
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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61 Chs

Chapter 39: Arrogant Manager Yang

The person who spoke was none other than Ling Ling, the top performer at Sally's Bar.

The man beside her was Manager Yang, who caused a change in the bar staff's expressions.

"Tianhe, your cousin has some nerve. He's working here as a waiter and he dares to fight the manager's nephew," the woman beside Fang Tianhe exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, I've never seen him fight before, so I'm not sure," Fang Tianhe replied awkwardly.

His cousin was completely different from the image he had in mind.

In the past, when he bullied Liu Hui, Liu Hui never fought back or spoke back. The transformation was astounding.

"Tianhe, your cousin has made a mistake this time. This Manager Yang is a tough character, known as one of the formidable figures in Chu City. He is one of the henchmen of Biao Ge, the gang leader, and is often referred to as the "Heng Ha Two Generals" together with Scar Brother near Chu City First High School. He's not someone to be trifled with," Han Shao said with a smile, but he didn't think highly of Liu Hui's actions.

"So what? Han Shao father is the mayor of Chu City. These gangsters can't compare to him. As long as he give the word, they'll obediently submit," the girl flattered Han Shao.

Han Shao modestly replied, "In front of Scar and Manager Yang, I can still have a say. However, this Biao Ge is different. He has always been working under the big boss of our Jiangnan Province, Hu Ye. He is a remarkable figure. I'm afraid my father will need to intervene to deal with him. My influence might not be enough." Although Han Shao was quite arrogant, his face turned serious when talking about Biao Ge. He didn't dare to make empty boasts.

At this moment, Liu Hui coldly stared at Manager Yang and Ling Ling.

"What's going on?" Manager Yang asked with displeasure, glaring at Liu Hui.

The pale-faced man lying on the ground saw Manager Yang and clung to his leg, crying out loudly, "Uncle, this guy bullied me. Please help me!"

Manager Yang, upon seeing his nephew being knocked down by Liu Hui, a flash of anger crossed his face. "Who are you? Have you gone mad? How dare you act so recklessly on my territory!"

Liu Hui remained calm in the face of Manager Yang's questioning.

"Manager Yang, why don't you ask your nephew what he did wrong?"

The pale-faced man quickly exaggerated the incident, adding more details.

Liu Hui saw that there were no major differences in the story and chose not to refute.

"Xiaohong, it seems that all of this was caused by you," Manager Yang stared at Xiaohong's face with a cold tone.

"Yes... yes, Manager Yang. It's my fault. I'm willing to apologize," Manager Yang put great psychological pressure on Xiaohong, and she could barely speak.

"Very well. Since you spilled red wine on his shoes, you will now lick them clean. That's how this matter will be settled," Manager Yang made an unacceptable demand.

Xiaohong's face turned pale, and although she wanted to refuse, she couldn't gather the courage to do so.

Liu Hui didn't expect Manager Yang to be so shameless, openly favoring his nephew and making such a humiliating request.

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Liu Hui angrily stood in front of Xiaohong and berated, "Manager Yang, if you have any issues, come at me. But bullying a defenseless woman like this, have you lost all sense of morality?"

Moved by Liu Hui's defense, Xiaohong burst into tears and quickly stepped forward, saying, "Manager Yang, this matter is all my fault. It has nothing to do with Xiaohui. He's just a student. Please don't vent your anger on him."

Time after time [I don't know what to put here so I put this by TL :)], Liu Hui was challenged by one person after another, causing Manager Yang's face to darken.

Manager Yang pointed at Liu Hui and angrily shouted, "Who are you? Why are you wearing our bar's uniform? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Today, Su Fei isn't feeling well, so I asked Xiaohui to cover for her," Xiaohong quickly explained when she saw Manager Yang's anger.

"Nonsense! This isn't a place where you can just switch roles at will. If you don't give an explanation today, you won't walk out of this door!" Manager Yang became furious and pointed at Liu Hui, demanding an explanation.

Han Shao couldn't help but sigh and said, "Tianhe, your cousin is in trouble this time. He actually provoked Manager Yang. But let him taste some bitterness and gain some experience."

Fang Tianhe stood to the side, nodding obediently without daring to voice any objections.

"You want an explanation? Very well, I'll give you one today!" Liu Hui had already found Manager Yang disagreeable, but now he was asking Xiaohong to lick his nephew's shoes clean.

This level of humiliation was beyond acceptable.

Manager Yang thought that Liu Hui would back down, so he became even more arrogant.

He took a glass of red wine from the side and splashed some on his own shoes.

"Kid, your request is the same as Xiaohong's. As long as you lick my shoes clean, I'll spare your life today!"

Liu Hui suddenly burst into laughter, taking everyone by surprise.

"Hehe! An explanation? I'll show you what an explanation is right now!"

Manager Yang immediately sensed that something was wrong and tried to step back, but Liu Hui had already made his move, slapping him across the face.


Manager Yang was sent flying, spinning in the air before crashing onto a table at the back, sending items on the table flying everywhere.

Manager Yang was about to get up, but Liu Hui was already in front of him, grabbing his hair and relentlessly punching his face.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Everyone in the bar could clearly hear the sound of the slaps.

"I let you be arrogant, and you even dared to make Xiaohong lick your shoes!"

"I let you be reckless, and you openly favored your nephew!"

"I let you be domineering, and you dared to oppress the bar's staff!"

"I let you be proud, and you dared to act insolently in front of me!"


With each sentence, Liu Hui delivered another slap to Manager Yang's face.

After a series of about ten slaps, Manager Yang's face was swollen and bruised. He was trembling on the ground, unable to utter a word.

"Biao Ge is here!"

At that moment, a command was suddenly heard at the entrance of the bar.

"Biao Ge? Could it be our big shot in Chu City? Why would he come to the bar?"

"Could it be that he heard about Manager Yang being beaten?"

The people in the bar turned pale and quickly distanced themselves from Liu Hui and Manager Yang, fearing that Biao Ge would redirect his anger towards them.

"Tianhe, your cousin is in big trouble now. Biao Ge is a big shot in Chu City. He never shows mercy when he makes a move. Your cousin might end up disabled even if he doesn't die! Now, it's useless even if I speak up. It's better to keep a low profile as a person. Being as high-profile as your cousin is simply seeking death!" Han Shao looked at Liu Hui, who was standing upright, and shook his head in disdain at his behavior.