
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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Chapter 52: College Entrance Exam Vientiane

"Dad, Mom, don't worry. I'm very confident about this exam. I'll definitely give both of you a big surprise." Liu Hui was determined to become the top scorer in the college entrance exam, but he didn't plan to tell them yet. He wanted to surprise them later.

Liu Guosheng coughed lightly and forced a smile on his face. "Xiao Hui, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your mom and I have talked about it, and she will accompany you to the exam tomorrow to take care of you."

Seeing Liu Guosheng tightly clenching his fist, Liu Hui knew that his bloodline gu poison was acting up, and his father was struggling to control himself.

Liu Hui's eyes twitched slightly, and he made up his mind to vigorously advance to the mid-stage of body refinement after the college entrance exam, suppressing the bloodline gu poison and alleviating Liu Guosheng's pain.

Liu Hui smiled faintly, "Dad, let Mom stay at home and keep you company. I can handle the college entrance exam on my own. I'll be careful and strive for good results."

Fang Xueyun glanced at Liu Guosheng. His health had been deteriorating recently, and he had been waking up in pain in the middle of the night. He indeed needed someone to take care of him.

So Fang Xueyun nodded, "Xiao Hui, you take good care of yourself. Mom will stay at home and keep your dad company."

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Liu Hui left home promptly. It's better to be early than late.

When he was leaving, Fang Xueyun specifically reminded him to check his admission ticket and other documents. He mustn't forget them.

Liu Hui's exam venue was at Chu City No. 1 High School. When he arrived at Chu City No. 1 High School, the entrance was already crowded with parents who came to accompany their children for the exam.

During the exam days, only students were allowed inside the school, and parents couldn't stay inside. The school even assigned people to patrol inside to prevent outsiders from entering and affecting the exam.

Being very familiar with Chu City No. 1 High School, Liu Hui quickly arrived at his exam venue. At this time, there were already some candidates standing outside the door, waiting for the invigilating teachers to arrive. Most of the candidates were still holding notes, reciting and reviewing before the exam.

After a while, the invigilating teacher for this exam venue arrived at the door. Everyone immediately made way and stopped reciting and talking.

"All students, please undergo the check and enter the exam venue. The first session of the college entrance exam is about to begin! After entering the exam venue, all personal belongings, including mobile phones, must be placed on the podium and kept by the teachers." When the invigilating teacher arrived outside the classroom and opened the door, he loudly announced the instructions, "If any cheating is detected by the invigilating teachers during the exam, it will result in a score of zero!"

Two teachers stood at the door and divided the candidates into two teams. The candidates handed their identification cards and admission tickets to the invigilating teachers.

After verifying their identities, they were allowed to enter the exam venue.

Once everyone entered the exam venue, there was still more than thirty minutes until the start of the exam. The candidates started to feel bored and looked around at their fellow examinees, searching for familiar faces.

Liu Hui was surprised to find that the person sitting in front of him was Lin Tiancai, the genius student who had called him to leave Tang Sufei at the cafeteria before.

"Oh! Isn't this Lin Tiancai? He's the top student in our Chu City No. 1 High School, always ranking first in the school. It would be great if I could sit behind him."

"The person sitting behind him is really lucky. If they can copy something from Lin Tiancai, they might be able to get into a better university."

Whispers could be heard from a few classmates nearby. Upon seeing Lin Tiancai, they looked at Liu Hui with envy, annoyed that they weren't the ones sitting behind Lin Tiancai.

Lin Tiancai heard others talking about him and wore a proud expression. He turned around and glanced at Liu Hui in surprise, sneering, "Liu Hui, I'm sorry to disappoint you. During the exam, I'll cover my test paper so you won't be able to copy a single word."

Liu Hui couldn't help but chuckle. Lin Tiancai was too arrogant, thinking that Liu Hui would definitely try to copy his test paper.

Liu Hui was confident that he would secure the top spot in the province's college entrance exam. The highest rank achievable at Chu City No. 1 High School was around the top 100 in the province. Liu Hui had no need to copy from anyone.

The first subject in the college entrance exam was Chinese, and the questions were relatively easy. After finishing the exam, most people left the examination room with smiles on their faces.

However, the afternoon's math exam was challenging for many. Liu Hui felt that it was the most difficult math exam he had encountered in over a decade. He witnessed many candidates in his exam room appearing clueless, and even the usually relaxed Lin Tiancai had beads of sweat forming on his face.

Liu Hui finished the test in an hour and a half, carefully checking it multiple times. Confident that there were no issues for a perfect score, he handed in his paper ahead of time.

As Liu Hui walked past Lin Tiancai, the latter looked at him disdainfully and whispered, "This truly shows the incompetence of a mediocre student. This math exam was a bit challenging, and yet you've given up so quickly."

Liu Hui turned his head and glanced at Lin Tiancai's test paper, discovering several mistakes, causing him to secretly smile.

"No whispering. Students who have finished the exam should leave the school premises immediately," a proctor noticed Lin Tiancai moving his lips and promptly reminded everyone.

When Liu Hui returned home, his mother Fang Xueyun had already prepared dinner, including chicken soup.

According to Fang Xueyun, the college entrance exam was physically draining, and Liu Hui needed to replenish his energy.

"Xiao Hui, it's been a while since we visited your grandmother. She called and invited us to gather the day after tomorrow. After you finish your exams tomorrow, remember to come home and not go out to play," Fang Xueyun informed Liu Hui in advance.

Nowadays, many students celebrate and relax outside all night after finishing their exams.

"Mom, will Auntie also be there? I think she must have organized it! I bet she'll mock and ridicule me again. Can't I visit Grandma alone in the future?" Whenever Liu Hui thought of his aunt's face, he felt disgusted.

This time, she was definitely going to show off her son, Fang Tianhe, in front of Fang Xueyun's family. In the past, when Liu Hui was an average high school student, his aunt always had that kind of expression, constantly belittling and lecturing him to elevate her own son. It was truly irritating.

Fang Xueyun's expression changed slightly, feeling a bit awkward, but she remained firm and said, "No, regardless of the situation, since your grandmother has already invited us, we must go."

Liu Hui could only nod helplessly, agreeing to the upcoming visit to his grandmother's house, which was bound to be filled with mockery and ridicule.