
Chapter 186: You don't have a fever, do you?

Translator: 549690339

Ye Tian was anxious.

He was truly restless.

Zhang Yun noticed that something was off with Ye Tian and thought he was not used to such occasions.

"Don't embarrass President Su."

"Aren't you not nervous? Adjust the expression on your face."

Zhang Yun whispered to Ye Tian as she drew near.

Because she was afraid others nearby might hear, her thin lips were very close, almost touching Ye Tian's ears.

Ye Tian could clearly feel Zhang Yun's breath as she spoke.

His ear felt ticklish, and he turned his gaze towards Liu Menglan again.

He saw Auntie Liu's face covered in frost.

"Assistant Zhang, don't stand so close to me," Ye Tian reminded.

Zhang Yun was nearly infuriated to death by Ye Tian.

Why hadn't he felt they were too close when playing with her fullness outside the Ziguang Building?

She mistook Ye Tian's intent, thinking he wanted to make a good impression in front of Su Ruoxue.

"Scumbag," Zhang Yun muttered under her breath.