
Urban beast

Gao Yang is an orphan who crossed over to the "parallel world" at the age of six and has lived in a cozy family of five ever since. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang stumbled upon the truth of the world: this is not a parallel world at all, but a mysterious realm where all the friends and family around him are terrible "beasts"! Gao Yang was almost killed when he found out the truth, but at the critical moment he got the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he gets! A game of killing between lambs and wolves begins ......

Daoist5Ff1Mo · Realistic
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10 Chs

Come to the parallel world

Today is Gao Yang's twelfth year of crossing over.

Before crossing over, Gao Yang was an orphan and just spent his 6th birthday in the orphanage. That night, he ate a cupcake bought for him by the dean's aunt and went to sleep contentedly. Before going to sleep, he made a wish that he could find his mom and dad, and then drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up, Gao Yang found himself sitting at a dining table with a steaming bowl of noodles in front of him, his mouth was biting into the noodles, half of which were still hanging out and wobbling.

The hall of the old house, the early morning light is soft, opposite the dining table sat a pair of strange middle-aged men and women, back against the door of the house on the upper seat is a kind-eyed old grandmother, and beside himself, sat a big-eyed little girl, about four or five years old.

"Don't stand still, eat quickly, don't be late for school later ah." The woman opened her mouth to urge, she was in her thirties, despite wearing plain pajamas, and unadorned, but beautiful.

"Son, do you want a ride from Dad?" The man asked with a toothpick in his mouth, smiling, he was tall and strong, his belly was a little bulging, his hairline was slightly high, his eyebrows were still vaguely handsome from his youth.

"No drop-off! Daddy wants to send me to kindergarten!" The little girl shouted in exasperation, lying at the table picking at a bowl of millet porridge.

"Oh, then send your brother first, and then your sister, okay?" The old grandmother smiled kindly and reached out to touch the little girl's head.

Gao Yang opened his mouth wide and the noodles fell on the table with a "bang".

He was six years old at that time, and could not understand what "crossing" meant, nor did he know what a "parallel world" was.

He thought he was still dreaming, but did not expect that a dream of 12 years.


Now, Gao Yang has already adapted to this new world, and has already become one with the host. He is Gao Yang, 18 years old, a senior party, living in a warm family of five, with a kind and affable grandmother, loving and harmonious parents who also occasionally quarrel, as well as a quirky sister.

He lives a good life, like most of his peers, studying for the college entrance exams, and occasionally thinking about what college to go to in the future, what job to get, who to marry, how many children to have ...

Anyway, Gao Yang's wish came true at the age of 6. He "found" his mom and dad, and he also got his grandmother and sister.

He lived a happy life and wanted for nothing else.

That is, until his 18th birthday, when everything changed.

After the evening study, Gao Yang rode his bicycle home, and when he passed a night road, a dark figure suddenly came out of the alley and knocked Gao Yang over with his bicycle.

Gao Yang fell, but was not seriously hurt, he grinned and stood up, only to see the person who hit him. Under the dim streetlight stood a short, middle-aged man, shaped like a wither, his face was white and frightened, wearing a tattered hospital gown and covered in blood stains.

"Uncle you're okay ..."

"Run!" The man grabbed Gao Yang's shoulders with terrifying force: "Monsters! There are monsters everywhere! Run! Get out of here!"

The man's voice smelled of desperate blood: "Don't trust anyone ..."


The man was about to say something else when a bullet entered his temple, penetrated his skull, and shot out the other side of his temple, instantly blossoming into a blood-colored rose.

"Mag-" A thick mist of blood mixed with a pungent fishy smell came to his nose.

The hands that were pinching Gao Yang's shoulders slowly loosened, the man's horrified expression was fixed forever, his overly prominent eyeballs no longer moving, and they were etched with despair, uncertainty and resignation.

Two seconds later, the body fell down heavily.

Gao Yang was blinded.

He stood in place, his feet quickly soaked by the spreading pool of blood, only to feel sticky and wet. The slight ringing in his ears caused when the bullet pierced the man's skull was gradually covered by the sound of a heartbeat in his chest: pfft, pfft, pfft pfft ...

"Boy, you're not hurt, are you!"

"Don't be afraid, you're safe now!"

"Close your eyes and don't look at your feet ..."

Several police officers rushed up, and one of them swept Gao Yang into his arms and covered his eyes.


The next day, Gao Yang made local news headlines: "Severely mentally ill man kills two nurses and flees at night, then holds high school student hostage and is killed on the spot.

Gao Yang took a day off from work and rested at home.

He did suffer some stimulation, close to witness a life was roughly shot, which ordinary people can not stand. And, the psychiatric patient is also suspicious, so he felt very strange, exactly which strange, he could not say.

That night, Gao Yang took a sleeping pill.

After falling asleep, he had a dream.

The memories of the host before the age of 6 were digested by Gao Yang, who had crossed over, but there were some vague memories that seemed to have been forgotten.

In the dream, Gao Yang returned to the late night of the summer when he was 4 years old.

He had eaten too much watermelon and his bladder was swollen. When he got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, he passed by his grandparents' room and heard a rustling sound.

Gao Yang was a little curious and pricked up his ears and pressed them against the cold door of the room, the sound became more real and more unfamiliar.

He had never heard such a sound, like the whimpering of a beast, and like the wailing of a deep-sea whale, sounding painful, mixed with a twisted exhilaration, and then finely distinguished, the sound of a rough and dull bite hidden underneath.

Gao Yang only feel creepy.

He had just finished listening to the kindergarten aunt's fairy tale of "Little Red Riding Hood". He thought, "Wouldn't a big bad wolf sneak into his home and eat his grandparents?

Gao Yang's heart was pounding, but he plucked up the courage to gently push open the door.

Through the doorway, he saw something!

He was so scared that he turned around and ran back to his room, covered his head and got under the covers, even forgetting to solve his physical problems.

The next morning, Gao Yang wet his bed, thinking it was just a bad dream. Just then, his mother pushed the door in and sadly took Gao Yang into her arms as she cried, "Gao Yang, your grandfather is gone."

Gao Yang followed his mother out of the room just as his grandfather's body was being carried away on a stretcher by the medical staff, covered with a white cloth. By the time the funeral was held, grandpa had been turned into an urn.

From beginning to end, Gao Yang and his sister were not able to see their grandfather one last time.

Now that I think about it, there are a lot of doubts.

Grandfather loved Gao Yang and sister, they are the closest flesh and blood, why can not see the last side of grandpa?

If memory is correct, then covered by a white cloth grandfather's body, the upper half of the body is a strange shape, as if there is a hand is missing.

Didn't grandpa die of a heart attack? Why would a hand be missing?

Gao Yang in the dream, looking at the body on the white stretcher, puzzled.

Suddenly, the corpse on the white stretcher sat up!

The white cloth was pulled down, but it was the psychotic man. His eyes were gouged out, leaving only two deep, bloody holes. Sticky black blood spurted out of his seven orifices, and he stretched out his blood-drenched hands and pinched Gao Yang's shoulders with force.

--Monsters! There are monsters everywhere! Run! Get out of here!

-- Don't trust anyone!



Gao Yang woke up from his dream.

It was ten in the morning, the sun was shining just right, the April breeze was whipping up the curtains, and outside the window was the traffic and city hustle and bustle.

"Older brother, having a nightmare?" My sister sat at the head of Gao Yang's bed, looking at her with her head tilted, her big eyes blinking.

Gao Yang was stunned: "Why are you in my room?"

My sister gave him a disgusted look: "The sun is shining, mom asked me to wake you up!"

"Oh okay, got it."

Sister walked out of the room.

Gao Yang was still in a trance, he rolled out of bed and took a big sip of water.

At this time, his phone rang, and Gao Yang casually tapped on WeChat.

"Pfft--" he spurted out a mouthful of water

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