
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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Chapter 50: So What About The Mayor

"Fake? At this point, even the headwaiter, Yu, had the idea of killing someone. There are only a few Super VIP cards in the entire Chushi City, and many people have never seen one. How could it be fake? Moreover, each Super VIP card has a unique identification code, and the hotel keeps records. No one can fake it."

"Yu, do I still need to prove to you that this card is real? Should I just allow myself to be slandered so easily?" Liu Hui's face turned cold, feeling quite annoyed by Han Yukun's persistent interference. This person seemed to have no end to his troublemaking.

"No... No, this card is real, without any doubt." Yu secretly sighed in his heart.

At this point, he just wanted to brush this matter aside, but Han Yukun wouldn't let it go, which made Liu Hui even more displeased.

"Then let him apologize to me. This is a malicious slander against me." Liu Hui wasn't initially too concerned about this matter, but seeing Han Yukun's expression, he felt it would be better to teach him a lesson.

Otherwise, he would continue to pester him like a mad dog, which was quite annoying.

"Well... Well, Mr. Liu, can you give me some face and let this matter go?" Yu couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, wearing a flattering smile, requesting that Liu Hui let it slide.

After all, Han Yukun was the son of Mayor Han in Chushi City, and he couldn't afford to offend him as a mere headwaiter.

"Since you can't make the decision, then call your boss here. Let's see how he handles this matter."

Liu Hui understood Yu's predicament and didn't intend to make it difficult for him. He said calmly.

"Haha! Mr. Liu, you are our Boya Hotel's most esteemed guest. If you are slandered in our hotel, we will definitely demand an apology from the person responsible."

Just then, accompanied by laughter, the owner of Boya Hotel, Charles, appeared in the restaurant. Charles attitude was clear—he fully supported Liu Hui and demanded an apology from Han Yukun.

Upon hearing Charles words, Han Yukun's face froze.

How could the mayor's son apologize to an ordinary person like Liu Hui? Liu Hui's cousin was nothing more than his subordinate, and Liu Hui's uncle didn't dare speak loudly in front of him.

Now he was being asked to apologize to Liu Hui?

"Han, please apologize to our most esteemed guest!" Charles saw Han Yukun standing still, refusing to apologize, and his expression changed. He spoke with a gloomy tone, issuing a command to Han Yukun.

"Charles, my father is the mayor of Chushi City..." Han Yukun's face turned red, feeling deeply humiliated to apologize to Liu Hui in front of so many people.

Charles raised his hand, interrupting Han Yukun.

"Han, this matter has nothing to do with Mayor Han. You baselessly slandered our most esteemed guest in Boya Hotel. You must give an explanation for this. Now, you have two choices. First, apologize to Mr. Liu voluntarily. Second, don't blame us for being impolite and force you to apologize."

Han Yukun's face turned pale. He understood that he couldn't escape this situation today. Apologizing to Liu Hui was an inevitable outcome.

"Han, you are a smart person. I suggest you apologize to Mr. Liu voluntarily. Otherwise, it won't look good for either side!" Charles noticed Han Yukun's wavering expression and added fuel to the fire.

Struggling with his emotions, Han Yukun finally set aside his pride and slightly bowed to Liu Hui.

"Liu Hui, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you earlier."

After apologizing to Liu Hui, Han Yukun's face alternated between shades of green and purple, looking extremely unsightly.

This incident must have dealt a significant blow to him. He appeared dazed, not even reacting when his female companion approached him and spoke.

Seeing that Han Yukun had apologized, Liu Hui no longer pursued the matter.

He nodded lightly, expressing his satisfaction with the way Charles, the owner of Boya Hotel, handled the situation.

Charles noticed Liu Hui's pleased expression and couldn't help but feel happy. Although Mayor Han was a prominent leader in Chushi City, Charles also had influential connections in the city, even more significant than Mayor Han.

Boya Hotel couldn't be easily troubled by a mere statement from Mayor Han.

Therefore, he dared to deny Mayor Han any face and forced Han Yukun to apologize to Liu Hui, hoping to win Liu Hui's favor.

"Mr. Liu Hui, I apologize deeply for the trouble caused this time. I have been studying several new dishes, and I would appreciate your guidance," Charles took the opportunity to make his request.

Liu Hui looked at Charles with a smile that didn't reach his eyes and instantly understood that Charles main purpose was to seek his guidance.

Since he had already agreed to Charles's request today, it wouldn't be right to refuse to offer some guidance.

Liu Hui smiled faintly, "Boss Charles, since I have the opportunity to taste the culinary skills of your head chef for free, I will naturally do my best to provide my input."

Charles received Liu Hui's positive reply and his face lit up with joy.

When he had presented the Super VIP card to Liu Hui, his intention had been to seek guidance from him. Now, his wish was finally fulfilled.

Charles immediately bid farewell to Liu Hui and went to prepare the new dishes, ready to receive Liu Hui's guidance.

"Haha! I never expected to have such a rare sight today—seeing the son of our Mayor Han suffer a setback and being forced to apologize. This meal is truly a big win!"

"Look at the expression on Han Shao's face. He has been hit hard and hasn't recovered yet."

"I'm dying to know who this ordinary-looking high school student really is. He managed to make Boss Charles willingly offend Han Shao just to please him!"

The onlookers in the restaurant were delighted to witness the usually untouchable mayor's son in distress.

At the same time, their curiosity about Liu Hui's identity grew stronger.

After bidding farewell, Liu Hui was surprised to find Tang Sufei wearing a gloomy expression, seeming unhappy.

"Sufei, who made you angry? Tell Brother Hui, and I'll teach him a lesson!" Liu Hui felt puzzled by Tang Sufei's sudden change in mood, without any signs beforehand.

"No... It's nothing!" Tang Sufei's gaze flickered, unable to meet Liu Hui's eyes directly.

Liu Hui gently tapped Tang Sufei's head, a doting expression on his face.

"Silly girl, don't try to deceive me. Your expression has already given you away."

"Brother Hui, you're becoming more and more outstanding, and your status is becoming more and more noble. I feel unworthy of you. I'm just an ordinary little girl, and I'm afraid that one day you will leave me behind and go away." As she spoke, tears streamed down Tang Sufei's face, truly resembling a pitiful sight.

Liu Hui smiled wryly. This girl was really good at overthinking.

When it came to his future position and status, as a cultivator destined to reach the pinnacle of the world, what kind of girl in this world could truly match him?

To dispel Tang Sufei's worries, Liu Hui patted his chest and earnestly said, "So, you were worried about this! Alright, I'll make a promise right here today. For this lifetime and every lifetime to come, I, Liu Hui, will protect Tang Sufei and will never abandon her! If I break this vow, may I suffer heaven's punishment..."

At that moment, Tang Sufei suddenly threw herself into Liu Hui's arms, covering his mouth with her hand, preventing him from finishing the rest of his words.

"Brother Hui, there's no need to say more. I believe you, and I'll never leave you for a lifetime."

Liu Hui inhaled the intoxicating scent between Tang Sufei's forehead and hairline and looked at the tear stains on her beautiful face, feeling moved.

Unable to resist his emotions, Liu Hui gently kissed Tang Sufei's moist and tender lips, his tongue clumsily exploring her cherry-like mouth, suckling on Tang Sufei's tongue.

They didn't know how long had passed until both of their lips became slightly numb, and reluctantly, they separated.

Their eyes met, gazing at each other with tender affection for a long time.

Tang Sufei felt the warmth in Liu Hui's gaze, her heart pounding. Unable to restrain herself, she called out softly, "Brother Hui!"

Liu Hui silently embraced her delicate and soft waist, savoring each other's presence in this affectionate moment.

It was unknown how much time had passed until Charles arrived with the newly prepared dishes, separating the inseparable couple.