Dwight replied, eager to help. 


Reese glanced around cautiously before leaning in closer to Dwight, his expression grave. "I need you to keep an eye on Jasper for me. If you see him leaving the house, could you let me know? You can text me, call me, or even send a message through social media," he explained, his voice low but urgent. 


Dwight's eyes widened in understanding. "Ah, I see. You're worried about him," he murmured, sympathy evident in his tone.


Reese nodded, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "Yeah, you know proctection and all that," he admitted.


Dwight nodded in understanding, his expression serious. "Don't worry, Reese. I've got your back. I'll keep an eye out for Jasper and let you know if I see anything," he promised.


With a nod of agreement, Reese and Dwight exchanged contact information. 


"Thanks again, Dwight. I really appreciate this," Reese said, offering Dwight a genuine smile.


"No problem, Reese. Just doing my part to help out," Dwight replied, returning the smile with equal sincerity. 


Then Reese bid goodbye to Dwight as he continued on his way to find Mr. Lopez.