
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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Chapter 2 Star Refining Body

On the bus, Liu Hui closed his eyes and recalled the memories of the immortal.

As the immortal memories were too vast, Liu Hui could only slowly recollect the memories he needed for his cultivation, bit by bit.

Cultivators are divided into ten major realms:

Body Tempering

Qi Refining

Foundation Establishment

Core Formation

Nascent Soul

Soul Transformation

Void Refinement



Tribulation Crossing

In the immortal memories, cultivators at the Tribulation Crossing realm were called Xianzuns, and they were the most outstanding figures in the universe, with a lifespan of several tens of millions of years.

They were an awe-inspiring existence that no one dared to provoke. With just a single strike, a cultivator at the Tribulation Crossing realm could shatter stars and there was no one in the universe who could challenge them.

Of course, at present, the Tribulation Crossing realm was still too far away for Liu Hui to reach. However, the Body Tempering realm was divided into the early, middle, and late stages.

According to the description in his memories, reaching the late stage of Body Tempering was already rare on Earth and ordinary firearms and ammunition were no longer effective.

As for the Qi Refining realm, that is the true entry point of cultivation.

Cultivators can draw on the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and possess all sorts of incredible abilities, almost like immortals.

Just as Liu Hui was recalling the wonders of cultivation, the electronic announcement on the bus indicated that they had arrived at Chuanshan Park station.

Liu Hui stopped thinking and eagerly got off the bus. At the entrance of Chuanshan Park, several stone tablets displayed the historical landmarks and attractions of the park.

However, Liu Hui was not in the mood to pay attention to these and went straight into the park, choosing a spot to start his climb up the mountain.

As the sun began to set towards the west, Liu Hui found a secluded area in the woods halfway up the mountain and sat down on the ground.

He started to perform his techniques, attempting to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and cultivate the first realm of Body Tempering

After half an hour, Liu Hui opened his eyes, feeling both excited and helpless. He was excited because he had already sensed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the memories of the immortal were indeed true.

However, he was helpless because the spiritual energy on Earth was too thin, and it would take a long time to successfully cultivate through meditation and absorption.

"The spiritual energy environment on Earth is really not suitable for cultivators. I am afraid that I will be the only cultivator on Earth. But it's okay. As long as I can cultivate to the level of refining Qi, then who on Earth can threaten me?" Due to the scarce spiritual energy, Liu Hui feels discouraged.

However, looking at the optimistic side, as long as he can cultivate to the level of Qi refining, he can completely ignore modern weapons such as airplanes and cannons, except for nuclear weapons which can pose a threat to him on Earth.

"At the pinnacle of the body-refining realm, there is immense strength in every movement, and the lifespan can reach up to 150 years, making them almost superhuman. The Qi-refining realm is even more remarkable, as it begins to possess magical powers, able to command the winds and rain, and perform miracles. In the eyes of ordinary people, these practitioners have become like immortals. The lifespan of a Qi-refining practitioner can reach 300 years, and it's possible that the myths and legends of ancient times on Earth were based on witnessing these practitioners' abilities and spreading the stories among the common people."

"At the innate realm, all impurities and dust are cleansed from the body, leaving the practitioner pure and untainted like a newborn baby. Once a cultivator steps into the innate realm, they become completely distinct from ordinary people, like a new species altogether. Innate realm cultivators can live up to five or six hundred years, able to fly through the air and travel from the northern sea to the western hills, making them practically invincible. If this isn't what an immortal is, then what is?"

"With the current spiritual environment on Earth, being able to cultivate to the Qi-refining realm is already a blessing, so there's no need to consider the innate realm for now."

"What cultivation method should I use to refine my body?" Liu Hui temporarily dispelled his dillusions on reaching the innate realm and began to recall the cultivation methods for the body-refining realm from his memory.

"I've got it! Since the spiritual energy is insufficient, the Starry Sky Body-Refining Art is simply the best choice!"

The Starry Sky Body Refining Technique is an entry-level skill of the Starry Sky Sect, one of the major sects in the cultivation world.

It relies on absorbing the power of the stars to refine the body and is considered the strongest technique for body refining.

However, in the cultivation world, very few people choose to cultivate it because the body refining and Qi refining realms are only entry-level realms and it is not worth spending too much time on them. After cultivating it, one still needs to switch to other techniques.

In a world with abundant spiritual energy, the Starry Sky Body Refining Technique is slower to cultivate compared to other techniques that rely on spiritual energy.

As a result, except for members of the Starry Sky Sect, almost no one cultivates the Starry Sky Body Refining Technique.

However, this is not a problem on Earth. Although the spiritual energy on Earth is insufficient, countless stars in the sky emit star power that envelops the Earth.

Compared to other methods that rely on spiritual energy, the star-imbued body-refining technique that utilizes star power is definitely faster.

Liu Hui immediately decided to practice the star-imbued body-refining technique and would consider changing methods after reaching the Qi-refining period.

He began to recall the incantations of the star-imbued body-refining technique and gradually entered a state of cultivation.

As Liu Hui gradually entered into his cultivation, in the dimly lit forest at dusk, some silver-white light scattered from the sky and rushed into Liu Hui's body.

Time passed, the moon rose and set, the sun set and rose again. It was now dawn.

He had actually been sitting under the tree practicing all night.

Luckily, this place was remote and although it belonged to the Cross Mountain Park, there were not many people coming up the mountain, so he wasn't disturbed.

As the sun rose, Liu Hui suddenly opened his mouth and a grayish air flow spurted out from it. This was the impurity that was expelled from his body.

At this moment, Liu Hui opened his eyes and emitted a brilliant light. If there were anyone beside him, they would understand the true meaning of the ancient saying.

"producing electricity from the void."

"The Starry Body Refining Art is truly extraordinary. After one night of practice, I feel that some of the impurities in my body have been eliminated, and my whole body is filled with strength. Now, my strength has increased by at least twice! Even my slightly nearsighted eyes have been restored to normal, or even better than normal, able to see farther and more clearly!"

Liu Hui couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the cultivation techniques of immortals are truly well-deserved of their reputation.

He has already gained such great benefits even before entering the body-refining realm.

Liu Hui noticed that the sun had already risen, it was already morning and he was ready to leave.

When he stood up, he saw that the flowers, plants, and trees around where he had practiced seemed particularly vibrant and full of life.

"I didn't expect that the scattered star power would have such a great impact on these plants."

Liu Hui realized that this was the effect of the star power he absorbed from the stars in the sky during his practice.

These plants would grow better than those in other parts of the mountain, just as people who live in a spiritual environment are generally healthier than ordinary people.

This is really somewhat like.

"when one man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven" - Liu Hui couldn't help but be filled with anticipation for his future life.