
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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Chapter 23 I am a Cultivator of Immortals


Liu Hui had just activated the Starry Body Refining Technique and felt a surge of heat flowing into his body, initiating the tempering process.

He experienced a pain that was difficult to put into words, knowing that it was the effect of the medicine, condensing the results that would usually take days into this short period of time.

The stronger the medicinal effect, the better the results, but also the more painful it was.

Liu Hui knew that the maximum effect of the medicine was only at the beginning and would gradually weaken until it became ineffective.

Not wanting to waste the effect, he repeatedly practiced the Starry Body Refining Technique, and the heat within his body grew stronger.

"Crack!" Liu Hui seemed to hear a breakthrough in a certain level within his body. His whole body felt warm and full of strength, an indescribable comfort as if the previous pain had never happened.

Liu Hui opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of impure blood, his face full of smiles. He realized that the effect of this medicinal bath was truly extraordinary. This blood was the impurities within his body that would usually take over twenty days to expel through regular cultivation.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Hui casually waved his arm and felt that he could now defeat the previous him who hadn't experienced this breakthrough. Indeed, after breaking through the body refinement realm, everything was different. As long as it wasn't a situation where a dozen people simultaneously aimed guns at him, he no longer feared ordinary firearms. Finally, he had a bit of self-defense ability.

Unfortunately, this medicinal bath was too expensive. The 60,000 yuan Zhao Shijing gave him would only cover the cost for two treatments. Moreover, due to the lack of spiritual energy on Earth, the medicinal properties of the herbs were greatly diminished, and the effectiveness for Liu Hui's early body refinement stage would be significantly reduced. Thinking of this, a bitter smile flashed across Liu Hui's face.

Fortunately, he had just obtained one million from Biao Ge, so he could continue to buy medicinal herbs. However, he wasn't sure how effective these ordinary herbs would be for his body refinement stage. Liu Hui had already reached the early stage of body refinement, taking the first step towards cultivating immortality. Although this step was minuscule, it held great significance for him.

Since he had already made the breakthrough, Liu Hui didn't plan to sleep. After all, cultivation could fully replace sleep. So, he directly left the Moon Peace community.

It was now dawn, and the bright moonlight illuminated the earth. The streets were empty, occasionally a car passed by, creating a serene atmosphere.

Liu Hui headed straight for the Chuanshan Park, returning to the place where he first cultivated.

"Hmm, strange. It seems someone has been here?" Liu Hui was surprised to find traces at his cultivation spot.

This place was carefully chosen by Liu Hui and was extremely secluded, hardly anyone would come here.

However, the concentration of spiritual energy here was better than other places on the mountain. Through Liu Hui's cultivation, the flowers and trees in this area had grown more vibrant than elsewhere.

Having no clue, Liu Hui stopped thinking and simply sat on the ground, starting to cultivate the Starry Body Refining Technique.

As soon as Liu Hui sat down to cultivate, he felt that something was off. The concentration of spiritual energy here was beyond his expectations.

Carefully operating his technique to investigate, Liu Hui finally discovered the reason. This place had become the spiritual eye of the entire Chuanshan Park.

Originally, this spot was the most spiritually dense location in Chuanshan Park, just one step away from becoming the park's spiritual eye.

That step could potentially take several decades to truly achieve, assuming there were no environmental disruptions or abnormal fluctuations in spiritual energy in the park.

However, through Liu Hui's cultivation here, drawing the essence of the sun, moon, and stars, it indirectly led to the formation of this spiritual eye.

Liu Hui couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Spiritual energy is a type of life energy that greatly benefits the human body.

This is why cultivators in the immortal cultivation world rely on spiritual energy for cultivation rather than other forms of energy.

Although his Starry Body Refining Technique at the current stage can rely on the power of the stars and medicinal herbs for cultivation, the role of spiritual energy is irreplaceable.

With the spiritual eye, the speed of his body's recovery would become faster, allowing him to break through to higher levels in the body refinement realm more quickly.

Time flies while cultivating. In the blink of an eye, the sun rose from the east, and Liu Hui spent the entire night cultivating in Chuanshan Park.

Exhaling deeply, Liu Hui stood up from the ground. His body emitted cracking sounds, and he moved his body, feeling an infinite amount of strength as if he could shatter a mountain with a single punch.

Of course, this was just an illusion caused by the significant increase in his strength after the breakthrough. Unable to resist the urge, Liu Hui clenched his fist and struck a nearby large tree.


The tree shook violently, and leaves fell from the branches. A large hole appeared on the trunk.

This tree was much stronger than a human body, and ordinary people wouldn't be able to withstand Liu Hui's strength.

"Great technique!"

A voice of admiration came from behind. Liu Hui turned around and saw an elderly man in Tang dynasty attire, an elegant woman, and a robust middle-aged man.

These three were the same individuals Liu Hui encountered at Zhihe Tang, with the Tang dynasty-dressed elderly man still in a coma at that time.

As soon as the elegant woman saw Liu Hui turn around, she recognized his identity and whispered something in the ear of the Tang-dressed elderly man.

"It turns out to be the benefactor who saved my life! I am Chen Kai. I sincerely thank the benefactor for saving me!" Chen Kai's face changed, and he hurriedly bowed and saluted Liu Hui.

Liu Hui quickly stepped aside, not daring to accept the elder's gesture. "You're too kind! Mr. Chen wasn't in any serious danger at the time. I merely offered a small suggestion."

Chen Kai, a military man with a commanding presence and the scars from his gunshot wound in his younger days, was most likely a high-ranking military officer.

Military personnel of his age had made significant contributions to the country, and Liu Hui felt it was inappropriate to accept such a gesture after merely offering some advice.

However, Chen Kai solemnly said, "Although the benefactor only provided guidance, there is no doubt that you saved this old man's life. I, Chen Kai, am not someone who forgets kindness and betrays gratitude. I will never forget the life-saving grace of the benefactor! Yixin, come and pay your respects to the benefactor!"

After Chen Kai finished speaking, he immediately urged the elegant woman next to him to salute Liu Hui.

Liu Hui couldn't help but admire Chen Kai's integrity. This kind of person was truly fair-minded, straightforward, and not comparable to those who say one thing but act differently behind someone's back.

"Mr. Chen, there's really no need to be so polite. My name is Liu Hui, but you can call me Xiaohui. Please don't call me benefactor anymore; it feels quite awkward." Liu Hui felt a bit helpless. Chen Kai was truly too particular about etiquette.

Although Liu Hui said so, Chen Yixin, the elegant woman, dared not show any negligence. "Thank you, Mr. Liu, for saving my grandfather's life. I was disrespectful before. Please forgive me!"

Liu Hui actually had a good impression of Chen Yixin. Her attitude at that time was acceptable, and she didn't ridicule or let her bodyguards teach Liu Hui a lesson.

"Miss Chen, not at all! If it weren't for you blocking them, I would have been beaten by your bodyguards." Liu Hui smiled and said.

Upon hearing Liu Hui's words, a faint smile appeared on Chen Yixin's cold face, like a flower blooming in the cold winter, extremely stunning.