
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · Urban
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92 Chs

Chapter 11: The Amethyst Aura

As the sentimental moment passed, Elder Azulon shifted his focus back to the task at hand. With a decisive nod, he turned to Reese, his expression becoming more serious yet determined.


"Now, Young Reese, let me introduce you to the energy that flows around us," Elder Azulon began, his voice carrying a tone of authority. "This energy is known as the Amethyst Aura."


'Amethyst Aura? So this purple mist is actually called Amethyst Aura?' Reese thought.


Reese's eyes widened with interest as he listened intently to Elder Azulon's words. The concept of a unique energy surrounding them intrigued him, and he leaned in closer, eager to learn more.


"The Amethyst Aura is a powerful force," Elder Azulon continued, his voice resonating with reverence. "It is said to be the essence of the purple sphere itself, imbued with ancient energies that possess great potential."


Reese nodded, absorbing Elder Azulon's words with fascination. The idea that they were surrounded by such potent energy filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.


"Your first task as my disciple will be to attune yourself to the Amethyst Aura," Elder Azulon explained, his gaze steady as he met Reese's eyes. "This will be the foundation of your cultivation journey, and it will enable you to harness the power of the purple sphere." 


As Reese pondered the concept of the Amethyst Aura, he couldn't help but notice its resemblance to the color purple. However, upon closer inspection, he discerned subtle differences between the two hues. At first glance, both purple and the Amethyst Aura appeared similar, sharing a rich, regal hue. But as Reese focused his gaze, he began to notice distinct differences within the Amethyst Aura. Unlike traditional purple, which possessed a uniform shade, the Amethyst Aura seemed to shimmer and shift, displaying a spectrum of hues that ranged from deep indigo to radiant violet.


Intrigued by this discovery, Reese studied the Amethyst Aura intently, captivated by its mesmerizing beauty. He realized that this unique energy possessed an otherworldly quality, unlike anything he had ever encountered before.


With each passing moment, Reese felt a growing sense of connection to the Amethyst Aura, as if it were beckoning him to explore its mysteries further.


Then Reese turned to Elder Azulon as he asked. "Master, how can I use the Amethyst Aura?"


"I'm glad you asked, Young Reese. But let me demonstrate first how to control the Amethyst Orb," Elder Azulon said to Reese as he started manipulating the Amethyst Orb. 


As Elder Azulon spoke, the surface of the orb began to shimmer and glow with an ethereal light, casting a soft luminescence that illuminated the dome with an otherworldly brilliance. Reese watched in wonder as tendrils of mist began to swirl and dance within the orb, weaving intricate patterns of light and shadow that seemed to defy explanation.


Reese's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the swirling mists within the orb, a sense of awe washing over him at the sight of such raw and untamed power. It was as though he could feel the energy pulsing through the air, humming with a resonance that seemed to resonate with the very essence of his being.


"But be warned, Young Reese," Elder Azulon cautioned, his voice taking on a note of solemnity, "the Amethyst Aura is not to be trifled with lightly. Its power is vast and unfathomable, and only those who possess the strength of heart and mind can hope to harness its true potential. But you don't have to worry about this Amethyst Aura, Young Reese; I will help you withstand it's power when you absorb it later."


Reese nodded, his mind swirling with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The Amethyst Aura was a force he had never encountered; hell, he never even heard of it; even the most powerful people here on earth had never encountered this Amethyst Aura, let alone him. 


"And Young Reese," Elder Alzulon continued, "the only way you can harness the power of the Amethyst Aura is to let the Amethyst Orb absorb the spiritual energy of the universe outside the Amethyst Orb and guide it into the center of the Amethyst Orb, then willed the Amethyst Orb to transform it into the Amethyst Aura." 


"Master," his voice tinged with curiosity. "You mean to say that the Amethyst Orb has the ability to transform spiritual energy into the Amethyst Aura?" 


Elder Azulon nodded, his expression grave yet tinged with a hint of optimism. "Indeed, Young Reese," he confirmed, "the Amethyst Orb is a vessel of immense power, capable of absorbing and channeling spiritual energy from the world around it. By allowing the orb to absorb the spiritual energy and then guiding its transformation, you can harness the power of the Amethyst Aura." 


Reese's mind whirled with the possibilities unleashed by Elder Azulon's revelation. The thought of the Amethyst Orb acting as a conduit for spiritual energy and transforming it into a force of unparalleled power filled him with a sense of wonder and awe. 


"But how do I guide the transformation of the spiritual energy?" Reese asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.


Elder Azulon smiled, a twinkle of encouragement in his ancient eyes. "It will require focus, determination, and a deep connection to the essence of the universe," he explained. "Through meditation, contemplation, and a willingness to listen to the whispers of the universe, you can guide the Amethyst Orb in its transformation, shaping the spiritual energy into the Amethyst Aura." 


He then showed Reese how to absorb the spiritual energy outside the Amethyst Orb. As Reese watched Elder Azulon, he noticed that there was a white mist. 'This white mist must be the spiritual energy.' The spiritual energy was slowly emerging and steadily floating towards the center of the Amethyst Orb, but Reese was puzzled as to why the spiritual energy was so little.


'There must be a reason why Elder Azulon only absorbed so little spiritual energy.' Reese wondered. 


Elder Azulon then welled the Amethyst Orb to transform the spiritual energy into Amethyst Aura. Slowly, the color of the spiritual energy turned purple, and after a minute, it finally turned into a complete Amethyst Aura, but its size was even smaller compared to the spiritual energy before. 

Again, Reese was puzzled.


As Elder Azulon finished transforming the spiritual energy into Amethyst Aura, he looked at Reese, who looked like he was trying to figure out something. "What's wrong, Young Reese?" he asked Reese.


"Uhm," he scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he continued, "Master, why is it you only absorbed so little spiritual energy?" Reese asked.


"It's due to the lack of spiritual energy on this planet, Young Reese," Elder Azulon explained to Reese.


"Master, what do you mean this planet lacks spiritual energy? If that's the case, how can I become stronger if there's not enough spiritual energy for the Amethyst Orb to absorb? To make matters worse, the Amethyst Aura is even smaller after it's transformation." Reese's voice was tinged with disappointment after finding out the answer.


Elder Azulon pondered for a moment before answering Reese, "To be honest, I was also wondering why this world lacked spiritual energy when I got here. When my original soul used that ancient technique to send this Amethyst Orb into the vast universe, I thought it would still be in the same universe as I came from, but I realized that was not the case. So I came to the conclusion that this world is in the lower universe. Hints the lack of spiritual energy." Elder Azulon did not realize that if the purple sphere was still in his universe, it would be easily found by his enemies. 


"Look around, Young Reese; as you can see, there's not enough Amethyst Aura inside the purple sphere. This is the only Amethyst Aura I can transform after being here for over countless years," Elder Azulon continued.


"I understand," Reese said, a sense of helplessness in his eyes. "But does this mean I won't be able to harness the full power of the Amethyst Aura?"


Elder Azulon placed a comforting hand on Reese's shoulder. "Not necessarily," he replied. "It is true that the spiritual energy of your planet is scarce," he conceded, "but all is not lost. There may still be a way for you to gather the energy you need."


Reese's heart leaped with a flicker of hope at Elder Azulon's words, a glimmer of possibility shining through the darkness of his despair. "What do you mean, Master?" he asked, his voice tinged with renewed curiosity.


Elder Azulon's lips curled into a faint smile as he began to outline a plan, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom. "In any world, there are places where spiritual energy flows more freely," he explained. "Places of natural beauty and wonder, untouched by the hands of greed and corruption. Seek out these places, Young Reese, and let the Amethyst Orb guide you."