
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 20: Graduation + Time Flow

A week flew by in a whirlwind of activity for Reese. From Monday to Friday, he found himself immersed in the demanding schedule of graduation rehearsals. Each day was filled with meticulous practice sessions, with students fine-tuning their steps and speeches under the watchful guidance of their instructors.




Amidst the hustle and bustle of rehearsals, Reese made a remarkable discovery. He found that he could utilize his spiritual sense to absorb the contents of an entire book in a matter of moments. With this newfound ability, Reese wasted no time in ordering a plethora of martial arts books covering various martial arts like Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu, and Escrima.




As the weekend rolled around, Reese eagerly dove into his growing collection of books. He covered each book with his spiritual sense, absorbing the knowledge contained within effortlessly. It was as if the pages themselves whispered their secrets directly into his mind.


"If I had my spiritual sense at the start of the school year, I would have aced all of my subjects like it was nothing," Reese said as he absorbed all of the knowledge inside the book.




Throughout the weekend, Reese dedicated himself to the study and practice of each martial art, honing his skills with remarkable speed and precision. By the end of the weekend, he had gained a comprehensive understanding of each martial arts and was ready to put his newfound knowledge into practice.




As the second week of rehearsals came to a close, Reese marveled at how much he had accomplished in such a short time. Though the days had been long and exhausting, he felt a sense of pride knowing that he was making remarkable progress.




After two weeks of intense rehearsals, the graduation ceremony finally arrived. Dressed in their crisp caps and gowns, Reese and his classmates filed into the auditorium, excitement buzzing in the air. As the ceremony unfolded, Reese couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and accomplishment wash over him.




As the last notes of the graduation march faded away and the ceremony drew to a close, the students erupted into cheers and applause. Reese beamed with pride as he joined his classmates in congratulating each other on their achievements.




Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, Reese sought out his two best friends, Rey and Renz. With wide smiles and heartfelt embraces. "We did it, man. We finally graduated," Rey said to Reese as he hugged him. "Next stop, college. Where the real fun begins," Renz said as he high-fived both Reese and Rey.


"Hahaha, you're right. I hope we succeed," Reese said, hoping for the three of them.



"So what's the plan?... for tonight?" Renz asked, smiling naughtily.




Renz's question hung in the air, prompting Reese and Rey to exchange a puzzled glance. They hadn't given much thought to post-graduation plans, caught up in the whirlwind of rehearsals and preparations.




"Uh, I'm not sure," Reese admitted, scratching his head. "I hadn't really thought about it."




Rey shrugged. "Same here. I guess we could just hang out or something."




Renz's eyes lit up with mischief. "Nah, come on, guys! This is our graduation night! We've got to do something epic to celebrate."


Reese chuckled, warmed by Renz's enthusiasm. "You're right. Let's make it a night to remember." 




With their decision made, the trio's anticipation for the evening's festivities grew, eager to turn their graduation night into an unforgettable experience.




As the celebration continued, Reese and his friends mingled with their classmates, exchanging hugs, laughter, and well-wishes. They posed for countless photos, capturing memories that would last a lifetime. Surrounded by friends and family, Reese felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy as he reflected on the journey that had brought him to this moment.




When the graduation ceremony came to a close, Reese bid farewell to his two best friends, Rey and Renz, promising to meet up later for their planned night out.


After parting ways with Rey and Renz, Reese and his family went to a nearby restaurant to celebrate. The atmosphere was lively as they laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed a delicious meal together.




Reese's father, a man of few words but deep sentiments, approached his son amidst the celebratory atmosphere of the restaurant. With a subtle nod and a pat on the back, he conveyed his pride and congratulations to Reese.




"Congratulations, Son," he said quietly, his tone carrying a mixture of pride and reserved emotion. "You've worked hard for this moment."




Reese, understanding his father's taciturn nature, simply smiled and nodded in return, feeling the weight of his father's approval in those simple words. Despite the lack of effusiveness, Reese knew that his father's acknowledgment meant the world to him.


In Filipino culture, expressions of love and pride are often conveyed through actions and gestures rather than overt displays of affection. For Reese, his father's subtle congratulatory message spoke volumes, reinforcing the bond between them and the unspoken understanding of their familial connection. Maybe in the whole Asian culture in general.




Throughout their celebration, relatives arrived to extend their congratulations to Reese, showering him with well-wishes and words of encouragement. Reese felt grateful for the love and support surrounding him, cherishing the moments spent with his family as they celebrated this significant milestone in his life.


As the day wore on and the celebration reached its peak, Reese's father gently suggested that it was time to head home and get some rest. Reese's mother nodded in agreement.


Reese's relatives exchanged fond farewells and well wishes, expressing their pride and joy for Reese's accomplishments. With heartfelt hugs and smiles, they bid each other goodbye.


When they arrived at home, the Urban family took a moment to rest in the living room. Reese sank into the soft cushions of the sofa, feeling happy and satisfied.


After resting, they went into their respective rooms to change into more comfortable clothes. As Reese lied down comfortably on his bed, he took out his phone to chat with Rey and Renz to find out where and when they would meet up for tonight's afterparty.


"Yow!! Where are we going tonight and what time?" Reese asked in the group chat with just the three of them.


A moment later, Renz responded, "In Pantalan, I overheard some of our classmates during the graduation saying that they would be there."


"Sounds good, but what time?" Rey asked.


"8 p.m.; the earlier the better," Reese answered.


"Alright. See you guys tonight and get cray2. Hahaha," Renz said as he logged off.


Reese and Rey just shook their heads while smiling as they logged off as well.


As Reese put his phone down, he looked at the time, seeing that it was still 5:00 p.m. and he still had 3 hours to kill before the agreed time. Reese had decided that this would be the perfect time to test the time flow inside the Amethyst Orb.


Then Reese stepped into the Amethyst Orb, and he set his phone's timer to precisely 5:05 p.m. and left it there. Then he went back into his room and set his wrist clock the same time inside the Amethyst Aura.


After sitting up the time, Reese decided to take a quick nap for an hour. He also set his digital alarm clock to 6:05 p.m. in case he overslept again and missed his experiment.


An hour passed, and Reese woke up groggily as he turned off his digital alarm clock. Then an excited expression showed on Reese's face as he remembered his little experiment.


As Reese re-entered the Amethyst Orb, anticipation buzzed through him. He checked the time, fully expecting to find a significant difference from the outside world. However, nothing could prepare him for what he discovered.


To his shock, inside the Amethyst Orb, 24 hours had passed, while outside, only an hour had gone by. Reese's mind raced with the implications of this revelation. It was as if time itself behaved differently within the confines of the Orb.


With newfound understanding, Reese couldn't shake off the feeling of missed opportunity as he contemplated the implications of the time flow inside the Amethyst Orb.


If only he had discovered this earlier, he could have made significant progress in his martial arts training. Regret gnawed at him as he realized the potential he had squandered. Two weeks were wasted when he could have been honing his skills. But dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything.


"There's no medicine for regret, I guess," Reese said as he sighed regretfully.